MTG List: List of Cards
Creature (250)
- 1x Abhorrent Overlord
- 1x Aegis Angel
- 1x Aegis of the Gods
- 1x Aggressive Mammoth
- 1x Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
- 1x Altered Ego
- 1x Ammit Eternal
- 1x Anax and Cymede
- 1x Angel of Condemnation
- 1x Angel of Deliverance *f-pre*
- 1x Angel of Serenity
- 1x Anowon, the Ruin Sage
Anthousa, Setessan Hero
- 1x Apocalypse Demon
- 1x Arashin Sovereign
- 1x Arbor Colossus
- 1x Archon of Justice
- 1x Archon of the Triumvirate
- 1x Armada Wurm
- 1x Ashcloud Phoenix
- 1x Ashen Rider
- 1x Ashling, Flame Dancer
- 1x Athreos, God of Passage
Avenger of Zendikar
- 1x Battle Sliver
- 1x Blood-Chin Fanatic
- 1x Blood Scrivener
- 1x Blur Sliver
- 1x Bonescythe Sliver
- 1x Bontu the Glorified
- 1x Boon Satyr
- 1x Butcher of Malakir
- 1x Butcher of the Horde
- 1x Bygone Bishop
- 1x Captivating Vampire
- 1x Carnival Hellsteed
- 1x Celestial Archon
- 1x Cemetery Reaper
- 1x Champion of Stray Souls
- 1x Coram, the Undertaker
- 1x Council of the Absolute
- 1x Cruel Sadist
- 1x Cryptborn Horror
Crystalline Sliver
- 1x Daghatar the Adamant
- 1x Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders
- 1x Dark Impostor
- 1x Daxos of Meletis
- 1x Deadbridge Goliath
- 1x Death Baron
- 1x Deathbringer Regent
- 1x Deathcap Cultivator
- 1x Deathpact Angel
- 1x Detective's Phoenix
- 1x Devourer of Destiny
- 1x Diregraf Captain
Diregraf Colossus
- 1x Diregraf Ghoul
Doomwake Giant
- 1x Dormant Sliver
- 1x Dragonmaster Outcast
- 1x Dragonscale General
- 1x Dralnu, Lich Lord
- 1x Drana's Chosen
- 1x Dreamtide Whale
- 1x Drogskol Cavalry
- 1x Dromoka, the Eternal
- 1x Duskmantle Seer
- 1x Eater of Hope
- 1x Eidolon of Blossoms
- 1x Eidolon of Countless Battles
- 1x Eldrazi Linebreaker
- 1x Elusive Tormentor Flip
- 1x Emeria Shepherd
- 1x Emmara Tandris
- 1x Emperor of Bones
- 1x Emrakul, the World Anew
- 1x Ephara, God of the Polis
- 1x Erebos, God of the Dead
- 1x Essence Sliver
- 1x Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
- 1x Fanatic of Rhonas
- 1x Fate Unraveler
- 1x Filigree Angel
- 1x Fleecemane Lion
- 1x Galerider Sliver
- 1x Genku, Future Shaper
- 1x Ghostflame Sliver
- 1x Gideon's Avenger
- 1x Gilt-Leaf Winnower
- 1x Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma
- 1x Grand Abolisher
- 1x Grand Architect
- 1x Grave Titan
- 1x Gravewaker
- 1x Grim Haruspex
- 1x Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
- 1x Griselbrand
- 1x Grist, Voracious Larva Flip
- 1x Groundshaker Sliver
- 1x Gruul Ragebeast
- 1x Guide of Souls
- 1x Hanweir Militia Captain Flip
- 1x Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
- 1x Harbinger of the Seas
- 1x Harmonic Sliver
- 1x Heliod, God of the Sun
- 1x Herald of Anguish
- 1x Heroes' Bane
- 1x Heron's Grace Champion
- 1x Hixus, Prison Warden
- 1x Hoard-Smelter Dragon
- 1x Hoarding Dragon
- 1x Hundred-Handed One
- 1x Hythonia the Cruel
- 1x Imskir Iron-Eater
- 1x Inexorable Blob
- 1x Invisible Stalker
- 1x Ire Shaman
