MTG List: Cube Layout


Creature (104)


Archetypes & Other info below 360? 450? 540? Card cube


WU - Fliers

WB - Reanimator * Uses creatures such as Karmic Guide and sorceries to reanimate * Strong use of discard/Removal

WR - Tokens

WG - Enchantments

UB - Control

BR - Aristocrats/Aggro

BG - Counters

UR - Spells

UG - Tempo

RG - Aggro/Zoo

Individual Colors:

White: - Fliers - Low CMC High Power Level - Reanimator - Creature/Permanent removal - Group Buffs

Blue: - Counterspells - Bounce & Tempo effects - Fliers - Fragile Aggro creatures (Frost walker, Illusions, etc) - Unblockable - Card Draw

Black: - Discard - Sacrifice - Creature removal - Graveyard Recursion - Tokens

Red: - Quick, Efficient Aggro - Pump spells/Combat tricks - Tokens - Burn

Green: - Ramp - +1/+1 Counters - Permanent Removal/Fog Effects - Hefty Creatures - Deathtouch