MTG List: Modern Tribal List
Creature (177)
- 1x Acid-Spewer Dragon
- 1x Advocate of the Beast
- 1x Amrou Scout
- 1x Angel of Glory's Rise
- 1x Angelic Overseer
- 1x Armament Master
- 1x Atarka, World Render
- 1x Auntie's Snitch
- 1x Auriok Steelshaper
- 1x Ballyrush Banneret
- 1x Battleground Geist
- 1x Battlewand Oak
- 1x Belltoll Dragon
- 1x Benalish Commander
- 1x Black Poplar Shaman
- 1x Blade Splicer
- 1x Blightspeaker
- 1x Bloodline Keeper Flip
- 1x Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
- 1x Boggart Harbinger
- 1x Bosk Banneret
- 1x Brighthearth Banneret
- 1x Captain of the Mists
- 1x Captain of the Watch
- 1x Captivating Vampire
- 1x Caterwauling Boggart
- 1x Cavalry Pegasus
- 1x Cemetery Reaper
- 1x Cenn's Heir
- 1x Centaur Omenreader
- 1x Chameleon Colossus
- 1x Champion of the Parish
- 1x Changeling Titan
- 1x Cloudgoat Ranger
- 1x Coralhelm Commander
- 1x Dauntless Dourbark
- 1x Dearly Departed
- 1x Death Baron
- 1x Defiant Vanguard
- 1x Devout Chaplain
- 1x Diregraf Captain
- 1x Drogskol Captain
- 1x Dromoka, the Eternal
- 1x Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen
- 1x Elvish Archdruid
- 1x Elvish Champion
- 1x Elvish Harbinger
- 1x Evangel of Heliod
- 1x Everbark Shaman
Ezuri, Renegade Leader
- 1x Faerie Harbinger
- 1x Felhide Petrifier
- 1x Field Marshal
- 1x Flamekin Bladewhirl
- 1x Flamekin Harbinger
- 1x Frogtosser Banneret
- 1x Gallows Warden
- 1x Gilt-Leaf Archdruid
- 1x Goblin Chieftain
- 1x Goblin King
- 1x Goblin Piledriver
- 1x Goldmeadow Stalwart
- 1x Gravecrawler
- 1x Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
- 1x Hamlet Captain
- 1x Herald of War
- 1x Horde of Notions
- 1x Iizuka the Ruthless
- 1x Immaculate Magistrate
- 1x Immerwolf
- 1x Incandescent Soulstoke
- 1x Indebted Samurai
- 1x Isao, Enlightened Bushi
- 1x Joraga Warcaller
- 1x Judge of Currents
- 1x Jwari Shapeshifter
- 1x Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund
- 1x Kentaro, the Smiling Cat
- 1x Kinsbaile Borderguard
- 1x Kinsbaile Cavalier
- 1x Kithkin Harbinger
- 1x Kithkin Mourncaller
- 1x Knight Exemplar
- 1x Knucklebone Witch
- 1x Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
- 1x Konda's Hatamoto
- 1x Kragma Warcaller
- 1x Krovikan Mist
- 1x Latchkey Faerie
- 1x Liege of the Tangle
- 1x Lim-Dul the Necromancer
- 1x Lord of Atlantis
- 1x Lord of the Undead
- 1x Lord of the Unreal
Lovisa Coldeyes
- 1x Lowland Oaf
- 1x Lullmage Mentor
- 1x Lys Alana Bowmaster
- 1x Mad Auntie
- 1x Master of the Pearl Trident
- 1x Master Splicer
- 1x Maul Splicer
- 1x Mayor of Avabruck Flip
- 1x Merfolk Sovereign
- 1x Merrow Harbinger
- 1x Merrow Reejerey
- 1x Mirror Entity
- 1x Mistbind Clique
- 1x Myr Battlesphere
- 1x Myr Galvanizer
- 1x Nagao, Bound by Honor
- 1x Nectar Faerie
- 1x Nova Chaser
- 1x Ojutai, Soul of Winter
- 1x Omnath, Locus of Rage
