MTG List: fb list
Creature (338)
- 1x Abattoir Ghoul
- 1x Abzan Skycaptain
- 1x Advocate of the Beast
- 1x Affa Guard Hound
- 1x Affa Protector
- 1x Ajani's Pridemate
- 1x Akoum Flameseeker
- 1x Alesha's Vanguard
- 1x Alpine Grizzly
- 1x Ambuscade Shaman
- 1x Ancestor Dragon
- 1x Ancient Carp
- 1x Ancient Crab
- 1x Arbor Elf
- 1x Archaeomancer
- 1x Archetype of Aggression
- 3x Arisen Gorgon
- 1x Armored Whirl Turtle
- 1x Aspiring Aeronaut
- 1x Avacynian Priest
- 1x Avacyn's Pilgrim
- 1x Baloth Null
- 1x Basilica Guards
- 1x Basilica Screecher
- 1x Battleground Geist
- 1x Bearer of Silence
- 1x Bear's Companion
- 1x Beastbreaker of Bala Ged
- 1x Beetleform Mage
- 1x Belltoll Dragon
- 1x Black Cat
- 1x Bladetusk Boar
- 1x Blinding Drone
- 1x Blood Bairn
- 2x Blood-Cursed Knight
- 2x Bloodhunter Bat
- 1x Bloodrage Vampire
- 1x Bloodrite Invoker
- 1x Bloodthrone Vampire
- 1x Bonded Construct
- 1x Borderland Minotaur
- 1x Borderland Ranger
- 1x Breakneck Rider Flip
- 1x Bristling Boar
- 2x Canopy Gorger
- 1x Carapace Forger
- 1x Caravan Escort
- 1x Carrion Crow
- 1x Cathedral Sanctifier
- 2x Centaur Courser
- 1x Centaur Healer
- 1x Champion of Arashin
- 2x Charmed Stray
- 1x Chief of the Foundry
- 1x Cinder Hellion
- 1x Civilized Scholar Flip
- 1x Cloaked Siren
- 2x Cobblebrute
- 2x Colorful Feiyi Sparrow
- 1x Colossal Dreadmaw
- 1x Colossodon Yearling
- 1x Corpse Blockade
- 1x Crackling Triton
- 1x Crusader of Odric
- 1x Daggerback Basilisk
- 1x Daghatar the Adamant
- 1x Deadbridge Shaman
- 1x Defiant Ogre
- 1x Demon of Catastrophes
- 1x Deranged Assistant
- 1x Devilthorn Fox
- 1x Diregraf Ghoul
- 1x Dominator Drone
- 1x Dragon Bell Monk
- 1x Dragonscale General
- 1x Drainpipe Vermin
- 1x Driver of the Dead
- 1x Drunau Corpse Trawler
- 1x Duskmantle Prowler
- 1x Duskwatch Recruiter Flip
- 2x Duty-Bound Dead
- 1x Dwynen's Elite
- 1x Earth-Origin Yak
- 1x Earthshaking Si
- 2x Elvish Visionary
- 1x Ember-Eye Wolf
- 1x Ember Swallower
- 1x Emrakul's Hatcher
- 1x Enforcer Griffin
- 1x Faerie Miscreant
- 2x Feiyi Snake
- 2x Felhide Minotaur
- 1x Feral Animist
- 1x Feral Krushok
- 3x Ferocious Zheng
- 1x Festering Newt
- 1x Fire Elemental
- 2x Fire-Omen Crane
- 1x Forerunner of Slaughter
- 1x Forge Devil
- 1x Garruk's Packleader
- 1x Geist Trappers
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
- 2x Ghoulraiser
- 1x Ghoulsteed
- 1x Giant Spider
- 2x Goblin Arsonist
- 1x Golden Hind
- 1x Gore-House Chainwalker
- 1x Graf Mole
- 1x Gravedigger
- 1x Gravewaker
- 1x Gravity Negator
- 1x Graypelt Hunter
- 1x Grazing Gladehart
- 1x Griffin Protector
- 1x Grizzled Outcasts Flip
- 1x Gryff Vanguard
- 1x Guardian Automaton
- 2x Guardians of Akrasa
- 1x Gurmag Drowner
- 1x Gurmag Swiftwing
- 1x Harbor Bandit
- 1x Haunter of Nightveil
- 1x Heartstabber Mosquito
- 2x Heavenly Qilin
- 1x Heavy Infantry
- 1x Heliod's Pilgrim
- 2x Highborn Ghoul
