MTG List: Mtg Salvation Hidden Gems
Creature (382)
- 1x Abyssal Persecutor
- 1x Admonition Angel
- 1x Aeon Chronicler
- 1x Aerie Mystics
- 1x Agent of Masks
- 1x Aladdin
- 1x Alluring Siren
- 1x Angry Mob
- 1x Anowon, the Ruin Sage
- 1x Apocalypse Hydra
- 1x Arbiter of Knollridge
- 1x Augury Adept
- 1x Aura Thief
- 1x Avatar of Slaughter
- 1x Aven Mindcensor
- 1x Avenging Druid
- 1x Ayumi, the Last Visitor
- 1x Azure Mage
- 1x Barbarian Guides
- 1x Barrin, Master Wizard
- 1x Battletide Alchemist
- 1x Benevolent Bodyguard
- 1x Big Game Hunter
- 1x Blood Artist
- 1x Blood Speaker
- 1x Bloodhusk Ritualist
- 1x Bloodshot Cyclops
- 1x Body Snatcher
- 1x Bogardan Phoenix
- 1x Bone Dancer
- 1x Brass Squire
- 1x Brontotherium
- 1x Brooding Saurian
- 1x Budoka Gardener Flip
- 1x Burning-Tree Shaman
- 1x Callous Oppressor
- 1x Cao Ren, Wei Commander
- 1x Capricious Efreet
- 1x Captivating Vampire
- 1x Carrionette
- 1x Cartographer
- 1x Caustic Wasps
- 1x Cemetery Puca
- 1x Cephalid Constable
- 1x Champion of Lambholt
- 1x Chandra's Phoenix
- 1x Charmbreaker Devils
- 1x Charnelhoard Wurm
- 1x Chisei, Heart of Oceans
- 1x Cho-Arrim Alchemist
- 1x Chromeshell Crab
- 1x Clone Shell
- 1x Coffin Queen
- 1x Coiling Oracle
- 1x Copperhoof Vorrac
- 1x Corpse Connoisseur
- 1x Corpse Harvester
- 1x Crusading Knight
- 1x Crypt Rats
- 1x Dark Impostor
- 1x Darksteel Sentinel
- 1x Dauntless Escort
- 1x Dawnstrider
- 1x Deathbringer Thoctar
- 1x Deathless Angel
- 2x Deepfire Elemental
- 1x Detritivore
- 1x Devoted Caretaker
- 1x Devouring Strossus
- 1x Diaochan, Artful Beauty
- 1x Disciple of Griselbrand
- 1x Djinn of Wishes
- 1x Dogged Hunter
- 1x Dominating Licid
- 1x Dowsing Shaman
- 1x Dream Fighter
- 1x Dreamscape Artist
- 1x Drift of Phantasms
- 1x Drumhunter
- 1x Dust Elemental
- 1x Dwarven Blastminer
- 1x Eater of the Dead
- 1x Echo Mage
- 1x Elvish Aberration
- 1x Elvish Pioneer
- 1x Emissary of Despair
- 1x Empress Galina
- 1x Engulfing Slagwurm
- 1x Entrails Feaster
- 1x Epochrasite
- 1x Ethersworn Canonist
- 1x Faerie Macabre
- 1x Falkenrath Noble
- 1x False Prophet
- 1x Fangren Marauder
- 1x Fatestitcher
- 1x Ferropede
- 1x Fertilid
- 1x Fiend Hunter
- 1x Fierce Empath
- 1x Filth
- 1x Flesh-Eater Imp
- 1x Fleshwrither
- 1x Floodgate
- 1x Flowstone Overseer
- 1x Forgotten Ancient
- 1x Fortune Thief
- 1x Fountain Watch
- 1x Frontier Guide
- 1x Fumiko the Lowblood
- 1x Fungal Shambler
- 1x Furnace Dragon
- 1x Furystoke Giant
- 1x Gaea's Avenger
- 1x Galvanoth
- 1x Gamekeeper
- 1x Garruk's Packleader
- 1x Garza Zol, Plague Queen
- 1x Geralf's Mindcrusher
- 1x Ghost-Lit Stalker
- 1x Ghosts of the Innocent
- 1x Gilded Drake
- 1x Gilder Bairn
- 1x Glint-Eye Nephilim
- 1x Glissa Sunseeker
- 1x Glory
- 1x Goblin Assassin
- 1x Goblin Clearcutter
- 1x Goblin Grenadiers
- 1x Golgari Grave-Troll
- 1x Gomazoa
- 1x Gorilla Shaman
- 1x Graceful Antelope
- 1x Graveborn Muse
- 1x Grozoth
- 1x Guardian Beast
- 1x Guiltfeeder
- 1x Gurzigost
- 1x Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer
- 1x Haazda Shield Mate
- 1x Hamletback Goliath
- 1x Harbinger of Night
- 1x Harmonic Sliver
- 1x Hateflayer
- 1x Hearthcage Giant
- 1x Heartwood Storyteller
- 1x Helldozer
- 1x Hellkite Charger
- 1x Hell's Caretaker
- 1x Herald of Leshrac
- 1x Hoard-Smelter Dragon
- 1x Hoarding Dragon
- 1x Homura, Human Ascendant Flip
- 1x Horobi, Death's Wail
- 1x Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
- 1x Ifh-Biff Efreet
