MTG List: Cards That Are Useful In Star Format
Creature (60)
- 1x Abomination
- 1x Akroma, Angel of Fury
- 1x Akroma, Angel of Wrath
- 1x Amphibious Kavu
- 1x Angel of Jubilation
- 1x Auriok Champion
- 1x Barbed-Back Wurm
- 1x Black Knight
- 1x Bloated Toad
- 1x Bog Gnarr
- 1x Burrenton Forge-Tender
- 1x Chameleon Colossus
- 1x Coast Watcher
- 1x Crusading Knight
- 1x Daraja Griffin
- 1x Darkwatch Elves
- 1x Death Speakers
- 1x Defender of Law
- 1x Dunerider Outlaw
- 1x Eastern Paladin
- 1x Fiendslayer Paladin
- 1x Glade Gnarr
- 1x Great Sable Stag
- 1x Homarid Shaman
- 1x Hunting Drake
- 1x Irini Sengir
- 1x Ivory Guardians
- 1x Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
- 1x Karmic Guide
- 1x Karoo Meerkat
- 1x Karplusan Strider
- 1x Kavu Runner
- 1x King Crab
- 1x Lawbringer
- 1x Lifebane Zombie
- 1x Lightwielder Paladin
- 1x Major Teroh
- 1x Marauding Knight
- 1x Master of Predicaments
- 1x Mindsparker
- 1x Mistcutter Hydra
- 1x Mold Adder
- 1x Nantuko Blightcutter
- 1x Northern Paladin
- 1x Phantom Centaur
- 1x Phyrexian Reaper
- 1x Phyrexian Slayer
- 1x Pygmy Kavu
- 1x Quarum Trench Gnomes
- 1x Scragnoth
- 1x Southern Paladin
- 1x Spectral Force
- 1x Spellbane Centaur
- 1x Spinal Villain
- 1x Stromgald Cabal
- 1x Tidebinder Mage
- 1x Western Paladin
- 1x Whirling Dervish
- 1x Wilderness Hypnotist
- 1x Witchstalker
Sorcery (17)
Enchantment (46)
- 1x Absolute Grace
- 1x Absolute Law
- 1x Black Scarab
- 1x Black Ward
- 1x Breath of Dreams
- 1x Chill
- 1x Circle of Protection: Black
- 1x Circle of Protection: Red
- 1x Compost
- 1x Controlled Instincts
- 1x Crown of Awe
- 1x Deathgrip
- 1x Douse
- 1x Dread of Night
- 1x Dream Tides
- 1x Drought
- 1x Dystopia
- 1x Elephant Grass
- 1x Encase in Ice
- 1x Essence Leak
- 1x Eyes of the Wisent
- 1x Gloom
- 1x Havoc
- 1x Heat Wave
- 1x Heroism
- 1x High Seas
- 1x Hobble
- 1x Insight
- 1x Lifeforce
- 1x Light of Day
- 1x Magistrate's Veto
- 1x Magnetic Mountain
- 1x Mask of Law and Grace
- 1x Mind Harness
- 1x Nature's Wrath
- 1x Putrefaction
- 1x Red Scarab
- 1x Red Ward
- 1x Royal Decree
- 1x Snake Pit
- 1x Sphere of Grace
- 1x Sphere of Law
- 1x Thelon's Curse
- 1x Tidal Control
- 1x Wrath of Marit Lage
- 1x Yawgmoth's Edict
Instant (35)
- 1x Active Volcano
- 1x Autumn's Veil
- 1x Blue Elemental Blast
- 1x Burnout
- 1x Celestial Purge
- 1x Chaotic Backlash
- 1x Cinder Cloud
- 1x Combust
- 1x Consign to Dream
- 1x Display of Dominance
- 1x Ether Well
- 1x Execute
- 1x Filigree Fracture
- 1x Flash Flood
- 1x Flashfreeze
- 1x Guttural Response
- 1x Hibernation
- 1x Hydroblast
- 1x Inquisitor's Snare
- 1x Lightning Dart
- 1x Luminesce
- 1x Nemesis Trap
- 1x Omen of Fire
- 1x Parch
- 1x Permafrost Trap
- 1x Pyroblast
- 1x Reap
- 1x Red Elemental Blast
- 1x Rending Volley
- 1x Ricochet Trap
- 1x Seedtime
- 1x Sirocco
- 1x Slay
- 1x Soul Rend
- 1x Suffocation