Hobo Mode Engage. I have sworn an oath to not buy cards. I will not buy them singly or packaged in boosters/boxes/etc. Effectively this means all my cards are old hand-me-downs, culled from free bins, or overflow from friends who simply had too many. This translates to a card base overflowing with commons, some uncommons, and next to zero rares. Mythic rares do not exist. That said, my decks are about making the most of what I've got.

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MTG Decks


Casual* pieceofsoap


Gruul Agro

Casual pieceofsoap


Revolting Sacrifice Engine (Duels)

Magic Duels pieceofsoap

SCORE: 1 | 781 VIEWS

Finished Decks 21
Prototype Decks 18
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Casual
Joined 12 years