- 1x Intrepid Hero
- 1x Invader Parasite
- 1x Ixidron
- 1x Jade Mage
- 1x Juniper Order Ranger
- 1x Junk Diver
- 1x Kagemaro, First to Suffer
- 1x Karplusan Yeti
- 1x Kavu Predator
- 1x Keldon Firebombers
- 1x Keldon Marauders
- 1x Kiku, Night's Flower
- 1x Knotvine Mystic
- 1x Kukemssa Pirates
- 1x Kuro, Pitlord
- 1x Laquatus's Champion
- 1x Llanowar Druid
- 1x Llawan, Cephalid Empress
- 1x Loyal Sentry
- 1x Magus of the Jar
- 1x Magus of the Library
- 1x Magus of the Unseen
- 1x Mannichi, the Fevered Dream
- 1x Markov Blademaster
- 1x Marrow Chomper
- 1x Marsh Flitter
- 1x Marton Stromgald
- 1x Masked Admirers
- 1x Master Thief
- 1x Masumaro, First to Live
- 1x Meddling Mage
- 1x Merfolk Thaumaturgist
- 1x Merfolk Traders
- 1x Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker
- 1x Mindbender Spores
- 1x Mindclaw Shaman
- 1x Mindless Automaton
- 1x Mindshrieker
- 1x Mindslicer
- 1x Mindwrack Liege
- 1x Minion of Leshrac
- 1x Moggcatcher
- 1x Molder Slug
- 1x Molten Hydra
- 1x Mortivore
- 1x Mycoloth
- 1x Myr Moonvessel
- 1x Nacatl War-Pride
- 1x Nantuko Cultivator
- 1x Necroskitter
- 1x Necrotic Ooze
- 1x Nether Traitor
- 1x Netherborn Phalanx
- 1x Nim Devourer
- 1x Ninja of the Deep Hours
- 1x Nomad Mythmaker
- 1x Offalsnout
- 1x Ogre Geargrabber
- 1x Ogre Menial
- 1x Omnibian
- 1x Oni of Wild Places
- 1x Orcish Lumberjack
- 1x Orcish Settlers
- 1x Paleoloth
- 1x Panglacial Wurm
- 1x Patron of the Moon
- 1x Patron of the Orochi
- 1x Pawn of Ulamog
- 1x Peacekeeper
- 1x Phyrexian Gargantua
- 1x Phyrexian Infiltrator
- 1x Pit Spawn
- 1x Plaguebearer
- 1x Plaguemaw Beast
- 1x Planar Guide
- 1x Plaxcaster Frogling
- 1x Preacher
- 1x Pride of the Clouds
- 1x Priest of Yawgmoth
- 1x Psychatog
- 1x Psychosis Crawler
- 1x Pygmy Hippo
- 1x Quagmire Druid
- 1x Quicksilver Gargantuan
- 1x Radha, Heir to Keld
- 1x Rapacious One
- 1x Rathi Fiend
- 1x Rats of Rath
- 1x Raven Familiar
- 1x Rayne, Academy Chancellor
- 1x Reassembling Skeleton
- 1x Reborn Hero
- 1x Reveille Squad
- 1x Riftsweeper
- 1x Rimefeather Owl
- 1x Rimescale Dragon
- 1x Riptide Shapeshifter
- 1x Roil Elemental
- 1x Rootwater Thief
- 1x Royal Assassin
- 1x Ruin Ghost
- 1x Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro
- 1x Sadistic Hypnotist
- 1x Sage of Lat-Nam
- 1x Sailmonger
- 1x Samite Elder
- 1x Samurai of the Pale Curtain
- 1x Sandsower
- 1x Sangromancer
- 1x Saprazzan Bailiff
- 1x Sawtooth Loon
- 1x Scandalmonger
- 1x Scarwood Bandits
- 1x Scourge of Kher Ridges
- 1x Scryb Ranger
- 1x Scute Mob
- 1x Seahunter
- 1x Seedguide Ash
- 1x Seht's Tiger
- 1x Seizan, Perverter of Truth
- 1x Sengir Autocrat
- 1x Sensation Gorger
- 1x Serendib Sorcerer
- 1x Shadowmage Infiltrator
- 1x Shauku, Endbringer
- 1x Shifty Doppelganger
- 1x Shinen of Life's Roar
- 1x Shivan Wurm
- 1x Silklash Spider
- 1x Silverglade Pathfinder
- 1x Silvos, Rogue Elemental
- 1x Skarrgan Firebird
- 1x Skarrgan Skybreaker
- 1x Skyshroud Poacher
- 1x Skyshroud War Beast
- 1x Soldevi Adnate
- 1x Soldier of Fortune
- 1x Soltari Visionary
- 1x Songstitcher
- 1x Soul Scourge
- 1x Soul Sculptor
- 1x Soul Snuffers
- 1x Sphinx Ambassador
- 1x Sphinx of Magosi
- 1x Sphinx of Uthuun
- 2x Spike Cannibal
- 1x Spirit en-Dal
- 1x Spitemare
- 1x Squallmonger
- 1x Stalking Vengeance
- 1x Stalking Yeti
- 1x Standard Bearer
- 1x Starke of Rath
- 1x Steelshaper Apprentice
- 1x Stingscourger
- 1x Stinkweed Imp
- 1x Stone-Seeder Hierophant
