MTG List: Merieke Ri Berit list EDH


Tap (181)

Draw (36)

Life gain (23)

Filter (13)

Hate (12)

Steal (9)

Counters (6)

Drain (4)

Token (2)

Mana drain (1)

Mill (1)

Resurrection (1)

Tokens (1)

Untap (60)

Sacrifice (47)

Combat (41)

Protection (39)

Removal (30)

Misc (29)

Control (12)

Fixing (8)

Recursion (8)

Ramp (7)

Wrath (4)

Other (1)

Counter (1)

Mana sink (1)

Tamp (1)


Deck Functions

The eventual deck that will come out of this will use Merieke Ri Berit and other tapping creatures to control the board. The main focus of the deck will be to get a slight engine of cards that can effect the board with activated tap abilities and ways to untap those cards. This engine should be protected and used to gain political leverage as you can have effect on trades in other peoples combat steps. Next up I want to have a few sub themes that utilize the strengths of the deck.


There are a fair few cards akin to Merieke that can also steal cards from opponents, usually this is temporary though. These cards are useful to have in the deck too as it can help further control the board by breaking up combos or just snatching nice things so that I can use them and they also combo well with the next sub-theme


Since we will have a large number of "free" creatures, sacrifice is an interesting mechanic now. If we sacrifice the creature "captured" by Merieke right before untapping her we can get some extra value out of it. Sacrifice also has a second function besides the relatively cheap value, it can also help us to kill creatures that we only control until the end of the turn, as no one wants to get a used creature back now, would they ;-)

Mana Filtering

There are also some cards in the deck that (usually with a tap ability) allow us to generate any colour mana. This is ofcourse useful in allowing us to run more colour dependant cards without having to worry as much about our manabase. The primary reason for these cards is however to be able to activate the abilities of creatures we steal. We wouldn't ordinarily be able to do anything with a creature whose soul purpouse is to have an activated ability that uses say green mana, but if we can get green mana this creature is suddenly a useful steal for us.


Researched card types

I have added all the possible "untap" cards in the colour identity

Creatures that are usefull when they tap

Sacrifice outlets for my opponents creatures :ℴ=name&page=9&q=%28oracle%3Asacrifice+oracle%3Aa+oracle%3Acreature%29+commander%3AWUB+usd%3C5&unique=cards