MTG List: Group Cube
White (51)
- 1x Accorder Paladin
- 1x Aerial Maneuver
- 1x Aven Liberator
- 1x Aven Sunstriker
- 1x Ballynock Cohort
- 1x Battlewise Valor
- 1x Benalish Cavalry
- 1x Benalish Knight
- 1x Burrenton Bombardier
- 1x Choking Fumes
- 1x Cloudgoat Ranger
- 1x Daru Lancer
- 1x Dauntless Onslaught
- 1x Deftblade Elite
- 1x Elder Land Wurm
- 1x Elite Skirmisher
- 1x Embolden
- 1x Enduring Victory
- 1x Even the Odds
- 1x Excoriate
- 1x Feat of Resistance
- 1x Glimpse the Sun God
- 1x Glittering Lion
- 1x Guardian of the Gateless
- 1x Guided Strike
- 1x Gustcloak Cavalier
- 1x Ivory Giant
- 1x Judge Unworthy
- 1x Knight of Sursi
- 1x Lairwatch Giant
- 1x Liege of the Axe
- 1x Meadowboon
- 1x Misthoof Kirin
- 1x Moment of Heroism
- 1x Niveous Wisps
- 1x Otherworldly Journey
- 1x Outrider en-Kor
- 1x Porcelain Legionnaire
- 1x Reciprocate
- 1x Safehold Sentry
- 1x Second Thoughts
- 1x Shelter
- 1x Sigiled Paladin
- 1x Steppe Lynx
- 1x Supply-Line Cranes
- 1x Swell of Courage
- 1x Swift Maneuver
- 1x Urbis Protector
- 1x Vanguard of Brimaz
- 1x Wakestone Gargoyle
- 1x Whipcorder
Black (51)
- 1x Aphetto Exterminator
- 1x Aphotic Wisps
- 1x Assassinate
- 1x Bone Splinters
- 1x Boon of Erebos
- 1x Butcher's Glee
- 1x Corpse Blockade
- 1x Corpulent Corpse
- 1x Cradle to Grave
- 1x Cruel Deceiver
- 1x Death Wind
- 1x Deathgaze Cockatrice
- 1x Diregraf Ghoul
- 1x Dirge of Dread
- 1x Driver of the Dead
- 1x Evil Eye of Urborg
- 1x Extremely Slow Zombie
- 1x Fleshwrither
- 1x Fume Spitter
- 1x Geyserfield Stalker
- 1x Haunted Cadaver
- 1x Headhunter
- 1x Hunter of Eyeblights
- 1x Ichor Slick
- 1x Incremental Blight
- 1x Kor Dirge
- 1x Macabre Waltz
- 1x Marsh Flitter
- 1x Mausoleum Turnkey
- 1x Mogis's Marauder
- 1x Nameless Inversion
- 1x Necrobite
- 1x Necrogen Scudder
- 1x Phthisis
- 1x Phyrexian Gargantua
- 1x Phyrexian Rager
- 1x Rakdos Drake
- 1x Reaping the Graves
- 1x Rotting Giant
- 1x Rush of Vitality
- 1x Sickle Ripper
- 1x Skinthinner
- 1x Smog Elemental
- 1x Sudden Death
- 1x Twisted Abomination
- 1x Urborg Uprising
- 1x Vault Skirge
- 1x Violet Pall
- 1x Viscera Dragger
- 1x Woebearer
- 1x Xathrid Slyblade
Green (51)
- 1x Aggressive Urge
- 1x Aquastrand Spider
- 1x Awaken the Bear
- 1x Baloth Woodcrasher
- 1x Branchsnap Lorian
- 1x Commune with Nature
- 1x Death-Hood Cobra
- 1x Earthbrawn
- 1x Elephant Ambush
- 1x Gaea's Protector
- 1x Ghor-Clan Savage
- 1x Giant Dustwasp
- 1x Gorilla Chieftain
- 1x Havenwood Wurm
- 1x Hungry Spriggan
- 1x Hunt Down
- 1x Hunt the Weak
- 1x Juvenile Gloomwidow
- 1x Kavu Climber
- 1x Krosan Vorine
- 1x Kujar Seedsculptor
- 1x Lace with Moonglove
- 1x Llanowar Augur
- 1x Maul Splicer
- 1x Mortal's Resolve
- 1x Nantuko Shaman
- 1x Nath's Elite
- 1x Netcaster Spider
- 1x Orchard Spirit
- 1x Orochi Ranger
- 1x Patron of the Wild
- 1x Penumbra Spider
- 1x Phantom Wurm
- 1x Refresh
- 1x Roar of Challenge
- 1x Run Wild
- 1x Savage Surge
- 1x Serpentine Basilisk