- 1x Stoneshaker Shaman
- 1x Stormfront Riders
- 1x Stormtide Leviathan
- 1x Stronghold Overseer
- 1x Stun Sniper
- 1x Supreme Inquisitor
- 1x Sylvan Safekeeper
- 1x Tangle Angler
- 1x Tar Fiend
- 1x Tempting Licid
- 1x Thalakos Deceiver
- 1x Thelonite Druid
- 1x Thermopod
- 1x Thicket Elemental
- 1x Thopter Assembly
- 1x Thought Gorger
- 1x Thoughtpicker Witch
- 1x Thresher Beast
- 1x Thunderblust
- 1x Tilling Treefolk
- 1x Time Elemental
- 1x Tolarian Entrancer
- 1x Tomoya the Revealer Flip
- 1x Tornado Elemental
- 1x Tradewind Rider
- 1x Tree of Redemption
- 1x Treefolk Harbinger
- 1x Trusted Advisor
- 1x Undead Gladiator
- 1x Urborg Syphon-Mage
- 1x Ursapine
- 1x Varchild's War-Riders
- 1x Vedalken Aethermage
- 1x Vedalken Mastermind
- 1x Vedalken Plotter
- 1x Verdant Force
- 1x Veteran Explorer
- 1x Vhati il-Dal
- 1x Vigilant Martyr
- 1x Viridian Emissary
- 1x Viscera Seer
- 1x Voidmage Husher
- 1x Voidstone Gargoyle
- 1x Voracious Cobra
- 1x Vulshok Battlemaster
- 1x Walking Atlas
- 1x Wall of Nets
- 1x War Elemental
- 1x Warbreak Trumpeter
- 1x Werewolf Ransacker Flip
- 1x Whippoorwill
- 1x Whirlpool Drake
- 2x Whirlpool Warrior
- 1x Whitemane Lion
- 1x Wilderness Elemental
- 1x Willow Satyr
- 1x Winged Coatl
- 1x Witch Hunter
- 1x Woebearer
- 1x Wood Sage
- 1x Woodripper
- 1x World Queller
- 1x Wormfang Manta
- 1x Yomiji, Who Bars the Way
- 1x Yore-Tiller Nephilim
Sorcery (224)
- 1x Acid Rain
- 1x Acidic Soil
- 1x Advice from the Fae
- 1x Aether Snap
- 1x Aftershock
- 1x Airborne Aid
- 1x Altar of Bone
- 1x Amnesia
- 1x Ancestral Memories
- 1x Animal Magnetism
- 1x Artful Dodge
- 1x Ashen Powder
- 1x Ashes to Ashes
- 1x Barrin's Spite
- 1x Bitter Ordeal
- 1x Blasphemous Act
- 1x Brainspoil
- 1x Breakthrough
- 1x Brightflame
- 1x Brilliant Ultimatum
- 1x Burn at the Stake
- 1x Calming Verse
- 1x Cannibalize
- 1x Caustic Rain
- 1x Chain of Acid
- 1x Chain Reaction
- 1x Chill of Foreboding
- 1x Choice of Damnations
- 1x Cleansing
- 1x Cleansing Meditation
- 1x Commune with Nature
- 1x Consuming Vapors
- 1x Creeping Corrosion
- 1x Creeping Renaissance
- 1x Crime / Punishment
- 1x Cultural Exchange
- 1x Curse of the Cabal
- 1x Dead Reckoning
- 1x Deadshot
- 1x Death or Glory
- 1x Death Wish
- 1x Death's Duet
- 1x Decimate
- 1x Diabolic Intent
- 1x Dimensional Breach
- 1x Din of the Fireherd
- 1x Disaster Radius
- 1x Divine Reckoning
- 1x Drafna's Restoration
- 1x Drain Power
- 1x Dregs of Sorrow
- 1x Dust to Dust
- 1x Enshrined Memories
- 1x Eradicate
- 1x Essence Filter
- 1x Eternal Dominion
- 1x Evangelize
- 1x Explore
- 1x Explosive Revelation
- 1x Exsanguinate
- 1x Fade Away
- 1x Faithless Looting
- 1x Fanning the Flames
- 1x Far Wanderings
- 1x Farseek
- 1x Fathom Trawl
- 1x Feudkiller's Verdict
- 1x Final Judgment
- 1x Fissure Vent
- 1x Flame Fusillade
- 1x Flux
- 1x Footsteps of the Goryo
- 1x Fossil Find
- 1x Fumarole
- 1x Gaea's Balance
- 1x Gift of Estates
- 1x Gleeful Sabotage
- 1x Global Ruin
- 1x Govern the Guildless
- 1x Grim Discovery
- 1x Grizzly Fate
- 1x Gruesome Encore
- 1x Guided Passage
- 1x Hammer of Bogardan
- 1x Head Games
- 1x Hellfire
- 1x Hex
- 1x Hoarder's Greed
- 1x Hunting Triad
- 1x Hunting Wilds
- 1x Icefall
- 1x Identity Crisis
- 1x Ignite Memories
- 1x Ill-Gotten Gains
- 1x Illicit Auction
- 1x Illuminate
- 1x Increasing Devotion
- 1x Infernal Contract
- 1x Into the Maw of Hell
- 1x Irresistible Prey
- 1x Jaws of Stone
- 1x Juxtapose
- 1x Kaboom!
