MTG List: My Card Collection
Creature (1571)
- 3x Aberrant Researcher Flip
- 2x Abomination of Gudul
- 1x Abundant Maw
- 2x Abzan Battle Priest
- 1x Abzan Falconer
- 1x Abzan Guide
- 2x Academy Raider
- 1x Accursed Spirit
- 1x Advanced Stitchwing
- 1x Advocate of the Beast
- 3x Aeronaut Tinkerer
- 3x Affa Protector
- 1x Agent of Horizons
- 3x Ainok Bond-Kin
- 2x Ainok Tracker
- 1x Ajani's Pridemate
- 3x Ajani's Pridemate
- 2x Akoum Flameseeker
- 5x Alabaster Kirin
- 2x Alpine Grizzly
- 2x Altac Bloodseeker
- 1x Altered Ego
- 3x Amphin Pathmage
- 2x Ancient Crab
- 3x Ancient Silverback
- 1x Angel of Deliverance
- 2x Angelic Wall
- 3x Apothecary Geist
Apothecary Geist
- 3x Archaeomancer
- 2x Archangel Avacyn Flip
- 1x Archangel of Thune
- 1x Archers' Parapet
- 1x Archetype of Aggression
- 1x Ashiok's Adept
- 1x Asphodel Wanderer
- 1x Assembled Alphas
- 1x Asylum Visitor
- 1x Auramancer
- 5x Avacynian Missionaries Flip
- 4x Backwoods Survivalists
- 1x Baleful Eidolon
- 1x Baloth Pup
- 3x Banisher Priest
- 1x Beetleform Mage
- 1x Bellowing Saddlebrute
- 1x Benthic Explorers
- 1x Birthing Hulk
- 2x Black Cat
- 1x Black Oak of Odunos
- 1x Blightcaster
- 2x Blood Bairn
Blood Bairn
- 1x Blood Host
- 1x Bloodbriar
- 4x Bloodfire Expert
- 2x Bloodfire Mentor
- 10x Bloodmad Vampire
- 1x Blur Sliver
- 1x Bogbrew Witch
- 3x Bold Impaler
- 1x Boonweaver Giant
- 4x Borderland Marauder
- 4x Brazen Wolves
- 2x Breaching Hippocamp
- 2x Breakneck Rider Flip
- 3x Briarbridge Patrol
- 2x Briarpack Alpha
- 3x Brindle Boar
- 3x Bronze Sable
- 1x Brood Keeper
- 2x Bygone Bishop
- 4x Byway Courier
- 2x Canopy Gorger
- 4x Canyon Lurkers
- 3x Canyon Minotaur
- 4x Carnivorous Moss-Beast
- 6x Carrion Crow
- 7x Cathar's Companion
- 1x Cavern Lampad
Celestial Archon
- 1x Chandra's Phoenix
Chandra's Phoenix
- 2x Charging Badger
Charging Griffin
- 4x Charging Rhino
- 3x Chasm Skulker
- 1x Chief Engineer
- 1x Chief of the Edge
- 1x Child of Night
- 2x Child of Night
- 1x Chorus of the Tides
- 1x Cinder Hellion
- 2x Cliffhaven Vampire
- 2x Cloud Manta
- 1x Cloudfin Raptor
- 2x Coiling Oracle
- 1x Conduit of Storms Flip
- 1x Constricting Sliver
- 3x Convicted Killer Flip
- 8x Coral Barrier
- 5x Coral Merfolk
- 1x Corpse Blockade
- 2x Courageous Outrider
- 1x Crackling Triton
- 4x Crossroads Consecrator
- 7x Crow of Dark Tidings
- 2x Cruel Sadist
- 1x Cult of the Waxing Moon
- 2x Cultivator Drone
- 1x Curious Homunculus Flip
- 2x Cyclops of One-Eyed Pass
- 3x Cyclops Tyrant
- 3x Daring Sleuth Flip
Daring Sleuth
- 6x Dauntless Cathar
Dauntless Cathar
- 3x Dauntless River Marshal
- 3x Dawn Gryff
- 3x Dawnstrike Paladin
- 2x Dazzling Ramparts
- 6x Deadly Recluse
- 2x Deathcap Cultivator
Deathcap Cultivator
- 1x Deceiver of Form
- 1x Deepwater Hypnotist
- 1x Deputy of Acquittals
- 1x Deranged Whelp
- 6x Desperate Sentry
- 4x Devilthorn Fox
- 2x Diffusion Sliver
- 2x Diregraf Colossus
- 1x Disowned Ancestor
- 4x Dragon Hatchling
- 1x Dragon-Style Twins
- 1x Drana's Chosen
- 3x Drogskol Shieldmate
- 3x Drownyard Behemoth
- 11x Drownyard Explorers
- 1x Drunau Corpse Trawler
- 1x Dusk Feaster
- 3x Duskwatch Recruiter Flip
- 1x Eater of Hope
- 2x Efreet Weaponmaster
- 2x Eidolon of Countless Battles
- 2x Elder Deep-Fiend
- 2x Eldrazi Aggressor
- 1x Eldrazi Displacer
- 1x Eldrazi Obligator
