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scarmask's Binder

1x Door of Destinies is the morningtide foil promo

2x Trostani's Summoner are game day promos

2x Megantic Sliver are prerelease promos

2x Maze's Endfoil are prerelease promos

3x Abhorrent Overlord are prerelease promos

Cards are mostly nm/sp. I just have them sitting in a binder.

Feel free to ask about condition/ set if it concerns you.

I have a collection of Emmara Tandris, and I always welcome more.

Last Update: 8 years ago

-1 Eldrazi Conscription want
-1 Hurkyl's Recall want
-1 Nirkana Revenant want
-1 Oblivion Stone want
-2 Abhorrent Overlord have
-2 Abrupt Decay have
-2 Agent of the Fates have
-1 Akroan Horse have
-1 Anthousa, Setessan Hero have
-1 Ascendant Evincar have
-2 Augur of Bolas have
-2 Biovisionary have
-4 Bitterblossom want
-1 Bitterheart Witch have
-4 Blood Scrivener have
-4 Bloodghast want
-1 Carnival Hellsteed have
-1 Chained to the Rocks have
-1 Chancellor of the Spires have
-2 Chandra's Phoenix have
and 109 other change(s)