- 1x Kaervek's Torch
- 1x Knowledge Exploitation
- 1x Laquatus's Creativity
- 1x Leeches
- 1x Library of Lat-Nam
- 1x Mana Geyser
- 1x Mana Vapors
- 1x Mass Polymorph
- 1x Metallic Mastery
- 1x Mind Extraction
- 1x Mindblaze
- 1x Mine Excavation
- 1x Minions' Murmurs
- 1x Mogg Infestation
- 1x Molten Psyche
- 1x Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
- 1x Mystic Retrieval
- 1x Mystic Speculation
- 1x New Frontiers
- 1x Nightmare Incursion
- 1x Nostalgic Dreams
- 1x Notorious Throng
- 1x Noxious Vapors
- 2x Phthisis
- 1x Phyrexian Purge
- 1x Phyrexian Rebirth
- 1x Phyrexian Tribute
- 1x Plague of Vermin
- 1x Plague Wind
- 1x Planar Birth
- 1x Planar Overlay
- 1x Political Trickery
- 1x Primal Command
- 1x Psychotic Episode
- 1x Pure / Simple
- 1x Pyrrhic Revival
- 1x Quiet Speculation
- 1x Rain of Daggers
- 1x Rain of Thorns
- 1x Raven's Crime
- 1x Razia's Purification
- 1x Reap and Sow
- 1x Rebuking Ceremony
- 1x Recall
- 1x Recoup
- 1x Recross the Paths
- 1x Recurring Insight
- 1x Reign of Chaos
- 1x Relearn
- 1x Remember the Fallen
- 1x Repay in Kind
- 1x Retribution of the Meek
- 1x Revenge of the Hunted
- 1x Revive
- 1x Revoke Existence
- 1x Rhystic Syphon
- 1x Riding the Dilu Horse
- 1x Rites of Spring
- 1x Ritual of the Machine
- 1x Rivals' Duel
- 1x Rofellos's Gift
- 1x Rude Awakening
- 1x Rush of Knowledge
- 1x Sadistic Sacrament
- 1x Saltblast
- 1x Savor the Moment
- 1x Scapeshift
- 1x Scrounge
- 1x Search for Survivors
- 1x Seize the Day
- 1x Sever the Bloodline
- 1x Shard Convergence
- 1x Shattering Spree
- 1x Shatterstorm
- 1x Shrouded Lore
- 1x Skittering Invasion
- 1x Skyshroud Claim
- 1x Slave of Bolas
- 1x Soul Exchange
- 1x Soul's Majesty
- 1x Soulscour
- 1x Spelltwine
- 1x Steelshaper's Gift
- 1x Stench of Evil
- 1x Stitch in Time
- 1x Stitch Together
- 1x Stomp and Howl
- 1x Stunted Growth
- 1x Superior Numbers
- 1x Supply / Demand
- 1x Sylvan Scrying
- 1x Temporal Cascade
- 1x Temporal Extortion
- 1x Temporary Truce
- 1x Three Dreams
- 1x Time Reversal
- 1x Torrent of Souls
- 1x Tower Above
- 1x Trade Secrets
- 1x Transmute Artifact
- 1x Tunnel Vision
- 1x Turbulent Dreams
- 1x Twist Allegiance
- 1x Twisted Justice
- 1x Vengeful Rebirth
- 1x Victimize
- 1x Void
- 1x Volcanic Eruption
- 1x Volcanic Wind
- 1x Waiting in the Weeds
- 1x Wake of Destruction
- 1x Wash Out
- 1x Wave of Reckoning
- 1x Weird Harvest
- 1x Winds of Change
- 1x Winter Blast
- 1x World at War
- 1x Worldpurge
- 1x Worm Harvest
Land (35)
- 1x Bad River
- 1x Blinkmoth Nexus
- 1x Buried Ruin
- 1x Calciform Pools
- 1x City of Shadows
- 1x Coral Atoll
- 1x Dormant Volcano
- 1x Everglades
- 1x Flood Plain
- 1x Ghost Town
- 1x Glacial Chasm
- 1x Haunted Fengraf
- 1x Ice Floe
- 1x Island of Wak-Wak
- 1x Jungle Basin
- 1x Karoo
- 1x Keldon Necropolis
- 1x Khalni Garden
- 1x Magosi, the Waterveil
- 1x Mosswort Bridge
- 1x Mountain Valley
- 1x Mouth of Ronom
- 1x Nephalia Drownyard
- 1x Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
- 1x Phyrexia's Core
- 1x Riftstone Portal
- 1x Rocky Tar Pit
- 1x Safe Haven
- 1x Soldevi Excavations
- 1x Spinerock Knoll
- 1x Springjack Pasture
- 1x Tarnished Citadel
- 1x Tower of the Magistrate
- 1x Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper
- 1x Windbrisk Heights
Unknown (2)
- 1x Grassland
- 1x Scorched Ruin
Planeswalker (1)
Enchantment (324)
- 1x AEther Barrier
- 1x AEther Flash
- 1x Aggravated Assault
- 1x An-Zerrin Ruins
- 1x Ancestral Knowledge
- 1x Angelic Renewal
- 1x Angelic Shield
- 1x Animal Boneyard
- 1x Arboria
- 1x Arcane Laboratory
- 1x Arcane Melee
- 1x Archmage Ascension
- 1x Arenson's Aura
- 1x Artificer's Intuition
- 1x Astral Slide