- 2x Elusive Tormentor Flip
- 3x Elvish Mystic
- 1x Elvish Mystic
- 6x Ember-Eye Wolf
- 1x Embodiment of Insight
- 3x Embodiment of Spring
Embodiment of Spring
- 5x Emissary of the Sleepless
- 1x Emrakul, the Promised End
- 5x Enlightened Maniac
- 4x Epitaph Golem
Epitaph Golem
- 3x Erdwal Illuminator
- 1x Erebos's Emissary
- 1x Essence Depleter
- 1x Eternal Scourge
- 1x Expedition Raptor
- 4x Exultant Cultist
Exultant Cultist
- 1x Faithbearer Paladin
- 1x Falkenrath Gorger
- 1x Falkenrath Reaver
- 1x Fanatic of Xenagos
- 8x Farbog Revenant
- 1x Felidar Cub
- 1x Festering Newt
- 2x Field Creeper
- 4x Fiend Binder
- 1x Firehoof Cavalry
Firehoof Cavalry
- 1x Flameblade Angel
- 4x Fleshpulper Giant
- 7x Fogwalker
- 4x Forge Devil
- 1x Forgotten Creation
- 2x Forsaken Drifters
- 1x Fortified Rampart
- 2x Foul Emissary
- 5x Foundry Street Denizen
- 1x Frenzied Goblin
- 6x Frost Lynx
- 7x Fugitive Wizard
Fugitive Wizard
- 1x Furnace Whelp
- 2x Furtive Homunculus
- 2x Furyblade Vampire
- 1x Galerider Sliver
- 1x Gargoyle Sentinel
- 1x Garruk's Horde
- 7x Gatstaf Arsonists Flip
- 2x Gavony Unhallowed
Gavony Unhallowed
- 4x Geist-Fueled Scarecrow
- 6x Geist of the Archives
- 1x Geist of the Moors
- 2x Generator Servant
- 1x Genesis Hydra
- 8x Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
- 4x Ghoulsteed
- 1x Giant Spider
- 1x Gibbering Fiend
- 1x Gladehart Cavalry
- 1x Gnarlwood Dryad
- 1x Gnawing Zombie
- 1x Goblin Dark-Dwellers
- 5x Goblin Freerunner
- 6x Goblin Roughrider
- 14x Goblin Shortcutter
- 1x God-Favored General
- 1x Goldnight Castigator
- 5x Graf Mole
- 5x Graf Rats Flip Meld
- 1x Gravedigger
- 3x Gravity Negator
- 2x Grazing Gladehart
- 3x Great Hart
- 1x Griffin Dreamfinder
- 2x Griffin Sentinel
- 1x Grizzled Angler Flip
- 1x Groundskeeper
- 1x Guardian of Pilgrims
- 1x Guardian of the Ages
- 1x Hamlet Captain
- 5x Hanweir Militia Captain Flip
- 3x Harvest Hand Flip
- 1x Haunted Dead
- 1x Hedron Crawler
- 7x Heir of Falkenrath Flip
- 3x Heliod's Emissary
- 2x Heliod's Pilgrim
- 2x Herald of Anafenza
- 1x Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip
- 1x High Sentinels of Arashin
- 1x Highspire Mantis
- 8x Hinterland Logger Flip
- 2x Hooting Mandrills
- 2x Hopeful Eidolon
- 1x Horde Ambusher
- 1x Hornet Nest
- 1x Hornet Queen
- 4x Hound of the Farbogs
- 7x Howlpack Wolf
- 5x Hulking Devil
- 3x Identity Thief
Identity Thief
- 3x Illusory Angel
- 2x Immobilizer Eldrazi
- 2x Impetuous Sunchaser
- 5x Incorrigible Youths
- 6x Indulgent Aristocrat
- 1x Indulgent Tormentor
Inexorable Blob
- 4x Ingenious Skaab
- 1x Inkwell Leviathan
- 6x Inquisitor's Ox
- 5x Insolent Neonate
- 6x Inspiring Captain
- 3x Intrepid Provisioner
- 4x Invasive Species
- 5x Ironclad Slayer
- 4x It of the Horrid Swarm
- 1x Jeering Instigator
- 1x Jelenn Sphinx
- 1x Jeskai Elder
- 1x Jeskai Student
- 3x Jeskai Windscout
- 1x Jorubai Murk Lurker
- 2x Juggernaut
- 1x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
- 1x Kalonian Tusker
- 1x Kalonian Twingrove
Kalonian Twingrove
- 1x Kazuul's Toll Collector
- 7x Kessig Dire Swine
- 3x Kessig Forgemaster Flip
- 2x Kheru Bloodsucker
- 2x Kheru Dreadmaw
- 1x Kin-Tree Warden
- 1x Kindly Stranger Flip
- 2x Kinsbaile Skirmisher
- 1x Kiora's Follower
- 2x Kor Scythemaster
- 4x Kor Sky Climber
