MTG List: Sealed Box League


Creature (3038)

Sorcery (410)

Enchantment (1220)

Instant (1102)

Artifact (448)

Land (801)


One box of each set which was Standard-legal at the time of its release, with matches played after each box opening.


1) Each player opens one box of Alpha and adds its contents to their collection
2) For each match, each player must present a 60-card (or greater) deck with a 15-card (or fewer) sideboard built only using cards in their collection
3) Games are played using the most up-to-date Magic rules, Oracle text, and Gatherer rulings--notably, no more than 4 copies of any card with the same English-language name may be in one deck/sideboard combination
4) Matches are best of 3 and are played for ante
5) The winner of each match wins the ante and may open one more pack of the most recently opened set
6) The loser of each match may pick one card (other than a basic land) to ban from all future matches
7) After two matches have been played with the Alpha collection, each player opens a box of Beta and repeats the above
8) This process continues chronologically with each set that was Standard-legal at the time of its printing--for instance, Chronicles will be included, but Modern Masters and Conspiracy will not. However, by consensus, all Portal sets will be opened as though Standard-legal
9) Any player opening a new pack containing a previously banned card may open one additional pack to replace it with a card of identical rarity
10) Banned cards already in a player's collection at the time of banning may not be replaced in the above fashion
11) Manual dexterity cards are preemptively banned due to the online nature of matches

Banned List:

Opened Sets:

  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Unlimited
  • Arabian Nights
  • Antiquities
  • Legends
  • Revised
  • The Dark
  • Fallen Empires
  • Fourth Edition
  • Alliances