Hey, it's a binder.
Due to my schedule, it may take a couple days or longer before I can ship out- I don't expect you to ship until I do.
I'm willing to ship first if you want me to, but don't be surprised if I ask you to ship first is you have few/no completed trades. I am also currently only willing to trade to the US/Canada.
Typically, I ship in a plain white envelope with the cards sleeved in toploaders wrapped in bubble wrap, sent as nonmachinable. I will change this for a large trade. Tracking is available upon request or with trades of $20 or more.
Just in case you didn't notice or I entered it wrong, I will inform you of a card's set before I ship. Sorry if this annoys you.
I have bulk commons/uncommons from M14 forward.
Generally willing to trade for shocks/fetches/non-rotating staples.
Printings and Oddities (SHOW)
Printings and Oddities (HIDE)
This section is for unsupported printings (which have not been added yet) and other oddities.
NOTE: For some reason, my language coding was removed and I'm too lazy to put it back in, so- some of the commons/uncommons are foreign and I have some more foreign C/UC from Conspiracy, Theros block, and Tarkir block. Again, too lazy to log them all, just ask me if you're looking for something.
Printings: Orator of Ojutai x2 are the FNM promo. Xathrid Necromancer is the repackage promo. Mastery of the Unseen is the prerelease promo. Lumbering Falls is the prerelease promo. Also, Path to Exile is the FNM promo, not the DCI promo.
Misprints: Dawn to Dusk is miscut ([Pic](http://i.imgur.com/HOHb3M1.jpg?1)). Eron the Relentless is miscut ([Pic](http://i.imgur.com/BhuNnAS.jpg)). Gaea's Touch has misaligned text ([Pic](http://i.imgur.com/h4KIrCF.jpg?2))
Signed: The Chinese Slaughter Games
is signed by Steve Prescott, the artist ([Pic](http://i.imgur.com/c9pnsyD.jpg?1)) as are two of the English ones ([Pic](http://i.imgur.com/rqbKJQ9.jpg?1)).
Other: An Abzan Beastmaster
sealed promo pack ([Pic](http://i.imgur.com/6BDAq8E.jpg), [Pic](http://i.imgur.com/WO2O0up.jpg)), containing five copies of the card plus a back card. I also have an unredeemed card for one month of SCG Premium. I believe I also have a Theros Elspeth emblem stashed away somewhere.
Trade History (SHOW)
Trade History (HIDE)
Current trades:
rmorrissey99 appears to have disappeared after I asked him if he could send first.
marz1342 has stopped responding after I sent my end, and I have not received his.
I have completed trades with and can vouch for the following users: addaff, aeonstoremyliver, ATREYUty, bigguy99, GeminiSpartanX, Hallowed_Titan, Hellhawk, jpv, kmcree, kyuuri117, mathimus55, metljoe, MindAblaze, notamardybum, PhyrexianScience, pskinn01, user:rakdos24, Spinalripper, The Doctor, ThisIsBullshit, twospires. Plus anyone in my completed trades list that I may have missed.