- 1x Oona's Blackguard
- 1x Pack Rat
- 1x Patron of the Akki
- 1x Phantasmal Image
- 1x Pheres-Band Warchief
- 1x Precursor Golem
- 1x Preeminent Captain
- 1x Rageblood Shaman
- 1x Ragemonger
- 1x Raksha Golden Cub
- 1x Ramosian Revivalist
- 1x Rampaging Baloths
- 1x Ravenous Demon Flip
- 1x Rhox Pikemaster
- 1x Rhys the Exiled
- 1x Riders of Gavony
- 1x Riot Ringleader
- 1x Risen Executioner
- 1x Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro
- 1x Scarblade Elite
- 1x Scion of Oona
- 1x Scion of the Ur-Dragon
- 1x Scourge of Valkas
- 1x Sensor Splicer
- 1x Silumgar, the Drifting Death
- 1x Silvergill Adept
- 1x Skirsdag Flayer
- 1x Smokebraider
- 1x Spellstutter Sprite
- 1x Stenchskipper
- 2x Stinkdrinker Bandit
- 1x Stonybrook Banneret
- 1x Stormwing Dragon
- 1x Streambed Aquitects
- 1x Stromkirk Captain
- 1x Supreme Exemplar
- 1x Sygg, River Guide
- 1x Sylvan Messenger
- 1x Takeno, Samurai General
- 1x Taurean Mauler
- 1x Thoughtweft Trio
- 1x Thunderbreak Regent
- 1x Timber Protector
- 1x Titan of Eternal Fire
- 1x Treefolk Harbinger
- 1x Tuktuk the Explorer
- 1x Unbreathing Horde
- 1x Undead Warchief
- 1x Unstoppable Ash
- 1x Utvara Hellkite
- 1x Vampire Nocturnus
- 1x Verdeloth the Ancient
- 1x Veteran Armorsmith
- 1x Veteran Swordsmith
- 1x Vital Splicer
- 1x Wanderwine Prophets
Warren Instigator
- 1x Wing Splicer
- 1x Wizened Cenn
- 1x Wort, Boggart Auntie
- 1x Wren's Run Vanquisher
Land (14)
- 1x Ally Encampment
- 1x Auntie's Hovel
- 1x Crucible of the Spirit Dragon
- 1x Faerie Conclave
- 1x Gilt-Leaf Palace
- 1x Haven of the Spirit Dragon
- 1x Murmuring Bosk
- 1x Primal Beyond
- 1x Secluded Glen
- 1x Seraph Sanctuary
- 1x Sliver Hive
- 1x Swarmyard
- 1x Tomb of Urami
- 1x Wanderwine Hub
Sorcery (14)
- 1x Aquitect's Will
- 1x Boggart Birth Rite
- 1x Crux of Fate
- 1x Dragonstorm
- 1x Entreat the Angels
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Chant
- 1x Goblin Grenade
- 1x Knowledge Exploitation
- 1x March from the Tomb
- 1x Mass Appeal
- 1x Morsel Theft
- 1x Noggin Whack
- 1x Notorious Throng
- 1x Zombie Apocalypse
Artifact (13)
- 1x Bladed Bracers
- 1x Cloak and Dagger
- 1x Coat of Arms
- 1x Grimoire of the Dead
- 1x Hivestone
- 1x Long-Forgotten Gohei
- 1x Myr Matrix
- 1x Myr Reservoir
- 1x Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho
- 1x Scroll of Griselbrand
- 1x Sharpened Pitchfork
- 1x Thornbite Staff
- 1x Veteran's Armaments
Enchantment (12)
- 1x Crucible of Fire
- 1x Dragon Tempest
- 1x Frontier Siege
- 1x Full Moon's Rise
- 1x Halcyon Glaze
- 1x Illusionary Armor
- 1x Mark of the Oni
- 1x Merrow Commerce
- 1x Militia's Pride
- 1x Mobilization
- 1x Retreat to Emeria
- 1x Rise of the Hobgoblins
Planeswalker (5)
Koth of the Hammer
- 1x Nissa, Worldwaker
- 1x Sarkhan the Mad
- 1x Sarkhan Unbroken
- 1x Vraska the Unseen