- 1x Aura of Silence
- 1x Aurification
- 1x Awakening
- 1x Back to Basics
- 1x Backfire
- 1x Binding Grasp
- 1x Black Market
- 1x Blanket of Night
- 1x Bloodchief Ascension
- 1x Braid of Fire
- 1x Brand of Ill Omen
- 1x Breeding Pit
- 1x Broken Fall
- 1x Burgeoning
- 1x Burning Sands
- 1x Call of the Wild
- 1x Canopy Cover
- 1x Captivating Glance
- 1x Captive Flame
- 1x Carnival of Souls
- 1x Carpet of Flowers
- 1x Carry Away
- 1x Cast Through Time
- 1x Celestial Convergence
- 1x Celestial Mantle
- 1x Cessation
- 1x Chains of Mephistopheles
- 1x Chamber of Manipulation
- 1x Chaos Moon
- 1x Charisma
- 1x Circle of Despair
- 1x Citadel of Pain
- 1x City of Solitude
- 1x Clash of Realities
- 1x Cloud Cover
- 1x Concordant Crossroads
- 1x Confusion in the Ranks
- 1x Conquer
- 1x Copy Artifact
- 1x Copy Enchantment
- 1x Cover of Darkness
- 1x Cover of Winter
- 1x Cowardice
- 1x Crackdown
- 1x Cradle of Vitality
- 1x Cream of the Crop
- 1x Crescendo of War
- 1x Curse of Echoes
- 1x Custody Battle
- 1x Damping Field
- 1x Dance of Many
- 1x Dark Suspicions
- 1x Dauthi Embrace
- 1x Dawn of the Dead
- 1x Death Match
- 1x Deathgrip
- 1x Declaration of Naught
- 1x Decree of Silence
- 1x Defensive Formation
- 1x Delaying Shield
- 1x Desolation
- 1x Diabolic Servitude
- 1x Diplomatic Immunity
- 1x Dire Undercurrents
- 1x Diversionary Tactics
- 1x Divine Presence
- 1x Dragon Shadow
- 1x Dragon Wings
- 1x Dream Tides
- 1x Dreams of the Dead
- 1x Dual Nature
- 1x Dystopia
- 1x Earnest Fellowship
- 1x Earthlink
- 1x Elemental Mastery
- 1x Elkin Lair
- 1x Embargo
- 1x Enchanted Evening
- 1x Endless Horizons
- 1x Endless Whispers
- 1x Enduring Renewal
- 1x Energy Field
- 1x Energy Flux
- 1x Engineered Plague
- 1x Enslave
- 1x Equilibrium
- 1x Equinox
- 1x Equipoise
- 1x Everlasting Torment
- 1x Exclusion Ritual
- 1x Eyes of the Wisent
- 1x Fable of Wolf and Owl
- 1x Faces of the Past
- 1x Fanatical Devotion
- 1x Favor of the Mighty
- 1x Field of Dreams
- 1x Fool's Demise
- 1x Foster
- 1x Freyalise's Radiance
- 1x Furnace Celebration
- 1x Furnace of Rath
- 1x Gaea's Touch
- 1x Gate to Phyrexia
- 1x Ghitu War Cry
- 1x Glacial Crevasses
- 1x Glacial Plating
- 1x Goblin Caves
- 1x Goblin War Drums
- 1x Gratuitous Violence
- 1x Gravestorm
- 1x Greater Realm of Preservation
- 1x Greed
- 1x Grim Feast
- 1x Grip of Chaos
- 1x Ground Seal
- 1x Guilty Conscience
- 1x Hall of Gemstone
- 1x Hanna's Custody
- 1x Haunted Crossroads
- 1x Hecatomb
- 1x Hibernation's End
- 1x Holistic Wisdom
- 1x Homarid Spawning Bed
- 1x Honden of Seeing Winds
- 1x Hunting Grounds
- 1x Ice Cave
- 1x Iceberg
- 1x In the Eye of Chaos
- 1x In the Web of War
- 1x Infernal Darkness
- 1x Infernal Tribute
- 1x Infiltrator's Magemark
- 1x Inheritance
- 1x Invasion Plans
- 1x Inviolability
- 1x Invoke Prejudice
- 1x Jihad
- 1x Justice
- 1x Karma
- 1x Karmic Justice
- 1x Koskun Falls
- 1x Land Equilibrium
- 1x Land's Edge
- 1x Larceny
- 1x Last Laugh
- 1x Legacy's Allure
- 1x Lethal Vapors
- 1x Leyline of Lifeforce
- 1x Leyline of Singularity
- 1x Liability
- 1x Life and Limb
- 1x Lifeforce
- 1x Lignify
- 1x Living Plane
- 1x Lurking Predators
- 1x Maelstrom Nexus
- 1x Mana Chains
- 1x Mana Flare
- 1x Mana Maze
- 1x Manabarbs
- 1x Manabond
- 1x March of the Machines
- 1x Mark of the Oni
- 1x Marshal's Anthem
- 1x Martyr's Cause
- 1x Measure of Wickedness
- 1x Meishin, the Mind Cage
- 1x Merseine
- 1x Mind Harness
- 1x Mind Unbound
- 1x Mindmoil
- 1x Mirri's Guile
- 1x Mirror Sheen
- 1x Mist of Stagnation
- 1x Mudslide
- 1x Mystic Restraints
- 1x Nature's Will
- 1x Nature's Wrath
- 1x Necrogenesis
- 1x Necromancer's Covenant
- 1x Necrotic Plague
