MTG List: Tim's cards



Dragons: chained to the rocks, curse of the swine, gild, rattleclaw mystic, whelming wave

mossfire? darkwater? debt to the deathless? temple of plenty?

Muldrotha: gemstone mine kiora soldevi strip mine svyelunite temple saprazzan skerry vraska the unseen deadeye navigator gray merchant of asphodel mindslicer mindwrack demon daring apprentice animate dead sindbad far wanderings control magic

Saps: 2 sporecrown thallid, 2 slimefoot

Elsrazi mod: dreamstone Heston, worn powersotone, Heston archive, heralds horn

Double check, I think I gave these back...

champion of stray souls carnage altar oblivion stone cephalid sage simic growth chameber crop sigil

1x Kiora, the Crashing Wave 1x Strip Mine 1x Svyelunite Temple 1x Vraska the Unseen 21.33

unsure about these Dismal backwashes OrHov fuildhatte Gary Balthor