- 1x Isperia, Supreme Judge
- 1x Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge
- 1x Kaalia of the Vast
- 1x Kalonian Twingrove
- 1x Kambal, Consul of Allocation
- 1x Kappa Cannoneer
- 1x Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
Kozilek, the Broken Reality
- 1x K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
- 1x Kudo, King Among Bears
- 1x Kytheon's Irregulars
- 1x Lavinia of the Tenth
- 1x Liliana's Reaver
- 1x Lord of the Accursed
- 1x Lotleth Troll
- 1x Malakir Bloodwitch
- 1x Manaweft Sliver
- 1x Medomai the Ageless
Megantic Sliver
- 1x Mindwrack Demon
- 1x Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
- 1x Mistcutter Hydra
- 1x Munda's Vanguard
- 1x Necromaster Dragon
- 1x Necroskitter
- 1x Nekusar, the Mindrazer
- 1x Nessian Wilds Ravager
- 1x Nethergoyf
- 1x Nighthowler
- 1x Nightmare
- 1x Nimble Obstructionist
- 1x Noble Hierarch
- 1x Nylea, God of the Hunt
Ocelot Pride
- 1x Odric, Master Tactician
- 1x Ojutai, Soul of Winter
- 1x Olivia, Mobilized for War
- 1x Olivia Voldaren
- 1x Pack Rat
- 1x Padeem, Consul of Innovation
- 1x Pain Seer
- 1x Palisade Giant
- 1x Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor
- 1x Pheres-Band Warchief
- 1x Polis Crusher
- 1x Predatory Sliver
- 1x Preeminent Captain
- 1x Prized Amalgam
- 1x Prophet of Kruphix
- 1x Psychic Frog
- 1x Pulmonic Sliver
- 1x Quirion Dryad
- 1x Rakshasa Deathdealer
- 1x Rattleclaw Mystic
- 1x Realmwright
- 1x Reaper from the Abyss
- 1x Reaper of the Wilds
- 1x Recruiter of the Guard
- 1x Relentless Dead
- 1x Reverent Hunter
- 1x Root Sliver
- 1x Rosheen, Roaring Prophet
- 1x Royal Assassin
- 1x Rubblehulk
- 1x Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
- 1x Sage of Ancient Lore Flip
- 1x Sanctifier of Souls
- 1x Sangromancer
- 1x Scourge of Valkas
- 1x Sentinel Sliver
- 1x Sepulchral Primordial
- 1x Seraph of the Sword
- 1x Serra's Guardian
- 1x Shadow Sliver
- 1x Sharding Sphinx
- 1x Sharuum the Hegemon
- 1x Shivan Dragon
- 1x Sidewinder Sliver
- 1x Siege Dragon
Silklash Spider
- 1x Silumgar, the Drifting Death
- 1x Silverfur Partisan
- 1x Sinew Sliver
- 1x Sire Of Insanity
- 1x Skarrg Goliath
- 1x Skirsdag High Priest
- 1x Sliver Construct
- 1x Soldier of the Pantheon
- 1x Solitude
- 1x Sorin of House Markov Flip
- 1x Soul of Innistrad
- 1x Soul Swallower
- 1x Spinneret Sliver
- 1x Spirit of the Labyrinth
- 1x Steelform Sliver
- 1x Stormbreath Dragon
- 2x Sutured Ghoul
- 1x Sylvan Advocate
- 1x Sylvan Safekeeper
- 1x Synod Artificer
- 1x Syphon Sliver
- 1x Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student Flip
- 1x Tar Fiend
- 1x Thalia's Lancers
- 1x The Locust God
- 1x The Necrobloom
- 1x Thorncaster Sliver
- 1x Thraximundar
- 1x Triad of Fates
- 1x Two-Headed Sliver
- 1x Tymaret, the Murder King
- 1x Ulamog, the Defiler
- 1x Unbreathing Horde
Undead Alchemist
- 1x Uyo, Silent Prophet
- 1x Vampire Nocturnus
- 1x Varolz, the Scar-Striped
- 1x Veteran Warleader
- 1x Volatile Stormdrake
