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MTG Salvation

I came into this game when the Innistrad Block was entering its last cycle before M14. My friend/neighbor bought a M13 Deck Builder's Toolkit, which wasn't the best choice but good for us in terms of being beginners. I finally went to my first event with Mono-Red Burn on Friday for FNM at Something2Do. I went 0-4, but I'd had the most fun I've ever had playing a card game in a LONG time. Decks now made by me are popular with any combination of the R/W/G colors or anything aggro.

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MTG Decks

Finished Decks 3
Prototype Decks 2
Drafts 0
Playing since Magic 2013
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Commander / EDH, Limited
Cards suggested / good suggestions 4 / 4
Venues FNM Venue, Something2Do
Joined 11 years
MTGO Username Staccato