Getting back into the game after years of no playing. I'm really enjoying it again.

I would love to make some new friends and deck making partners. Anyone from CT that would like casual play would be awesome as well.

I am Blue/White
I am Blue/White
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MTG Decks

red devote

Standard operationremie

SCORE: 1 | 245 VIEWS

Halfdane No Creatures

Commander / EDH* operationremie


Aurelia is Iron Man

Commander / EDH* operationremie


Ghost Council Loves Takeout

Commander / EDH* operationremie

SCORE: 1 | 240 VIEWS

Finished Decks 88
Prototype Decks 30
Drafts 4
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Venues The Game Lounge, Arkham Asylum, Ice Imports
Joined 13 years