- 1x Nettlevine Blight
- 1x Night Dealings
- 1x Night of Souls' Betrayal
- 1x Night Soil
- 1x No Mercy
- 1x Null Chamber
- 1x Null Profusion
- 1x Oath of Ghouls
- 1x Oath of Lieges
- 1x Oath of Lim-Dul
- 1x One with Nature
- 1x Onslaught
- 1x Opal Acrolith
- 1x Oubliette
- 1x Overabundance
- 1x Overburden
- 1x Pain Magnification
- 1x Palliation Accord
- 1x Paradox Haze
- 1x Parallel Thoughts
- 1x Pariah
- 1x Pattern of Rebirth
- 1x Pendrell Mists
- 1x Perilous Forays
- 1x Personal Sanctuary
- 1x Phyrexian Etchings
- 1x Phyrexian Reclamation
- 1x Phyrexian Tyranny
- 1x Planar Chaos
- 1x Planeswalker's Mischief
- 1x Polluted Bonds
- 1x Porphyry Nodes
- 1x Precognition
- 1x Price of Glory
- 1x Primal Order
- 1x Prison Term
- 1x Privileged Position
- 1x Promise of Bunrei
- 1x Proper Burial
- 1x Protective Sphere
- 1x Psychic Overload
- 1x Psychic Possession
- 1x Psychic Surgery
- 1x Puca's Mischief
- 2x Pursuit of Knowledge
- 1x Quest for Renewal
- 1x Raging River
- 1x Reality Acid
- 1x Reconnaissance
- 1x Relic Bane
- 1x Relic Putrescence
- 1x Repercussion
- 1x Rewards of Diversity
- 1x Rhystic Circle
- 1x Righteous Aura
- 1x Risky Move
- 1x Rite of Passage
- 1x Rites of Flourishing
- 1x Ritual of Subdual
- 1x Royal Decree
- 1x Rule of Law
- 1x Runed Halo
- 1x Season of the Witch
- 1x Second Chance
- 1x Seer's Vision
- 1x Seismic Assault
- 1x Shimmer
- 1x Shivan Harvest
- 1x Sigil of the New Dawn
- 1x Smoke
- 1x Snake Umbra
- 1x Song of Serenity
- 1x Soothsaying
- 1x Soul Snare
- 1x Spellweaver Volute
- 1x Spidersilk Armor
- 1x Spirit Loop
- 1x Spreading Plague
- 1x Squee's Embrace
- 1x Steal Artifact
- 1x Steal Enchantment
- 1x Steely Resolve
- 1x Strands of Night
- 1x Subversion
- 1x Suppression Field
- 1x Tainted AEther
- 1x Take Possession
- 1x Task Mage Assembly
- 1x Tectonic Instability
- 1x Teferi's Moat
- 1x Teferi's Veil
- 1x Telepathy
- 1x Territorial Dispute
- 1x Thought Reflection
- 1x Tidal Control
- 1x Titania's Song
- 1x Tombstone Stairwell
- 1x Tornado
- 1x Tortured Existence
- 1x Total War
- 1x Trade Routes
- 1x Training Grounds
- 1x Tranquil Grove
- 1x Traveler's Cloak
- 1x Treasure Trove
- 1x True Conviction
- 1x Uncontrolled Infestation
- 1x Unfulfilled Desires
- 1x Unlikely Alliance
- 1x Unnatural Hunger
- 1x Vampiric Link
- 1x Vernal Equinox
- 1x Vile Requiem
- 1x War Tax
- 1x War's Toll
- 1x Web of Inertia
- 1x Weight of Conscience
- 1x Wellspring
- 1x Wheel of Sun and Moon
- 1x Wild Evocation
- 1x Wild Research
- 1x Words of Wilding
- 1x Words of Wind
- 1x Worms of the Earth
- 1x Zur's Weirding
Instant (224)
- 1x Abolish
- 1x AEthermage's Touch
- 1x Afterlife
- 1x Angelic Favor
- 1x Annul
- 1x Arcane Denial
- 1x Argivian Find
- 1x Artifact Mutation
- 1x Aura Barbs
- 1x Aura Mutation
- 1x Avoid Fate
- 1x Back to Nature
- 1x Backlash
- 1x Balduvian Rage
- 1x Batwing Brume
- 1x Bind
- 1x Blazing Salvo
- 1x Bound / Determined
- 1x Brand
- 1x Brightstone Ritual
- 1x Broken Visage
- 1x Cackling Counterpart
- 1x Cauldron Dance
- 1x Cerebral Vortex
- 1x Chill to the Bone
- 1x Cinder Cloud
- 1x Clinging Mists
- 1x Clockspinning
- 1x Congregation at Dawn
- 1x Constant Mists
- 1x Contagion
- 1x Corpse Dance
- 1x Cremate
- 1x Crib Swap
- 1x Crosis's Charm
- 1x Curfew
- 1x Dangerous Wager
- 1x Dash Hopes
- 1x Dawn Charm
- 1x Dead / Gone
- 1x Death Denied
- 1x Death Spark
- 1x Debt of Loyalty
- 1x Deglamer
- 1x Delay
- 1x Delirium
- 1x Demonic Consultation
- 1x Discombobulate
- 1x Disharmony
- 1x Dismal Failure
- 1x Dizzy Spell
- 1x Dominate
- 1x Dream Fracture
- 1x Equal Treatment
- 1x Erratic Mutation
- 1x Ether Well
- 1x Evolution Charm
- 1x Exile *list*
- 1x Eye for an Eye
- 1x Faerie Trickery
