I like competitive play, and get mad adrenaline shivers when I'm about to win. Level zero poker face.

MTG Decks

Murmaider | Thrasios Combo

Commander / EDH tenrose

SCORE: 129 | 76 COMMENTS | 41167 VIEWS | IN 68 FOLDERS

Urza's Intuition | Protean Polymorph

Commander / EDH* tenrose

SCORE: 1 | 364 VIEWS

Finished Decks 184
Prototype Decks 147
Drafts 0
Playing since Champions of Kamigawa
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 15.47
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 1 / 1
Joined 12 years