Quick Bio:

Hi, I started playing mtg back in onslaught block and stopped for a while around guildpact/dissension. I played "Carte" earlier in the year, and Day[9] mentioning RTR got me to get some new cards, start building a standard collection and find a FNM place to get some regular play in.

Format = Standard, Guild = Azorius, Playstyle = Aggro, Experimenting = adding card draw power to an aggro playstyle while still keeping it viable.

Long Bio: I started playing magic around the time onslaught came out. I started off small like most people, but a kind stranger (from the gaming club I was in) donated a nice-sized (around 200 or so?) collection of cards to me which allowed me to get a nice head start and immerse myself with some of the pre-onslaught cards and their mechanics. I played several years of casual games with friends and gradually built up a modest collection until I found most of the people I played with had pretty much stopped playing. So around the time guildpact/dissension hit, I decided to store my collection since since I could not bring myself to part ways with what I spent so much time to put together. Essentially, Ravnica marked the end of my magic career until...

About 7 years later, I was watching a Day[9] daily and heard him talking about his RTR pre-release experience. That caught my attention as it brought back feelings of nostalgia and I decided I would try to find a place to get back into magic. After searching and finding a FNM place fairly close to home, buying an intro pack, fat packs, some boosters and some singles: I'm now making a new collection from scratch (as I temporarily don't have access to my old collection) and aiming to play at a more competitive level than before.

Main format is Standard to help ease my way back into getting to know the cards again.

Current Guild is Azorius (I played Boros in Ravnica and this is the closest in RTR being law makers vs law enforcers and having a large human composition) and I suck at SC2 lol

My preferred playstyle is to go aggro to kill the opponent as fast as possible but at the same time making myself not too vulnerable (if possible).

I also played a game called "Carte" back when it first started and am trying to see if I can adapt some of the philosophies of that game here (ex. one is to have a fair amount of ways to draw/fetch cards to prevent deck from stalling out).

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MTG Decks

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Finished Decks 115
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Favorite formats Standard
Joined 12 years