- 1x Highland Game
- 1x Hostile Minotaur
- 1x Howlpack Wolf
- 1x Hulking Devil
- 1x Hunted Ghoul
- 1x Ill-Tempered Cyclops
- 1x Insatiable Harpy
- 1x Jeskai Elder
- 1x Joraga Bard
- 1x Jwar Isle Avenger
- 1x Kessig Dire Swine
- 1x Kheru Dreadmaw
- 1x Kindercatch
- 1x Knight of Infamy
- 1x Knight of the Tusk
- 1x Kolaghan Aspirant
- 2x Kolaghan Forerunners
- 1x Kor Sky Climber
- 1x Kozilek's Pathfinder
- 1x Kozilek's Translator
- 1x Law-Rune Enforcer
- 1x Leaf Gilder
- 2x Leopard-Spotted Jiao
- 1x Lightning Berserker
- 1x Liliana's Shade
- 1x Llanowar Empath
- 1x Lotus Path Djinn
- 1x Makeshift Battalion
- 1x Makindi Aeronaut
- 1x Makindi Griffin
- 1x Manor Skeleton
- 1x Mardu Scout
- 1x Mardu Shadowspear
- 1x Markov Patrician
- 1x Maze Abomination
- 1x Maze Glider
- 1x Mer-Ek Nightblade
- 1x Meteor Golem
- 1x Midnight Duelist
- 1x Militant Inquisitor
- 1x Minotaur Skullcleaver
- 1x Monastery Loremaster
- 1x Moon-Eating Dog
- 2x Nemesis of Mortals
- 1x Nessian Asp
- 1x Netcaster Spider
- 1x Nether Horror
- 1x Niblis of the Breath
- 1x Niblis of the Mist
- 1x Nine-Tail White Fox
- 1x Ondu Giant
- 2x Orchard Spirit
- 1x Palace Familiar
- 1x Paragon of Fierce Defiance
- 1x Paragon of Open Graves
- 1x Pathbreaker Wurm
- 1x Pawn of Ulamog
- 2x Pitchburn Devils
- 1x Pouncing Lynx
- 1x Prickleboar
- 1x Primal Clay
- 1x Purphoros's Emissary
- 1x Purple-Crystal Crab
- 1x Pyre Hound
- 1x Qarsi High Priest
- 1x Qarsi Sadist
- 1x Quilled Wolf
- 2x Rabid Rats
- 1x Rakdos Shred-Freak
- 1x Rakeclaw Gargantuan
- 1x Ravenous Rats
- 1x Reassembling Skeleton
- 3x Reckless Pangolin
- 1x Regal Bloodlord
- 1x Renowned Weaver
- 1x Research Assistant
- 1x Returned Phalanx
- 1x Ringwarden Owl
- 1x Rootwater Alligator
- 1x Rotting Fensnake
- 1x Rotting Mastodon
- 1x Rummaging Goblin
- 1x Runaway Carriage
- 1x Runed Servitor
- 1x Russet Wolves
- 3x Sacred White Deer
- 1x Sanitarium Skeleton
- 2x Satyr Hedonist
- 1x Satyr Piper
- 2x Satyr Rambler
- 1x Scholar of Athreos
- 1x Screamreach Brawler
- 1x Screeching Phoenix
- 1x Scroll Thief
- 1x Seagraf Skaab
- 1x Searchlight Geist
- 1x Segmented Krotiq
- 1x Seller of Songbirds
- 1x Sengir Vampire
- 1x Servant of Nefarox
- 1x Sewer Shambler
- 1x Shambling Goblin
- 2x Shivan Dragon
- 1x Silburlind Snapper
- 1x Skeleton Archer
- 1x Skyknight Legionnaire
- 1x Skymarch Bloodletter
- 1x Smolder Initiate
- 1x Solitary Hunter Flip
- 1x Solitary Hunter Flip
- 1x Somberwald Vigilante
- 1x Soulcage Fiend
- 1x Spawnbinder Mage
- 1x Spearpoint Oread
- 1x Splatter Thug
- 1x Sprinting Warbrute
- 1x Stoneshock Giant
- 1x Stonework Puma
- 1x Stormcloud Spirit
- 1x Stormrider Spirit
- 1x Stromkirk Patrol
- 1x Sultai Emissary
- 1x Sunblade Angel
- 1x Syndicate Enforcer
- 1x Tajuru Archer
- 1x Tajuru Pathwarden
- 1x Tattered Mummy
- 1x Territorial Baloth
- 1x Tethmos high Priest
- 2x Teyo's Lightshield
- 1x Thopter Engineer
