MTG List: Old Seismic Assault Deck



This is the first deck I ever designed. Keep dropping Zuran Orbs and Land Taxes until you can get three Mountains and a Seismic Assault down, at which point you sack all your land to the Z'orb and start drawing land out of your deck. Ten of them will knock your opponent to the ground.

I've always believed in Seismic Assault, but, to be honest, this deck doesn't work very well. (I'm only displaying it here because of my sentimental attachment to it.) This was back in the Nineties, when dual lands were expensive, non-land sources of mana were expensive, and most of the cards we have today that aid in filtering and fetching the cards we want didn't exist. The result was a deck that was slow and clunky, and I I was never able to streamline it.