- 1x Kozilek's Pathfinder
- 2x Kozilek's Shrieker
- 1x Kozilek's Translator
- 3x Krumar Bond-Kin
- 1x Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient
- 6x Laboratory Brute
- 2x Lagonna-Band Elder
- 5x Lambholt Pacifist Flip
- 1x Lamplighter of Selhoff
- 3x Lashweed Lurker
- 3x Lavastep Raider
- 2x Leaping Master
- 2x Leeching Sliver
- 1x Legion Loyalist
- 1x Liliana's Elite
- 2x Living Totem
- 9x Loam Dryad
- 2x Lone Rider Flip
- 4x Longshot Squad
- 2x Lorescale Coatl
- 5x Mad Prophet
- 3x Makindi Aeronaut
- 2x Malakir Soothsayer
- 2x Man-o'-War
- 2x Manaweft Sliver
- 1x Manic Scribe
- 2x Marauding Maulhorn
- 1x Mardu Blazebringer
- 2x Mardu Hateblade
- 2x Mardu Hordechief
- 1x Mardu Roughrider
- 2x Mardu Skullhunter
- 7x Mardu Warshrieker
- 3x Markov Crusader
- 2x Markov Dreadknight
- 2x Marshmist Titan
- 3x Master of Diversion
- 3x Mausoleum Wanderer
- 1x Maw of Kozilek
- 2x Maze Behemoth
- 1x Maze Sentinel
- 1x Meandering Towershell
- 1x Megantic Sliver
- 1x Mercurial Geists
- 1x Merfolk Seer
- 1x Merfolk Spy
- 2x Midnight Guard
- 3x Midnight Scavengers Meld
- 8x Militant Inquisitor
- 1x Mindmelter
- 1x Mindwrack Demon
- 4x Miner's Bane
- 3x Minotaur Abomination
- 2x Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
- 1x Mistfire Weaver
- 1x Mockery of Nature
- 3x Moldgraf Scavenger
- 2x Monastery Swiftspear
- 9x Moorland Drifter
- 4x Morkrut Necropod
- 2x Mournwillow
- 1x Murmuring Phantasm
- 5x Nebelgast Herald
- 3x Necrogen Scudder
- 5x Necromancer's Assistant
- 1x Necropolis Fiend
- 8x Nephalia Seakite
- 1x Nessian Asp
- 1x Nessian Courser
- 2x Netcaster Spider
- 5x Netcaster Spider
- 1x Netcaster Spider
- 9x Niblis of Dusk
- 1x Niblis of Frost
- 1x Nightmare
- 1x Nightwing Shade
- 1x Nimbus Swimmer
- 1x Noose Constrictor
Null Caller
- 3x Nyxborn Eidolon
- 3x Nyxborn Rollicker
- 1x Nyxborn Shieldmate
- 2x Nyxborn Triton
- 3x Nyxborn Wolf
- 2x Ob Nixilis, Unshackled
- 2x Observant Alseid
- 3x Obsessive Skinner
- 1x Odunos River Trawler
- 1x Ogre Battledriver
- 1x Olivia, Mobilized for War
- 2x Olivia's Bloodsworn
- 2x Olivia's Dragoon
- 1x Omenspeaker
- 1x Omenspeaker
- 6x Oreskos Sun Guide
- 2x Oreskos Swiftclaw
- 4x Ornithopter
- 1x Pack Guardian
- 2x Pale Rider of Trostad
- 1x Paragon of Fierce Defiance
- 2x Paragon of Gathering Mists
- 1x Paragon of New Dawns
- 3x Paranoid Parish-Blade
Paranoid Parish-Blade
- 2x Permeating Mass
- 8x Phantom Warrior
- 3x Pharagax Giant
- 2x Pheres-Band Tromper
- 1x Phytotitan
- 2x Pillar of War
- 1x Pillarfield Ox
- 1x Pine Walker
- 5x Pious Evangel Flip
Pious Evangel
- 2x Pitchburn Devils
- 1x Polukranos, World Eater
- 3x Ponyback Brigade
- 3x Predatory Sliver
- 6x Primal Druid
- 1x Prized Amalgam
- 1x Prophet of Distortion
- 9x Pyre Hound
- 1x Quickling
- 6x Quilled Wolf
- 1x Rakshasa Vizier
- 6x Rancid Rats
- 1x Rattlechains
- 1x Rattleclaw Mystic
- 2x Ravenous Bloodseeker
- 5x Razorfoot Griffin
- 5x Reaper of Flight Moonsilver
- 2x Reckless Bushwhacker
- 2x Reckless Scholar
- 1x Reclamation Sage
- 3x Reclamation Sage
- 2x Reflector Mage
- 7x Regathan Firecat
- 9x Research Assistant
- 1x Riot Piker
- 2x Roaring Primadox
- 3x Rootwalla
- 2x Rotfeaster Maggot
- 1x Rottenheart Ghoul
- 3x Rotting Mastodon
- 1x Rubblebelt Maaka
- 2x Rumbling Baloth
- 4x Rummaging Goblin
- 4x Runaway Carriage