- 1x Thornbow Archer
- 1x Thrashing Mossdog
- 1x Timberland Guide
- 1x Tolarian Scholar
- 1x Topan Freeblade
- 1x Topplegeist
- 1x Torch Fiend
- 1x Torchling
- 1x Tormented Pariah Flip
- 1x Totem-Guide Hartebeest
- 1x Trained Caracal
- 1x Trusted Pegasus
- 1x Turntimber Basilisk
- 1x Umara Entangler
- 1x Underworld Coinsmith
- 1x Unruly Mob
- 1x Vampire Envoy
- 1x Vampire Interloper
- 1x Vampire Noble
- 1x Vampire Outcasts
- 1x Vampire Sovereign
- 1x Vedalken Entrancer
- 2x Viashino Firstblade
- 1x Vivid Flying Fish
- 1x Volcanic Rambler
- 3x Walking Corpse
- 1x Warbringer
- 1x Warchanter of Mogis
- 1x Watcher in the Web
- 2x Watercourser
- 2x Welkin Tern
- 1x Whirler Rogue
- 1x Wild-Field Scarecrow
- 1x Wildfire Cerberus
- 1x Wildheart Invoker
- 1x Zarichi Tiger
- 1x Zhur-Taa Swine
- 1x Zombie Goliath
Instant (96)
- 1x Abnormal Endurance
- 1x Abstruse Interference
- 1x Adverse Conditions
- 1x Aegis of the Heavens
- 1x Aphotic Wisps
- 1x Artisan's Sorrow
- 1x Battlefield Promotion
- 1x Bioshift
- 1x Breath of Fire
- 1x Burst of Strength
- 1x Celestial Flare
- 1x Chandra's Fury
- 1x Chronostutter
- 1x Clash of Wills
- 1x Cloudshift
- 1x Crushing Vines
- 1x Dark Betrayal
- 2x Defend the Hearth
- 1x Defiant Strike
- 1x Deny Existence
- 1x Destructive Revelry
- 2x Divine Arrow
- 1x Doom Blade
- 1x Douse in Gloom
- 1x Dragon's Presence
- 1x Drown in Shapelessness
- 1x Elemental Uprising
- 1x Engulf the Shore
- 1x Ephemeral Shields
- 1x Essence Scatter
- 1x Expose Evil
- 1x Far / Away
- 1x Feast of Dreams
- 1x Feeling of Dread
- 2x Flatten
- 1x Foul-Tongue Invocation
- 1x Foul-Tongue Shriek
- 2x Gideon's Triumph
- 1x Gift of Tusks
- 1x Glorious Charge
- 1x Gravepurge
- 1x Harrow
- 1x Harsh Sustenance
- 1x Hunter's Ambush
- 1x Induce Despair
- 1x Lash of the Whip
- 1x Last Breath
- 1x Magma Jet
- 1x Merciless Resolve
- 1x Might Beyond Reason
- 1x Mighty Leap
- 1x Mindswipe
- 3x Murder
- 1x Natural End
- 1x Naturalize
- 1x Necrobite
- 1x Negate
- 1x Nightmare's Thirst
- 1x Pharika's Cure
- 1x Pinion Feast
- 2x Plummet
- 1x Predator's Rapport
- 1x Punish the Enemy
- 1x Putrefy
- 1x Qilin's Blessing
- 1x Raise the Alarm
- 2x Rally of Wings
- 1x Repel the Darkness
- 1x Scour from Existence
- 1x Smother
- 1x Spatial Contortion
- 1x Spell Rupture
- 1x Strangling Spores
- 1x Surge of Righteousness
- 1x Thoughtflare
- 1x Throttle
- 1x Titanic Growth
- 1x Titan's Presence
- 2x Topple the Statue
- 1x Tribute to Hunger
- 1x Twin Bolt
- 1x Ultimate Price
- 1x Urgent Exorcism
- 1x Vile Rebirth
- 1x Volcanic Geyser
- 1x War Flare
- 1x Wring Flesh
Sorcery (81)
- 2x Aggressive Instinct
- 1x Anchor to the Aether
- 1x Appetite for Brains
- 1x Assassinate
- 1x Awe for the Guilds
- 1x Bathe in Dragonfire
- 1x Beck / Call
- 1x Bitter Revelation
- 1x Blood Divination
- 1x Bond of Discipline
- 1x Brilliant Plan
- 2x Cleansing Screech
- 1x Collective Brutality