- 1x Familiar's Ruse
- 1x Festival
- 1x Fight to the Death
- 1x Fire Covenant
- 1x Firestorm
- 1x Fissure
- 1x Flash Foliage
- 1x Foil
- 1x Foreshadow
- 1x Frantic Search
- 1x Gather Specimens
- 1x Glamerdye
- 1x Gnaw to the Bone
- 1x Grab the Reins
- 1x Grim Reminder
- 1x Grip of Amnesia
- 1x Harmonic Convergence
- 1x Hero's Demise
- 1x Humble
- 1x Hunter's Insight
- 1x Hurkyl's Recall
- 1x Imp's Mischief
- 1x Imps' Taunt
- 1x Induce Paranoia
- 1x Insidious Dreams
- 1x Into the Core
- 1x Jabari's Influence
- 1x Judge Unworthy
- 1x Keep Watch
- 1x Lavaball Trap
- 1x Logic Knot
- 1x Long-Term Plans
- 1x Lure of Prey
- 1x Mages' Contest
- 1x Magnetic Theft
- 1x Makeshift Mannequin
- 1x Mana Short
- 1x Mana Tithe
- 1x Master Warcraft
- 2x Memory's Journey
- 1x Mercadia's Downfall
- 1x Mercy Killing
- 1x Metamorphose
- 1x Might of the Nephilim
- 1x Miraculous Recovery
- 1x Mirror Strike
- 1x Mirrorweave
- 1x Misdirection
- 1x Mogg Salvage
- 1x Momentous Fall
- 1x Moment's Peace *list*
- 1x Moonlight Bargain
- 1x Muddle the Mixture
- 1x Murderous Spoils
- 1x Nameless Inversion
- 1x Nature's Claim
- 1x Nemesis Trap
- 1x Not of this World
- 1x Noxious Revival
- 1x Odds / Ends
- 1x Omen of Fire
- 1x Overwhelming Intellect
- 1x Ovinize
- 1x Parallectric Feedback
- 1x Patrician's Scorn
- 1x Perplex
- 1x Plagiarize
- 1x Plunge into Darkness
- 1x Pongify
- 1x Predict
- 1x Prophetic Bolt
- 1x Pulse of the Grid
- 1x Purify the Grave
- 1x Radiate
- 1x Rapid Fire
- 1x Ravenous Trap
- 1x Read the Runes
- 1x Reality Ripple
- 1x Reality Spasm
- 1x Realms Uncharted
- 1x Reap
- 1x Rebuff the Wicked
- 1x Reckless Spite
- 1x Reflect Damage
- 1x Reincarnation
- 1x Reinforcements
- 1x Reins of Power
- 1x Repopulate
- 1x Reroute
- 1x Reviving Vapors
- 1x Reward the Faithful
- 1x Riddle of Lightning
- 1x Rites of Initiation
- 1x Rites of Refusal
- 1x Rootgrapple
- 1x Rushing River
- 1x Sacrifice
- 1x Scatter the Seeds
- 1x Scattering Stroke
- 1x Scout's Warning
- 1x Seedtime
- 1x Sewers of Estark
- 1x Shadow of Doubt
- 1x Shattering Pulse
- 1x Shred Memory
- 1x Shriveling Rot
- 1x Simulacrum
- 1x Siren's Call
- 1x Skeletal Scrying
- 1x Slaughter
- 1x Slaughter Pact
- 1x Slice in Twain
- 1x Snakeform
- 1x Snuff Out
- 1x Songs of the Damned
- 1x Soul Manipulation
- 1x Spelljack
- 1x Spinal Embrace
- 1x Spite / Malice
- 1x Spoils of Evil
- 1x Sprout Swarm
- 1x Sprouting Vines
- 1x Spy Network
- 1x Strength of the Tajuru
- 1x Submerge
- 1x Sudden Death
- 1x Sudden Spoiling
- 1x Suffer the Past
- 1x Surprise Deployment
- 1x Swerve
- 1x Syncopate
- 1x Tainted Pact
- 1x Tainted Strike
- 1x Tangle
- 1x Teferi's Response
- 1x Telekinesis
- 1x Telling Time
- 1x Temporary Insanity
- 1x Thunderheads
- 1x Thwart
- 1x Tidal Wave
- 1x Tolarian Winds
- 1x Trailblazer
- 1x Treacherous Urge
- 1x Truce
- 1x Truth or Tale
- 1x Turn the Tables
- 1x Turnabout
- 1x Unmake
- 1x Urborg Justice
- 1x Urza's Rage
- 1x Vanish into Memory
- 1x Vengeful Dreams
- 1x Waylay
- 1x Wheel and Deal
- 1x Whim of Volrath
- 1x Winter's Chill
- 1x Withdraw
- 1x Withering Boon
- 1x Word of Command
- 1x Words of Wisdom
- 1x Worldly Counsel
- 1x Worthy Cause
Artifact (205)
- 1x Altar of Shadows
- 1x Amulet of Unmaking
- 1x Amulet of Vigor
- 1x Angelheart Vial
- 1x Arena of the Ancients
- 1x Ashes of the Fallen
- 1x Avarice Totem
- 1x Barl's Cage
- 1x Belbe's Portal
- 1x Bloodletter Quill
- 1x Book of Rass
- 1x Bosium Strip
- 1x Bottled Cloister
- 1x Brittle Effigy
- 1x Bubble Matrix
- 1x Candles of Leng
- 1x Cauldron of Souls
- 1x Charmed Pendant
- 1x Chimeric Egg
- 1x Citanul Flute
- 1x Claws of Gix
- 1x Clock of Omens
- 1x Cold Storage
- 1x Colfenor's Urn