- 4x Runeclaw Bear
- 2x Ruthless Ripper
- 2x Sage-Eye Harrier
- 3x Sage of Ancient Lore Flip
- 2x Sagu Archer
- 2x Salt Road Patrol
- 1x Sanctifier of Souls
- 9x Sanguinary Mage
- 8x Sanitarium Skeleton
- 2x Saruli Gatekeepers
- 1x Satyr Firedancer
- 3x Satyr Wayfinder
- 6x Satyr Wayfinder
- 1x Scaldkin
- 1x Scholar of Athreos
- 3x Scion of Glaciers
- 1x Scourge Wolf
- 2x Scrapyard Mongrel
- 3x Scroll Thief
- 6x Seacoast Drake
- 9x Seagraf Skaab
- 1x Seeker of the Way
- 2x Selfless Cathar
- 1x Selfless Spirit
- 1x Sentry of the Underworld
- 1x Seraph of the Masses
- 2x Serra Angel
- 2x Servant of Tymaret
- 1x Setessan Battle Priest
- 2x Setessan Oathsworn
- 1x Shadowborn Apostle
- 4x Shadowcloak Vampire
- 1x Shaman of Spring
- 2x Shivan Dragon
- 1x Shivan Dragon
- 1x Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
- 3x Sidisi's Pet
- 1x Siege Rhino
- 4x Siege Wurm
- 2x Sigardian Priest
- 9x Silent Observer
- 2x Silverfur Partisan
- 1x Simic Sky Swallower
- 1x Siren of the Silent Song
- 2x Skirsdag Supplicant
- 4x Sky Scourer
- 1x Sliver Construct
- 5x Smoke Teller
- 2x Smoldering Werewolf Flip
- 6x Snowhorn Rider
Snowhorn Rider
- 6x Solitary Hunter Flip
- 2x Soul of Innistrad
- 1x Soul of Shandalar
- 1x Soul of Theros
- 2x Soul Swallower
- 2x Soulmender
- 4x Soulmender
- 2x Spawnbinder Mage
- 1x Spearpoint Oread
- 1x Species Gorger
- 5x Spectral Shepherd
- 2x Spirit of the Hunt
- 2x Stalking Drone
- 2x Stallion of Ashmouth
- 4x Steadfast Cathar
- 4x Stensia Innkeeper
- 3x Stern Constable
- 8x Stitched Mangler
- 5x Stitchwing Skaab
- 6x Stoic Builder
- 2x Stonehorn Chanter
- 3x Stormchaser Mage
- 4x Striking Sliver
- 7x Stromkirk Mentor
Stromkirk Mentor
- 1x Sultai Flayer
- 1x Sultai Scavenger
- 2x Sultai Soothsayer
- 4x Summit Prowler
- 1x Sunblade Elf
- 1x Sungrace Pegasus
- 1x Sunspire Gatekeepers
- 2x Suntail Hawk
- 1x Svyelunite Priest
- 1x Swarm of Bloodflies
- 7x Swift Spinner
- 1x Swordwise Centaur
- 1x Tajuru Pathwarden
- 4x Tangleclaw Werewolf Flip
- 3x Tattered Haunter
- 1x Temur Charger
- 2x Tenacious Dead
Thalia's Lieutenant
- 1x The Gitrog Monster
- 3x Thermo-Alchemist
- 3x Thing in the Ice Flip
- 1x Thorncaster Sliver
- 5x Thornhide Wolves
- 3x Thraben Foulbloods
- 6x Thraben Gargoyle Flip
- 5x Thraben Inspector
- 1x Thraben Standard Bearer
- 1x Thunder Brute
- 6x Thundering Giant
- 2x Tireless Missionaries
- 4x Tooth Collector
- 3x Topplegeist
- 3x Torch Fiend
- 1x Town Gossipmonger Flip
Town Gossipmonger
- 5x Trained Condor
- 2x Traveling Philosopher
- 1x Triton Fortune Hunter
- 1x Tuskguard Captain
- 8x Twins of Maurer Estate
- 3x Typhoid Rats
Tyrant of Valakut
- 1x Ubul Sar Gatekeepers
- 3x Ulrich's Kindred
- 1x Ulvenwald Captive Flip
- 1x Ulvenwald Hydra
- 1x Ulvenwald Observer
- 5x Umara Entangler
- 7x Undergrowth Scavenger
- 1x Uninvited Geist Flip
- 4x Unruly Mob
- 2x Valley Dasher
- 1x Vampire Cutthroat
- 3x Vampire Envoy
- 8x Vampire Noble
- 2x Vampire Warlord
- 1x Vanguard of Brimaz
- 4x Venom Sliver
- 4x Veteran Cathar
- 2x Vexing Scuttler
- 1x Viashino Firstblade
- 6x Vildin-Pack Outcast Flip
- 3x Village Messenger Flip
- 7x Voldaren Duelist
Voldaren Duelist
- 1x Vortex Elemental
- 2x Vulpine Goliath
- 2x Wailing Ghoul
- 1x Walker of the Wastes
- 1x Wall of Fire
- 1x Wall of Frost
- 1x Wall of Frost
