
My one regret is not being around during the Alara reset as I have a passion for gold-colored cards and missing that set was quite saddening. Gold cards always take me to back to Ravnica when we had our play circle at our house, and nearly the entire Magic community in the town would come to join in.

Decks I'd like to try out:

The Thinking Man's MonoGreen Dovahkiin Kresh Rocks Fall Everyone Dies (EDH)
Junk Walkers
Elf Wave
Zombies Should be Plentiful
Guerilla Gloryscale (see what he did thar?)
What? Attack? Fog
Golems Anew
Get Over Here!
Heartless Transmuter
Pussy In Botts

Decks I want to make an attempt at:

An Island Home Deck. - Always wanted to make these useless cards worth something, someday.
Something Green+Black.
Something Green+blue.
Naya, Jund, etc
A Mayael's Aria+Mossbridge Troll deck.

Decks I'm finished with:

Beware of the Golems Customized (Standard)
These Vamps Really do Suck!...Blood (Extended)
These Vamps Really do Suck!...Blood (Modern/Legacy)
Singleton Chaos, Battle of Wits (Legacy)
Invasion Chaos: Dominion over Vintage (Legacy/Vintage)

Decks I'm purchasing:

Beware of the Golems Customized (Standard)

Cards I Recently Acquired:

I just started collecting magic cards again. I live in China but they have drafts here (which means I have to memorize cards based on pictures. heh. Here are cards I've started to add to my binder.

Creeping Renaissance (Chinese version. For the Eat Me deck)
Cudgel Troll (Uncommon, but fits in my deck Eat Me.)
Coalition Relic
Ratchet Bomb (A Good rare to have, really)
Essence of the Wild(For deck, Beware of Golems)
Liege of the Tangle (For deck, Eat Me.)
Elder of Laurels
Heartless Summoning(Just a good enchant to have for future deck creation)

Decks I'm working on:

Birds Customized
Viashino Peasant/Pauper
Gorilla Gloryscale Customized

Decks I'm Playtesting.

Hi, I'm Indestructable and Hexproof!
Rising Bloodshed Vamp Aggro
Boros Finest


Nate James

Things I Hate

I fucking hate Jitte. Jesus Tits I hate that card. And counters. Counters can suck it. One of my favorite cards is Autumn Veil because you can simply say "go fuck yourself" to counter spells.

I play Magic on Magic Workstation because I live in China. I used to have a pretty amazing card collection - probably like everyone here - and then I sold it because, living in China, I really never play paper magic. Can't get the 5 colors out of my veins though.

I like reading about pro tours and stuff even though I know I'll never be one. I like tinkering with casual decks knowing that that's all they'll ever be. I play for the fun of it and to slowly get better and stop sucking... someday.

MTG Decks

Gorilla Gloryscale Customized

Legacy rajin

SCORE: 1 | 629 VIEWS

Invasion Chaos: Domion over Vintage

Vintage rajin

SCORE: 1 | 472 VIEWS

Eat Me.

Modern* rajin

SCORE: 1 | 436 VIEWS

Simic Aggro

Standard rajin


Finished Decks 15
Prototype Decks 5
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 1.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 13 years