qwormuli Was anybody asking? No not at all. Sepiroth doesn't even have a God recovery's, but having three jumps with an impale(three impales) and an up b that can travel a pretty far distance. You should also go back to school cause your spelling is extremely bad. Go read a book instead if try to start arguments online. Probably some 12 year old. Falco isn't situational but easy to edgeguard if that's what your referring to. That's what I FUCKING said, not "it's embarrassing" yea I said that till I realized how good Falco's recovery is, while it's good it's hella easy to edgeguard. I don't need a rundown of the list, your explaining something I already know and since your spelling is so horrible I cant even tell what your trying to argue about. M Hay, Stop with that, It's Embarrassing, like what are you referring to dumb dumb. Before replying back and of you do, learn how to spell dumb fuck.