A red, black and white planeswalker at heart. Values the speed and precision of red mana, the deadly kill spells of black and the all-around power of white. Has a particular taste for big midrange creatures with good evasion and all-around staying power, creatures that has lifelink, protection and shadow; and has a knack for stacking up on tons of kill spells and burn cards.

Current Decks: Kaalia of the Vast (Commander/Duel-Commander) Bloodcrank (Modern) RB Pauper (Modern Pauper)

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MTG Decks

Project Gravebriar

Commander / EDH* valadr_arsen

SCORE: 1 | 159 VIEWS


Commander / EDH* valadr_arsen


RB Pauper

Pauper valadr_arsen


Finished Decks 17
Prototype Decks 10
Drafts 0
Playing since Onslaught
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Venues Neutral Grounds
Joined 11 years