- 2x Wall of Frost
- 1x Wall of Swords
- 4x War Behemoth
- 1x War-Name Aspirant
- 2x Warden of Geometries
- 2x Warden of the Beyond
- 1x Warden of the Eye
Warden of the Eye
- 1x Wasteland Viper
- 6x Watcher in the Web
- 2x Watcher of the Roost
- 2x Weirded Vampire
- 5x Welkin Tern
- 2x Wetland Sambar
- 1x Whirlwind Adept
- 6x Wicker Witch
- 2x Wild-Field Scarecrow
- 2x Will-Forged Golem
Wind Drake
- 3x Witch's Familiar
- 1x Witness of the Ages
- 1x Wojek Halberdiers
- 4x Woodborn Behemoth
- 4x Woodland Patrol
- 1x Woodlot Crawler
- 3x Woolly Loxodon
- 3x Wretched Gryff
- 1x Yoked Ox
- 3x Young Pyromancer
- 2x Zada's Commando
- 1x Zarichi Tiger
- 3x Zof Shade
- 2x Zulaport Chainmage
Instant (535)
- 1x Abandon Reason
- 1x Abstruse Interference
- 4x Accumulated Knowledge
- 1x Acolyte's Reward
- 1x AEtherize
- 8x Aim High
- 2x Altar's Reap
- 4x Anguished Unmaking
- 3x Anticipate
- 1x Artisan's Sorrow
- 1x Back to Nature
- 1x Become Immense
- 2x Bile Blight
- 3x Blastfire Bolt
- 2x Blessed Alliance
- 1x Boros Charm
- 4x Borrowed Grace
- 5x Borrowed Hostility
- 3x Borrowed Malevolence
- 1x Boulderfall
- 1x Brave the Elements
- 2x Bring Low
- 2x Broken Concentration
- 1x Burn Away
- 1x Burst of Strength
- 1x Cancel
- 1x Cancel
- 1x Cancel
- 8x Catalog
- 3x Celestial Flare
- 4x Chandra's Outrage
- 2x Chilling Grasp
- 2x Chord of Calling
- 2x Clear Shot
- 7x Clip Wings
- 6x Comparative Analysis
- 2x Compelling Deterrence
- 9x Confront the Unknown
- 2x Congregate
- 4x Convolute
- 2x Corpse Churn
- 6x Crippling Chill
- 3x Crowd's Favor
- 2x Dance with Devils
- 2x Dazzling Reflection
- 1x Defend the Hearth
- 2x Defiant Strike
- 5x Deny Existence
- 2x Devouring Light
- 4x Disdainful Stroke
- 5x Disperse
- 2x Displace
- 1x Dissension in the Ranks
- 1x Dissipate
- 1x Doom Blade
- 2x Dragonscale Boon
- 4x Dual Shot
- 3x Elemental Uprising
- 3x Engulf the Shore
- 4x Ephemeral Shields
- 4x Erase
- 4x Essence Flux
- 3x Essence Scatter
- 2x Expedite
- 5x Expose Evil
Expose Evil
- 1x Eye Gouge
- 4x Fall of the Hammer
- 1x Fatal Fumes
- 1x Fated Return
- 2x Feat of Resistance
- 3x Feed the Clan
- 7x Fiery Temper
- 1x Fiery Temper
Fiery Temper
- 2x Flesh to Dust
- 1x Fog
- 3x Force Away
- 1x Fortify
- 5x Fortune's Favor
- 2x Galvanic Bombardment
- 3x Gather Courage
- 5x Geistblast
- 1x Giant Growth
- 3x Gift of Tusks
- 1x Give No Ground
- 3x Grapple with the Past
- 1x Grasp of Darkness
- 2x Grip of the Roil
- 5x Grotesque Mutation
- 1x Heat Ray
- 1x Hold at Bay
- 6x Humble the Brute
Humble the Brute
- 4x Hunter's Ambush
- 1x Hydroform
- 2x Hydrosurge
- 2x Immolating Glare
- 3x Inner Struggle
- 4x Invasive Surgery
- 5x Jace's Scrutiny
- 8x Just the Wind
- 2x Kill Shot
- 3x Last Breath
- 1x Last Word
- 1x Lead by Example
- 3x Lightning Axe
- 3x Lightning Bolt
- 1x Lightning Bolt
- 5x Lightning Strike
- 2x Lightning Volley
- 1x Make a Stand
- 2x Meditation Puzzle
- 1x Memory Lapse
- 1x Mending Touch
- 5x Merciless Resolve
- 8x Might Beyond Reason
- 2x Mighty Leap
- 1x Mindstatic
- 1x Moonlight Hunt
- 2x Mortal's Ardor
- 1x Murder
- 1x Natural Connection
- 5x Natural State
- 3x Naturalize
- 3x Naturalize
- 1x Necrobite
- 3x Necrobite
- 3x Negate
- 4x Negate
- 2x Negate
- 2x Nullify
- 3x Otherworldly Outburst
- 1x Pay No Heed
- 1x Peel from Reality
- 3x Peel from Reality
