updated 3/14/2018

Guilty Confession: I am an introvert with learned extrovert habits. After a long day of dealing with people ...

... there is nothing more relaxing than pitting my EDH decks against each other ... and now I have 4 standard legal decks to do the same thing with.

My top single color is consistently blue across different mtg color personality tests. On one test I was equally blue and white and 0 black. Then on a ravnica guild personality test I came out with Dimir. Blue is the main thing that is consistent.

Beyond colors, I did another test that came out "Blue Johnny Melvin". I am not so sure and am still thinking about that.

While I am not up for breaking up any decks I have, I do have a growing collection of unused stuff in my binder and am open to trading for things I "never thought to try before" even if they aren't on my wants list in exchange for cards I tried already and decided not to use.

These are the decks I currently have sleeved up, organized in deck boxes, and ready to go.

EDH is my favorite format. I make 75% decks all the way.

Wort, the Raidmother burn: DISBANDED: cannibalized by new MTG players

Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer mana rock/myr ramp into flyers

Oona, Queen of the Fae artifact ramp into hybrid tokens-mill

Roon of the Hidden Realm flicker shenanigans (waiting for rotation to pick up Thought-Knot Seer

Edric, Spymaster of Trest unlockable dudes with wicked equipment

Ghave, Guru of Spores low cmc curve combos and synergies

Teneb, the Harvester graveyard shenanigans

Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge controlled chaos: Why so serious?

Uril, the Miststalker dorks into umbras and evasion auras

Talrand, Sky Summoner nope

Krenko, Mob Boss chaosy goblins

Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest cheap combat tricks and energy

Vorosh, the Hunter pump-evasion infect (house ruled to 15 poison counters): DISBANDED: traded to a young fan of Phyrexians and used for deckbuilding fodder

I made these from one box of Kaledesh plus a few singles. I got plainswalker sleeves for these so that if kids wanted to pick based on a PW character it would create an opening for MTG vorthosy story-telling.

vehicles/dwarves/servos with Depala, Pilot Exemplar, Master Trinketeer and Chief of the Foundry

vehicles /burn with Night Market Lookout

pummeler with lots of hexproof

gremlin clues (kinda clunky - but hey! Gremlins! Yeah!)

I stick to budget fringe decks.

Modern Norin sisters: a literal test of your ability to keep track of triggers courtesy of Norin the Wary and the soul sisters Soul's Attendant/Suture Priest/Soul Warden and lots of other utility triggers. Magma Jet's scry helps improve consistency.

Modern Delver-Scepter tempo: The trio Delver of Secrets  Flip(Harry)/Young Pyromancer(Ron)/Monastery Swiftspear(Hermione) go get their Isochron Scepters (wands) and try to escape the clutches of needing to buy Snapcaster Mage (voldemort?)

Legacy Stasis old school Vigilance beats with a soft Forsaken City lock (at least it's relatively soft as far as stasis goes - it is still stasis) - oh yeah!

"Vintage" Temur Channel + Fireball yeahIdid

Tiny Leaders Kemba, Kha Regent equipment/tokens

PDH green stompy - draw

PDH naya old school COP with ramp. You're welcome.

Rotatoes If Frontier prints reasonably decent GY hate, I might update: aristocrats and landfall stomps.

It is easy to forget the humans behind all the internet words. Just in case you wanted to know, this is a bit about the person behind this profile.

Two of the only things that have remained consistent over the decades have been budget MTG decks and teaching math (usually algebra and stats).

Other things I like and would do again include teaching science, teaching intro coding, tutoring, volunteering, tabletop RPGs (mainly GURPS), the latest installment of the Legend of Zelda, the newish Star Wars Destiny card and dice game, keeping animals (dogs, cats, ferrets, fish, hamsters, turtles, lizards), gardening (especially from seeds and weeding), cooking (have won at least one contest), campfires, and fine arts (have made my own playmats and jewelry and given art as gifts but never sold any)

I am a single white female. All of these things are solidly rooted in who I am. I like my independence.

I am pushing 40 already! As I crest the top of that hill I glance behind and remember many adventures. It seems to me that I have thus far had more than my fair share of both good luck and bad luck.

I am not very much changed from who I was as a teenager although I have not lived in my parent's basement for 20 years now (I just visit often). However, the world including family, friends, and the  culture itself have all changed quite a bit! I have grown pretty quiet and distanced from socio-political divisions and have resorted to intensified escapism. I love the quiet that has settled in over my life.

My tradebinder is in flux. Kids have at it multiple days each week.

The standard decks on my profile are lender decks for kids at card club learning to play. Dinosaurs ended up being the deck I adopted for myself.

MTG Decks

Batten Down the Hatches

Standard guessling


Death by Tickling

Standard guessling



Standard guessling


Energy Master

Commander / EDH guessling


Finished Decks 38
Prototype Decks 12
Drafts 0
Playing since Fallen Empires
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 4.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 39 / 28
Joined 12 years