First played MTG years ago when my older brother introduced the game to me. My first deck (which my brother built for me) was a reanimator deck that I really enjoyed. I drifted away from Magic for a few years, but came back to it recently when I started playing with some friends in college.
I mostly play casually with my friends. I don't usually concern myself with whether my decks are Standard or Modern legal when building them, since it's just casual play. However, my friends and I are still very competitive with each other, and are constantly trying to improve our current decks and make new ones in order to beat each other.
I'm an Esper man through and through. Any combination of WUB is likely a deck I'm willing to play. I don't mind using some red or green in my decks if it brings in a cool concept or mechanic, but I rarely play a mono-red, mono-green, or, god forbid, a Gruul deck. Nothing against those that do, just not my playstyle.
I'm always looking to improve my decks and ability, so if you have any reasonable suggestions or advice, I'm willing to listen.