- 2x Pharika's Cure
- 3x Pillar of Light
- 1x Plasm Capture
- 2x Plummet
- 2x Plummet
- 1x Predator's Rapport
- 1x Pulse of the Grid
- 5x Puncturing Light
Puncturing Light
- 2x Raise the Alarm
- 3x Ranger's Guile
- 1x Ray of Dissolution
- 2x Reality Hemorrhage
- 1x Reap What Is Sown
- 1x Restore the Peace
- 3x Retraction Helix
- 3x Ride Down
- 1x Riot Control
- 3x Rise to the Challenge
- 8x Rush of Adrenaline
- 2x Sanctified Charge
Savage Alliance
- 1x Savage Summoning
- 1x Scour the Laboratory
- 2x Searing Light
- 2x Seismic Strike
- 2x Shatter
- 3x Shock
- 2x Shrapnel Blast
- 5x Silverstrike
- 2x Smelt
- 3x Smite the Monstrous
- 1x Spark Jolt
- 1x Spatial Contortion
Spatial Contortion
- 4x Springsage Ritual
- 2x Statute of Denial
- 1x Steam Augury
- 2x Stoke the Flames
- 9x Strength of Arms
- 2x Stubborn Denial
- 1x Stymied Hopes
- 2x Succumb to Temptation
- 1x Sudden Storm
- 1x Summary Dismissal
- 7x Survive the Night
- 1x Sweep Away
- 1x Swift Kick
- 2x Take Up Arms
- 2x Tar Snare
- 1x Tears of Valakut
- 1x Tenacity
- 1x Thassa's Rebuff
- 4x Throttle
- 7x Throttle
- 3x Titanic Growth
- 2x To the Slaughter
- 4x Trumpet Blast
- 2x Turn Aside
- 1x Turn to Frog
- 1x Ulcerate
- 2x Uncaged Fury
- 2x Unmake the Graves
- 1x Unnatural Endurance
- 1x Unravel the Aether
- 2x Unsubstantiate
- 5x Vile Rebirth
- 3x Volcanic Geyser
- 5x Waxing Moon
- 3x Weave Fate
- 1x Windstorm
- 3x Woodcutter's Grit
- 3x Wring Flesh
Sorcery (391)
- 1x Act of Treason
- 4x Act of Treason
- 1x Act on Impulse
- 3x Alchemist's Greeting
- 6x Alms of the Vein
- 5x Angelic Purge
- 7x Arrow Storm
- 2x Asphyxiate
- 1x Awe for the Guilds
Barrage of Boulders
- 1x Beck / Call
- 1x Biting Rain
- 1x Bitter Revelation
- 2x Bolt of Keranos
- 1x Boulder Salvo
- 2x Burn from Within
- 3x Cemetery Recruitment
- 1x Certain Death
- 5x Chaplain's Blessing
- 1x Clear a Path
- 3x Coax from the Blind Eternities
- 1x Collective Brutality
- 1x Collective Defiance
- 1x Cone of Flame
- 1x Contingency Plan
- 1x Corrupt
- 1x Covenant of Blood
- 1x Crater's Claws
- 2x Culling Mark
- 1x Dark Salvation
- 1x Dawn to Dusk
- 3x Death Frenzy
- 4x Declaration in Stone
- 2x Demolish
- 3x Deploy the Gatewatch
- 1x Despise
- 1x Devils' Playground
- 1x Devour in Flames
- 4x Diabolic Tutor
- 2x Distemper of the Blood
- 3x Divination
- 2x Divination
- 4x Divination
- 6x Drag Under
- 1x Drown in Filth
- 2x Drown in Sorrow
- 1x Duress
- 1x Dutiful Return
- 1x Eldritch Evolution
- 1x End Hostilities
- 1x Endless Obedience
- 5x Ethereal Guidance
- 2x Explore
- 1x Explosive Vegetation
- 1x Feral Incarnation
- 4x Festergloom
- 5x Flames of the Firebrand
- 8x Fork in the Road
- 3x From Under the Floorboards
- 1x Gaze of Granite
- 2x Gild
- 2x Gisa's Bidding
- 1x Harmless Offering
- 2x Hive Stirrings
- 1x Hordeling Outburst
- 1x Howl of the Night Pack
- 1x Hunt the Hunter
- 3x Hunt the Weak
In Garruk's Wake
- 2x Incendiary Flow
- 1x Incremental Growth
- 4x Into the Void
- 3x Ironwright's Cleansing
- 1x Kin-Tree Invocation
- 8x Lava Axe
- 5x Lava Axe
- 3x Lay of the Land
- 1x Liliana's Indignation
- 5x Liturgy of Blood
- 7x Macabre Waltz
- 9x Magmatic Chasm
- 1x Make Mischief
- 1x Malevolent Whispers
Mass Calcify
- 2x Master the Way
- 7x Mind Rot
- 6x Mind Rot
- 5x Mind Sculpt
- 7x Murderous Compulsion
