
Welcome to my profile page!

In here I keep my current and past commander deck lists. I welcome suggestions to the lists I have entered on this site. Keep in mind all my decks lean toward a casual end and are not intensely competitive. They can do powerful things, but the emphasis is on the play group having a good time.

A history about my MTG and commander journey:

I have been playing since Ice Age, but took some time off periodically. I finally come back for good as I was interested in experiencing the rules updates that occurred during the standard era of Shards of Alara, Magic 2010, and Zendikar.

Eventually, I got into commander with the pre-constructed commander decks that first appeared in 2011 with the Riku of Two Reflections Mirror Mastery deck. I had wanted to get a copy of Counterpunch or Political Puppets. Since I could not find them anywhere, I was a bit discouraged and my mirror mastery precon sat on the shelf to get used much later. I then decided to be more on top of finding the next wave of precons. Starting in 2012 with the 2013 "Shard" commanders I have picked up copies of all commander precons that have been released (excluding reprinted anthologies). This was an effort to figure out what deck I would decide playing in commander. It also gave me time to pick up many valuable cards that I knew would come in handy once I finally settled on a list to play. When Theros block came out in 2013 and it was announced Minotaurs were going to be a theme, I set out to finally find a copy of the card Zedruu, the Greathearted. Now having a purpose to build a deck I had wanted - I was finally ready to learn what commander could be.

My goal with commander then became to make 12 unique commander lists and I feel I have achieved this. There are 10 lists that each make up a tricolor deck i.e. the "shards" and "wedges", a 5 color deck, and a colorless deck. If you don't see all of them listed click on the "all decks" button to view them all. I am in the process of adding each of them and will be updating this page.

There is a bonus extra Jeskai list (Narset and Zedruu's enchantments). This was my first list posted to this site. It is a snapshot in time of where my first commander deck evolved to. In time, it became the Narset Super Friends NO Extra Turns/Attack Steps list I have today. What had started as a minotaur tribal focus evolved. I realized the Minotaur tribal theme from Theros was not as impactful as I hoped, so I explored Zedruu's other ability in donating things. Once I realized all the good enchantments that worked with her, I turned the list toward a full enchantment/donate style of deck. Khans of Tarkir was released and Narset quickly became the new commander. It was time for Zedruu to sadly be replaced, but not forgotten. This story is a reminder to me not to forget where I started in the commander format. That I should focus on what are aspects of commander that I enjoy most, which for me is deck building and the experience of playing it with others.

In recent years, I have been expanding my catalogue of lists to include versions of casual lists for upgraded planeswalker intro decks and casual tribal creature deck lists.

The intro planeswalker decks have evolved over time starting with Chandra & Nissa in Kaledesh block. Ever since, there has become a nice stockpile of themes and planeswalker specific spells and cards that are featured in each intro planeswalker decklist. The power level of these are low since they are introductory lists and my thinking was, could they be better and not so watered down as to be unplayable? My goal for these was to develop what I would consider to be an ideal or standard variation of intro planeswalker decks. I am glad to have access to them, but hope that if they continue to be released in each core set, perhaps they could increase their viability and include actual playsets of cards as well as more clear, cohesive, and thematic cards that relate to and tell a backstory relevant to the planeswalker they are contained in.

Interestingly enough, the casual creature tribal decks I have built were designed before the intro planeswalker decks. I was inspired when when Magic Origins came out to finally make a planeswalker theme deck. The first drafts of planeswalker theme decks I tried used the transform creatures into planeswalkers like Nissa, Jace, Liliana, Chandra, and Kytheon. But when I looked for other themed cards to use (i.e. Gideon's lawkeeper) I found that there was not nearly enough to draw upon. So instead I tried to force a tribal theme upon each of the planeswalkers instead. those I first focused on were Soldiers, Illusions, Zombies, Phoenix's, and Elves.

Over time these Tribal themes pushed out the actual transform creature to planeswalker cards, because thematically those didn't fit well with the decks. Zombies was the most successful, but the others especially Jace and Chandra were having issues with the card pool at that time. Eventually, illusions became merfolk to draw upon a greater density of creatures to use as did the phoenix tribal became goblins for similar reasons. Once this occurred I turned to identifying & developing tribal lists for each color pairing mono color, dual color, and tricolor lists. Eventually I plan to revisit the colorless and five color at some point, but that will come down the road. For now, the main stipulation I have is that I want to include at least 1 or more (or all in some cases) of the legendary creatures in each of these tribes as a one of card. The other non-legendary cards can be 1-4 cards, but legendary creatures will only be one ofs from a creative and design perspective to balance the lists. Planeswalkers at this time are not included nor are equipment.

As such, when I shelved the idea for the Origin planeswalker decks, I was really happy to learn about the intro planeswalker decks that would allow me to revisit and create the ones I have made thus far. Not all are done and I am sure more will come.

Thank you for stopping by and enjoy reading through the decks I have here.

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MTG Decks

Goblin Casual Tribal Intermediate

Casual smilkows


Upgraded Ral Zarek Intro Planeswalker List

Casual smilkows


Warriors Casual Tribal

Casual smilkows


Rogues Casual Tribal Simple List

Casual smilkows


Spirits Casual Tribal Simple

Casual smilkows


Finished Decks 74
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since Ice Age
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Pauper, Commander / EDH, Planechase, Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 6 / 5
Joined 9 years