- 1x Sheltering Word
- 1x Slaughterhorn
- 1x Sudden Strength
- 1x Temur Sabertooth
- 1x Thallid Shell-Dweller
- 1x Thundering Spineback
- 1x Tower Above
- 1x Twigwalker
- 1x Unnatural Aggression
- 1x Viridescent Wisps
- 1x Wandering Wolf
- 1x Wildsize
- 1x Woodland Guidance
Blue (51)
- 1x Alchemist's Apprentice
- 1x Benthicore
- 1x Breaching Hippocamp
- 1x Cerulean Wisps
- 1x Choking Tethers
- 1x Coral Trickster
- 1x Crookclaw Transmuter
- 1x Crypsis
- 1x Deceiver Exarch
- 1x Delay
- 1x Dewdrop Spy
- 1x Diminish
- 1x Discombobulate
- 1x Drelnoch
- 1x Drifter il-Dal
- 1x Enhanced Awareness
- 1x Fledgling Mawcor
- 1x Font of Fortunes
- 1x Geist Snatch
- 1x Gone Missing
- 1x Impaler Shrike
- 1x Jace's Scrutiny
- 1x Jetting Glasskite
- 1x Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch
- 1x Kapsho Kitefins
- 1x Kraken of the Straits
- 1x Leech Bonder
- 1x Mage's Guile
- 1x Meddle
- 1x Memory Lapse
- 1x Mistfire Weaver
- 1x Monastery Flock
- 1x Nevermaker
- 1x Riftwing Cloudskate
- 1x Sage's Row Savant
- 1x Select for Inspection
- 1x Sigiled Starfish
- 1x Sky Theater Strix
- 1x Spellkeeper Weird
- 1x Spiketail Drake
- 1x Spiketail Drakeling
- 1x Stealth Mission
- 1x Stormbound Geist
- 1x Sudden Storm
- 1x Swirling Torrent
- 1x Tandem Lookout
- 1x Vivisection
- 1x Vortex Elemental
- 1x Water Servant
- 1x Whirlwind Adept
- 1x Wipe Away
Red (51)
- 1x Akoum Stonewaker
- 1x Belligerent Whiptail
- 1x Boldwyr Intimidator
- 1x Bolt of Keranos
- 1x Brutal Deceiver
- 1x Carbonize
- 1x Changeling Berserker
- 1x Cone of Flame
- 1x Coordinated Assault
- 1x Crested Craghorn
- 1x Crimson Wisps
- 1x Devastating Summons
- 1x Ember Beast
- 1x Erdwal Ripper
- 1x Fall of the Hammer
- 1x Fiery Conclusion
- 1x Glarewielder
- 1x Goblin Grappler
- 1x Goblin Heelcutter
- 1x Greater Stone Spirit
- 1x Hanweir Lancer
- 1x Ill-Tempered Cyclops
- 1x Incite War
- 1x Initiate of Blood Flip
- 1x Inner-Flame Acolyte
- 1x Karplusan Wolverine
- 1x Keldon Halberdier
- 1x Lightning Axe
- 1x Macetail Hystrodon
- 1x Magmaroth
- 1x Minotaur Skullcleaver
- 1x Mudbutton Torchrunner
- 1x Plated Geopede
- 1x Puncture Bolt
- 1x Riddle of Lightning
- 1x Rise to the Challenge
- 1x Rivals' Duel
- 1x Rogue Kavu
- 1x Rolling Thunder
- 1x Rubblebelt Maaka
- 1x Rustrazor Butcher
- 1x Siegebreaker Giant
- 1x Skarrgan Firebird
- 1x Stoke the Flames
- 1x Street Spasm
- 1x Stun
- 1x Swift Kick
- 1x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Valley Dasher
- 1x Wall of Torches
- 1x War-Name Aspirant
Gold (22)
- 1x AEthertow
- 1x Barkshell Blessing
- 1x Cauldron Haze
- 1x Centaur Safeguard
- 1x Crag Puca
- 1x Grief Tyrant
- 1x Groundling Pouncer
- 1x Hearthfire Hobgoblin
- 1x Inkfathom Infiltrator
- 1x Inside Out
Kulrath Knight
- 1x Mercy Killing
- 1x Oona's Gatewarden
- 1x Rendclaw Trow
- 1x Safehold Elite
- 1x Scarscale Ritual
- 1x Scuzzback Marauders
- 1x Shrewd Hatchling
- 1x Silkbind Faerie
- 1x Slitherhead
- 1x Sootstoke Kindler
- 1x Trapjaw Kelpie