- 8x Nagging Thoughts
- 3x Not Forgotten
- 6x Open the Armory
- 1x Overwhelm
- 1x Peregrination
- 4x Pick the Brain
- 5x Pieces of the Puzzle
- 1x Pinnacle of Rage
- 1x Plea for Guidance
- 8x Press for Answers
- 3x Prey Upon
Prey Upon
- 1x Prying Questions
- 1x Rakshasa's Secret
- 4x Reduce to Ashes
- 1x Remorseless Punishment
- 1x Restock
- 1x Return to the Ranks
- 3x Revoke Existence
- 2x Rite of the Serpent
- 1x Roar of Challenge
- 1x Rolling Thunder
- 3x Root Out
- 2x Ruin in Their Wake
- 2x Rush of Battle
- 2x Ruthless Disposal
- 5x Savage Punch
- 1x Scouring Sands
- 3x Scout the Borders
- 1x See the Unwritten
- 2x Seek the Horizon
- 1x Seismic Stomp
- 4x Shamble Back
- 2x Shoulder to Shoulder
- 1x Shreds of Sanity
- 1x Shrivel
- 6x Sign in Blood
- 4x Slip Through Space
- 4x Solemn Offering
- 3x Solemn Offering
- 1x Sparkmage's Gambit
- 3x Spectral Reserves
- 3x Splendid Reclamation
- 2x Startled Awake Flip
- 1x Stensia Banquet
- 5x Structural Distortion
- 5x Taigam's Scheming
- 3x Take Inventory
- 4x Time Ebb
- 2x Time to Feed
- 1x Tome Scour
- 5x Tormenting Voice
- 4x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Traverse the Ulvenwald
- 3x Triplicate Spirits
- 1x Uncovered Clues
- 1x Urban Evolution
- 2x Vanquish the Foul
- 2x Villainous Wealth
- 1x Welcome to the Fold
- 1x Whelming Wave
- 1x Whispers of Emrakul
- 3x Witness the End
Enchantment (306)
- 1x Always Watching
- 2x Artificer's Hex
- 3x Autumnal Gloom Flip
- 1x Battle Mastery
- 1x Behind the Scenes
- 4x Blessing
- 2x Blood Mist
- 3x Boon of Emrakul
- 5x Bound by Moonsilver
- 1x Brave the Sands
- 1x Burning Anger
- 3x Call the Bloodline
- 1x Campaign of Vengeance
- 5x Choking Restraints
- 1x Chosen by Heliod
- 4x Claustrophobia
- 3x Containment Membrane
- 2x Crawling Sensation
Crawling Sensation
- 1x Creeping Dread
- 4x Crippling Blight
- 2x Crop Sigil
- 2x Dark Favor
- 6x Dead Weight
- 4x Debilitating Injury
- 6x Divine Favor
- 3x Divine Favor
Divine Favor
- 1x Dying Wish
- 3x Emrakul's Influence
- 5x Encrust
- 1x Epiphany Storm
- 11x Equestrian Skill
- 1x Evanescent Intellect
- 1x Faith Unbroken
- 1x Feast on the Fallen
- 1x First Response
- 5x Fleeting Memories
- 7x Ghostly Wings
- 1x Gift of Immortality
- 2x Graf Harvest
- 1x Gryff's Boon
- 3x Hammerhand
- 1x Hardened Scales
- 1x Harness the Storm
- 3x Hope Against Hope
- 3x Howlpack Resurgence
- 1x Imprisoned in the Moon
- 1x Inferno Fist
- 4x Invisibility
- 2x Invocation of Saint Traft
- 1x Isolation Zone
- 5x Karametra's Favor
- 2x Krasis Incubation
- 1x Lightning Talons
- 4x Lunarch Mantle
- 1x Mardu Ascendancy
- 1x Might Makes Right
- 1x Military Intelligence
Military Intelligence
- 1x Mind's Dilation
- 1x Molting Snakeskin
- 4x Nahiri's Machinations
Nahiri's Machinations
- 1x Oath of Chandra
- 1x Oath of Liliana
- 1x Oath of the Ancient Wood
- 4x Ongoing Investigation
- 4x Oppressive Rays
- 1x Oracle's Insight
- 2x Ordeal of Erebos
- 2x Ordeal of Heliod
- 1x Ordeal of Purphoros
- 3x Pacifism
- 2x Peace of Mind
- 7x Prophetic Ravings
- 3x Pyromancer's Assault
- 5x Quag Sickness
- 2x Quiet Contemplation
- 1x Raiders' Spoils
- 1x Runner's Bane
- 2x Secret Plans
- 2x Senseless Rage
- 2x Sensory Deprivation
- 7x Shiv's Embrace
- 4x Siegecraft
- 1x Singing Bell Strike
- 3x Sinister Concoction
Sinister Possession
