SantaCruzMtG - Magic Historian - Limited Specialist - Old School Enthusiast

Follow my Instagram: @SantaCruzMtG!

And check out my Deck Folders for great Old School and Limited decks!

About Me!

  • SantaCruzMtG. GP San Jose 2015 (5-0, but I can't say the same for my teammates!), Prerelease Crusher, Drafter/Sealed Player, OG, Peasant Cube Owner/co-creator, and historical format enthusiast.
  • Proudly completed a Revised expansion set. Glad to have it in my collection!

  • Favorite Quotes

  • "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." - Theodore Roosevelt (in regards to slow -rolling an opponent.)
  • "Denying the handshake because your opponent topdecked an out isn't going to get you anywhere. " - Nick Spagnolo

  • Please continue reading for a Cycle of Magical Puns:
    You might be offended or made Furious by my magical puns/references, general cockiness, and casual use of light vulgarity. Rather than having Woe, I hope my decklists and their descriptions Will entertain you Mightily! Thanks for visiting - and I Hope your online Avatar becomes half as cool as mine.

    Cheers! Thanks for reading. Once again, please follow @SantaCruzMtG on Insta, and keep pounding that maj!

    MTG Decks

    The Deck (Modern)

    Vintage tapanmeister

    SCORE: 8 | 6 COMMENTS | 3120 VIEWS | IN 1 FOLDER

    Old School Mono Green

    Casual tapanmeister


    Old School The Deck

    Casual tapanmeister

    397 VIEWS | IN 1 FOLDER


    cube chart

    Tapanmeister's Pauper Cube (Vintage)

    tapanmeister — 13 years ago

    SCORE 1 | COMMENTS 0 | VIEWS 687

    Finished Decks 284
    Prototype Decks 63
    Drafts 58
    Playing since Revised Edition
    Cube Drafts 3
    Avg. deck rating 4.87
    T/O Rank None yet
    Helper Rank None yet
    Favorite formats Vintage, Commander / EDH, Highlander, Limited, Pre-release, Casual
    Venues Legends comics and games, Channel Fireball Game Center, Mythic Games, Santa Cruz
    Joined 16 years