Vryn Wingmare
- 1x Ward Sliver
- 1x Warren Soultrader
- 1x Wayfaring Temple
- 1x White Orchid Phantom
- 1x Wild Beastmaster
- 1x Xathrid Necromancer
- 1x Xenagos, God of Revels
- 1x Yasova Dragonclaw
- 1x Zhur-Taa Ancient
- 1x Zurgo Helmsmasher *f-pre*
Enchantment (42)
- 1x Amphibian Downpour
- 1x Assault Formation
- 1x Authority of the Consuls
- 1x Branching Evolution
- 1x Call for Unity
- 2x Call to the Grave
- 1x Chained to the Rocks
- 1x Chthonian Nightmare
- 1x Collective Blessing
- 1x Consulate Crackdown *f-pre*
- 1x Cryptolith Rite
- 1x Death's Presence
- 1x Detention Sphere
- 1x Dictate of Erebos
- 1x Dictate of Heliod
- 1x Dictate of Karametra
- 1x Echoes of Eternity
- 1x Endless Ranks of the Dead
- 1x Gift of Immortality
- 1x Graf Harvest
- 1x Grave Betrayal
- 1x Ground Seal
- 1x Havoc Festival
- 1x Honor of the Pure
- 1x Indestructibility
- 1x Liliana's Mastery
- 1x Mana Bloom
- 1x Necrodominance
- 1x Necromancer's Stockpile
- 1x Oath of Gideon
- 1x Ooze Flux
- 1x Palace Siege
- 1x Path of Bravery
- 1x Powerbalance
- 1x Primal Prayers
- 1x Righteous Authority
- 1x Rooftop Storm
- 1x Skybind
- 1x Touch of the Eternal
- 1x Triskaidekaphobia
- 1x Underworld Connections
Sorcery (40)
- 1x Army of the Damned
- 1x Bontu's Last Reckoning
- 1x Clan Defiance
- 1x Decree of Pain
- 1x Dreadbore
- 2x Eliminate the Competition
- 1x Ever After
- 1x Expressive Iteration
- 1x Extinguish All Hope
- 1x Gaze of Granite
- 1x Geosurge
Hive Stirrings
- 1x Howl of the Horde
- 1x In Garruk's Wake
- 1x Jarad's Orders
- 1x Launch the Fleet
- 1x Life's Legacy
- 1x Mind Grind
Nissa's Pilgrimage
- 1x Nissa's Renewal
- 1x Painful Truths
- 1x Planar Cleansing
- 1x Psychic Intrusion
- 1x Reap Intellect
- 1x Revel of the Fallen God
- 1x Rise of the Dark Realms
- 1x Ritual of Soot
- 1x Shape Anew
- 1x Sorin's Vengeance
- 1x Stain the Mind
- 1x Toxic Deluge
- 1x Traverse the Ulvenwald
- 1x Twinflame
- 1x Undercity Plague
- 1x Wheel of Potential
- 1x Worst Fears
- 1x Wrath of the Skies
- 1x Zombie Apocalypse
Instant (18)
- 1x Advent of the Wurm
- 1x Chord of Calling
- 1x Consume the Meek
- 1x Dromoka's Command
- 1x Extirpate
- 1x Fated Return
- 1x Gideon's Phalanx
- 1x Hero's Downfall
- 1x Invert Polarity
- 1x Murder
- 1x Orim's Chant
- 1x Render Silent
- 1x Second Harvest
- 1x Seething Song
- 1x Silence the Believers
- 1x Silumgar's Command
- 1x Slaughter Pact
- 1x Sudden Spoiling
Artifact (13)
- 1x Argent Dais
- 1x Disruptor Flute
- 1x Elbrus, the Binding Blade Flip
- 1x Grimoire of the Dead
- 1x Heart of Kiran
- 1x Hivestone
- 1x Jet Medallion
- 1x Mirage Mirror
- 1x Mirari
- 1x Obelisk of Urd
- 1x Pyromancer's Goggles
- 1x Ruby Medallion
- 1x Sapphire Medallion
Land (10)
- 1x Archway of Innovation
- 1x Bloodstained Mire
- 1x Flooded Strand
- 1x Monumental Henge
- 1x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
- 1x Shifting Woodland
- 1x Temple of Enlightenment
- 1x Ugin's Labyrinth *f-pre*
- 1x Windswept Heath
- 1x Wooded Foothills