- 1x Conversion Chamber
- 1x Crawlspace
- 1x Credit Voucher
- 1x Crown of the Ages
- 1x Crumbling Sanctuary
- 1x Cryptic Gateway
- 1x Crystal Ball
- 1x Crystal Chimes
- 1x Crystal Shard
- 1x Culling Dais
- 1x Culling Scales
- 1x Cursed Totem
- 1x Damping Engine
- 1x Darksteel Pendant
- 1x Defense Grid
- 1x Despotic Scepter
- 1x Distorting Lens
- 1x Dragon Mask
- 1x Dreamstone Hedron
- 1x Druidic Satchel
- 1x Echo Chamber
- 1x Elixir of Immortality
- 1x Empyrial Plate
- 1x Eon Hub
- 1x Erratic Portal
- 1x Eternity Vessel
- 1x Explorer's Scope
- 1x Fellwar Stone
- 1x Fireshrieker
- 1x Fist of Suns
- 1x Forcefield
- 1x Gauntlets of Chaos
- 1x Gemstone Array
- 1x General's Regalia
- 1x Geth's Grimoire
- 1x Glasses of Urza
- 1x Grafted Wargear
- 1x Grinning Totem
- 1x Gustha's Scepter
- 1x Heartstone
- 2x Helm of Obedience
- 1x Helm of Possession
- 1x Ice Cauldron
- 1x Icy Manipulator
- 1x Illuminated Folio
- 1x Infiltration Lens
- 1x Isolation Cell
- 1x Jabari's Banner
- 1x Jade Monolith
- 1x Jayemdae Tome
- 1x Jester's Cap
- 1x Jester's Mask
- 1x Jeweled Amulet
- 1x Journeyer's Kite
- 1x Juntu Stakes
- 1x Keening Stone
- 1x Kill Switch
- 1x Knowledge Pool
- 1x Krark-Clan Ironworks
- 1x Kusari-Gama
- 1x Kyren Toy
- 1x Lantern of Insight
- 1x Leonin Sun Standard
- 1x Liar's Pendulum
- 1x Library of Leng
- 1x Life Chisel
- 1x Lifeline
- 1x Lightning Coils
- 1x Liquimetal Coating
- 1x Lux Cannon
- 1x Mage Slayer
- 1x Mana Matrix
- 1x Mana Web
- 1x Mangara's Tome
- 1x Manriki-Gusari
- 1x Mask of Riddles
- 1x Meekstone
- 1x Mesmeric Orb
- 1x Mimic Vat
- 1x Mindcrank
- 1x Mindlock Orb
- 1x Mindstorm Crown
- 1x Minion Reflector
- 1x Mirrorworks
- 1x Mizzium Transreliquat
- 1x Moonring Mirror
- 1x Neurok Stealthsuit
- 1x Nightmare Lash
- 1x Nim Deathmantle
- 1x Noetic Scales
- 1x Norn's Annex
- 1x Nova Pentacle
- 1x Null Brooch
- 1x Null Rod
- 1x Obelisk of Bant
- 1x Obelisk of Esper
- 1x Obelisk of Grixis
- 1x Obelisk of Jund
- 1x Obelisk of Naya
- 1x Orochi Hatchery
- 1x Paradise Plume
- 1x Pentad Prism
- 1x Pentagram of the Ages
- 1x Phyrexian Grimoire
- 1x Phyrexian Portal
- 1x Phyrexian Processor
- 1x Phyrexian Splicer
- 1x Piston Sledge
- 1x Portcullis
- 1x Possessed Portal
- 1x Power Conduit
- 1x Power Matrix
- 1x Predator, Flagship
- 1x Pristine Talisman
- 1x Proteus Staff
- 1x Prototype Portal
- 1x Quicksilver Fountain
- 1x Quietus Spike
- 1x Reito Lantern
- 1x Relic Barrier
- 1x Rishadan Pawnshop
- 1x Ronin Warclub
- 1x Runed Stalactite
- 1x Scroll of Origins
- 1x Sculpting Steel
- 1x Scythe of the Wretched
- 1x Seer's Sundial
- 1x Shrine of Loyal Legions
- 1x Skull of Orm
- 1x Skyshaper
- 1x Slate of Ancestry
- 1x Soul Conduit
- 1x Spawning Pit *list*
- 1x Star Compass
- 1x Sun Droplet
- 1x Sundial of the Infinite
- 1x Sunforger
- 1x Sunstone
- 1x Sword of Kaldra
- 1x Sword of the Ages
- 1x Synod Sanctum
- 1x Talisman of Dominance
- 1x Talisman of Impulse
- 1x Talisman of Indulgence
- 1x Talisman of Progress
- 1x Talisman of Unity
- 1x Tangle Wire
- 1x Tawnos's Coffin
- 1x Teferi's Puzzle Box
- 1x Temporal Aperture
- 1x Thornbite Staff
- 2x Thought Dissector
- 1x Thran Tome
- 1x Time Bomb
- 1x Timesifter
- 1x Torpor Orb
- 1x Touchstone
- 1x Tower of Calamities
- 1x Tower of Fortunes
- 1x Trading Post
- 1x Trailblazer's Boots
- 1x Triangle of War
- 1x Tsabo's Web
- 1x Uba Mask
- 1x Umbral Mantle
- 1x Unbender Tine
- 1x Unwinding Clock
- 1x Urza's Filter
- 1x Vedalken Shackles
- 1x Venser's Journal
- 1x Vorrac Battlehorns
- 1x Voyager Staff
- 1x Ward of Bones
- 1x Wayfarer's Bauble
- 1x Well of Discovery
- 1x Well of Lost Dreams
- 1x Wine of Blood and Iron
- 1x Winter Orb
- 1x Worldslayer