- 1x Skin Invasion Flip
- 1x Skygames
- 7x Sleep Paralysis
- 1x Spectra Ward
- 1x Spiteful Motives
- 2x Spontaneous Mutation
- 1x Stab Wound
- 1x Stasis Snare
- 1x Stensia Masquerade
- 5x Strange Augmentation
- 4x Stratus Walk
- 1x Sunbond
- 1x Suspension Field
- 1x Temur Ascendancy
- 1x Thunderous Might
- 1x Tightening Coils
- 3x Trail of Evidence
- 2x Triskaidekaphobia
- 4x Trollhide
- 1x Ulvenwald Mysteries
- 1x Verdant Haven
- 6x Verdant Haven
- 5x Vessel of Ephemera
- 4x Vessel of Malignity
- 3x Vessel of Nascency
- 6x Vessel of Paramnesia
- 7x Vessel of Volatility
- 1x Vineweft
- 1x Viper's Kiss
- 1x Weight of the Underworld
- 4x Weirding Wood
- 3x Wolfkin Bond
- 2x Zephyr Charge
Artifact (129)
- 2x Abzan Banner
- 2x Accorder's Shield
- 1x Avarice Amulet
- 2x Bone Saw
- 3x Brain in a Jar
- 1x Brawler's Plate
- 1x Briber's Purse
- 6x Cathar's Shield
- 3x Corrupted Grafstone
- 1x Cryptolith Fragment Flip
- 2x Cultist's Staff
- 2x Darksteel Ingot
- 1x Door of Destinies
- 1x Dragon Throne of Tarkir
- 3x Elixir of Immortality
- 4x Explosive Apparatus
- 1x Fireshrieker
- 2x Ghostfire Blade
- 1x Gruul Cluestone
- 4x Haunted Cloak
- 2x Haunted Plate Mail
- 1x Haunted Plate Mail
- 3x Heart-Piercer Bow
- 2x Hot Soup
- 2x Jeskai Banner
- 3x Lens of Clarity
- 3x Magnifying Glass
- 1x Meteorite
- 1x Millstone
- 5x Neglected Heirloom Flip
- 1x Profane Memento
Profane Memento
- 2x Ratchet Bomb
- 3x Rod of Ruin
- 1x Rogue's Gloves
- 1x Sacred Armory
- 1x Seer's Lantern
- 1x Shard of Broken Glass
- 1x Shield of the Avatar
- 2x Simic Cluestone
- 1x Skeleton Key
- 1x Slayer's Cleaver
- 3x Slayer's Plate
- 1x Soul Separator
- 1x Staff of the Death Magus
- 3x Staff of the Death Magus
- 3x Staff of the Flame Magus
- 2x Staff of the Flame Magus
- 1x Staff of the Mind Magus
- 1x Staff of the Mind Magus
- 1x Staff of the Sun Magus
- 2x Staff of the Sun Magus
- 1x Staff of the Wild Magus
- 2x Staff of the Wild Magus
- 1x Stitcher's Graft
- 3x Sultai Banner
- 1x Tamiyo's Journal
- 5x Temur Banner
- 1x Terrarion
- 2x Tormod's Crypt
- 11x True-Faith Censer
- 1x Tyrant's Machine
- 1x Witches' Eye
Land (118)
- 1x Battlefield Forge
- 1x Blighted Gorge
- 4x Bloodfell Caves
- 3x Blossoming Sands
- 1x Boros Guildgate
- 2x Canopy Vista
- 2x Cinder Barrens
- 1x Corrupted Crossroads
- 4x Crumbling Vestige
- 3x Darksteel Citadel
- 1x Dismal Backwater
- 2x Drownyard Temple
- 1x Encroaching Wastes
- 2x Evolving Wilds
- 2x Evolving Wilds
- 2x Evolving Wilds
- 4x Foreboding Ruins
- 6x Forsaken Sanctuary
- 3x Foul Orchard
- 1x Game Trail
- 1x Golgari Guildgate
- 1x Gruul Guildgate
- 1x Hallowed Fountain
- 3x Highland Lake
- 4x Holdout Settlement
- 1x Jungle Hollow
- 1x Llanowar Wastes
- 2x Lumbering Falls
- 1x Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
- 2x Opulent Palace
- 3x Port Town
- 1x Prairie Stream
- 4x Radiant Fountain
- 2x Rugged Highlands
- 2x Scoured Barrens
- 1x Sea Gate Wreckage
- 1x Simic Guildgate
- 2x Stone Quarry
- 2x Submerged Boneyard
- 2x Swiftwater Cliffs
- 2x Temple of Enlightenment
- 1x Temple of the False God
- 3x Thornwood Falls
- 1x Timber Gorge
- 3x Tomb of the Spirit Dragon
- 2x Tranquil Cove
- 1x Tranquil Expanse
- 3x Unknown Shores
- 8x Warped Landscape
- 3x Wind-Scarred Crag
Wooded Foothills
- 5x Woodland Stream
- 1x Yavimaya Coast