- 2x Confidence from Strength
- 1x Corpsehatch
- 1x Crash Through
- 1x Defeat
- 1x Demolish
- 1x Devour in Flames
- 2x Divination
- 3x Duress
- 1x Essence Harvest
- 1x Farseek
- 1x Fill with Fright
- 1x Flames of the Firebrand
- 1x Fork in the Road
- 1x Gaze of Granite
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Chant
- 1x Infernal Plunge
- 1x Journey for the Elixir
- 1x Kytheon's Tactics
- 1x Lab Rats
- 1x Lich's Caress
- 1x Liliana's Spoils
- 2x Macabre Waltz
- 1x Magmatic Chasm
- 4x Mind Rot
- 2x Moan of the Unhallowed
- 1x Molten Disaster
- 1x Morgue Burst
- 2x Night Terrors
- 1x Ojutai's Summons
- 1x Oust
- 1x Pillar of Flame
- 1x Portent of Betrayal
- 2x Prey Upon
- 1x Purge the Profane
- 1x Rage of Purphoros
- 1x Rakshasa's Secret
- 1x Ranger's Path
- 4x Read the Bones
- 1x Rhythmic Water Vortex
- 1x Rise from the Tides
- 1x Seek the Horizon
- 1x Seismic Stomp
- 1x Sheer Drop
- 1x Sovereign's Bite
- 1x Sparkmage's Gambit
- 1x Talrand's Invocation
- 1x Tasigur's Cruelty
- 1x Time Wipe
- 2x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Traitorous Blood
- 1x Witness the End
Enchantment (40)
- 1x Angelic Benediction
- 1x Aspect of Gorgon
- 1x Blood Reckoning
- 1x Cast into Darkness
- 1x Claim of Erebos
- 1x Cloak of Mists
- 1x Curiosity
- 1x Dead Weight
- 1x Debilitating Injury
- 1x Dying Wish
- 1x Encrust
- 1x Equestrian Skill
- 1x Eternal Thirst
- 1x Ghostly Possession
- 1x Gruesome Deformity
- 1x Gruul War Chant
- 2x Hardened-Scale Armor
- 1x Hope Against Hope
- 1x Jeskai Runemark
- 1x Lightning Diadem
- 4x Mark of the Vampire
- 1x Might Makes Right
- 1x Molting Snakeskin
- 1x Open the Graves
- 1x Oppressive Rays
- 1x Pin to the Earth
- 1x Runner's Bane
- 1x Scourgemark
- 1x Skeletal Grimace
- 1x Spectral Prison
- 1x Temur Runemark
- 1x Triskaidekaphobia
- 1x Vessel of Ephemera
- 1x Viper's Kiss
- 1x Virulent Plague
- 1x Volcanic Strength
Land (139)
- 1x Akoum Refuge
- 1x Blighted Cataract
- 1x Blossoming Sands
- 1x Dimir Guildgate
- 1x Dismal Backwater
- 1x Emergence Zone
- 7x Evolving Wilds
- 19x Forest
- 1x Foul Orchard
- 1x Ghost Quarter
- 1x Graypelt Refuge
- 1x Grim Backwoods
- 1x Haven of the Spirit Dragon
- 1x Interplanar Beacon
- 10x Island
- 1x Jungle Hollow
- 1x Meandering River
- 24x Mountain
- 23x Plains
- 1x Rocky Tar Pit
- 1x Selesnya Guildgate
- 1x Simic Guildgate
- 1x Stirring Wildwood
- 31x Swamp
- 1x Terramorphic Expanse
- 1x Thornwood Falls
- 1x Timber Gorge
- 2x Turntimber Grove
- 1x Unknown Shores
- 1x Wind-Scarred Crag
Artifact (14)
- 1x Alhammarret's Archive
- 1x Boros Cluestone
- 1x Corrupted Grafstone
- 1x Executioner's Hood
- 1x Explorer's Scope
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Bell
- 1x Goblin Boom Keg
- 1x Hero's Blade
- 1x Mind Stone
- 1x Orzhov Cluestone
- 1x Rakdos Cluestone
- 1x Strider Harness
- 1x Traveler's Amulet
- 1x Vial of Dragonfire