I started collecting MTG when my cousin came to visit for a week when I was 7-8 year's old. The local movie rental store sold packs and I got two pack's of Arabian Nights with my allowance. Bought magic whenever I could, traded in my baseball cards for mtg and most of what I bought was Unlimited, Revised, Ice Age, Mirage, Tempest, Portals, 4th -7th edition and more in that time frame im not remembering right now. I ended up losing interest about 13 years ago after collecting for a long time but not having any friends that played or were interested in magic I stuffed them in a closet at my parents and forgot about them until 2011 after I bought my house and brought all my old stuff home from my parents place. Looking through my boxes of old cards rekindled my interest with MTG and I bought about 20 packs of Avacyn Restored at target before quickly losing interest due to a busy life and again, nobody to share the hobby with. Always being a hockey card collector I brought all my cards to a local sports card shop and, without realizing my mtg cards had any value, tried to trade them in for a $75 box of hockey. The store owner didn't have time to go through thousands of card's and said he really didn't know anything about them so like an idiot I said just give me $25 store credit and that was that. Now that I know better I gave up alot of value for basically free. Volcanic Island - Demonic Tutor - Griselbrand - Necropotence - alot of old foils from when they first started foiling cards and just the border was foil, among many many other cards I'd kill to have back. Anyway, I was checking out a new sports card shop this past summer (2014) and they happened to have a FNM going on when I was there and the spark was lit once again. Now, I've sold/traded in almost all my sports card's to buy MTG and started with 2 boxes of Theros, 1 box of Journey into Nyx and since Kahns of Tarkir was released I've been buying at least a box a week. Now I'm full blown into Magic, have people to play and trade with locally and a store I get booster boxes for under $100. Right now I'm slowly getting a collection of eternal cards built and I play casual standard for now. I love the game but I have to admit I'm more of a flat out collector of MTG than I am a serious player. I'm also a foil freak and will typically trade in your favor to obtain a rare foil I need.

Currently I'm working on Foil Fetch Land's and have all five from KTK. I'm really excited about the Zendikar fetches facing a probable reprint in the near future and will be going hard after the foils. I'm also working on collecting one of each dual land from revised or unlimited as well as a foil of each Planeswalker. One day I'll start going after P9 but I have a few years of rebuilding my collection before I even think of that!

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MTG Decks


Standard* vance3


American Wenie

Standard vance3


Finished Decks 2
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since Limited Edition Beta
Avg. deck rating None
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Favorite formats Modern
Venues outpost 2000
Joined 10 years