I am starting to find that I enjoy adding blue to my decks for versatility. Being able to say "no, you can't play that" makes me warm and fuzzy. Black would be my next favorite to supplement a deck followed by red or white. Favored guilds based solely on the color combinations they represent are Izzet, Simic, and Dimir Guilds. I like the big creatures green offers, the damage red brings to the table, and the versatility of blue. The combination of blue and black is appealing to me.

I am experimenting with the general mechanics of each color to find a play style I enjoy but as of right now Simic or Izzet are my favorites.

To date my favorite block is the Return to Ravnica. Had I joined the MTG thing earlier I think that I would have loved Ice Age.

I am Black/Green
I am Black/Green
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!

I am both selfish and instinctive. I value growth and community, as long as they favour my own objectives; I enjoy nature, and I particularly enjoy watching parts of nature die. At best, I am resilient and tenacious; at worst, I'm uncontrollable and destructive.

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MTG Decks

Simic Smash

Modern spades86

SCORE: 1 | 357 VIEWS

Finished Decks 10
Prototype Decks 6
Drafts 0
Playing since Magic 2013
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Unknown
Joined 11 years