MTG List: Rishkar, Peema Renegade EDH



Win con: The primary win condition for this deck is to build lots of small creatures and be able to cast either Craterhoof Behemoth or Triumph of the Horde to kill all other players in one swing. Most of the time the players will ignore you as they will feel that you are just playing small creatures that are of little threat until it is to late.

Tips and Strategies: Rishkar, Peema Renegade is a creature you want to always cast on turn 3. With that in mind I have included several one and two drop creatures to insure that we will have at least one other creature to target with his ETB ability.

Because of Rishkar's static ability allowing all creatures with a +1/+1 counter tap for mana we are not running many traditional mana ramp spells. Addationally we want to insure that we have creatures that can either gain a +1/+1 counter easily or can give one to other creatures easily. There are few creatures in this deck that do not accomplish this in some way.

Card Draw and deck manipulation: Most of the card draw is conditional requiring that we either have lots of creatures or creatures with +1/+1 counters. We also have a few ways to search up the pieces we need to win the game. Remember when you cast tooth and nail with entwine the creatures you fetch don't have to be the same ones you put in to play.