
I was introduced by a friend to this game around RTR, but I rarely played until around DOM. Since then I've become much more invested into the game and am the player you see now.

My very first decks (built with the help of friends) were fliers, mill, and later illusion tribal.

Like many players, I started with casual kitchen table Magic, and over time became exposed to competitive Magic. I first became a Legacy enthusiast, then a short while later started with Modern.

Currently, my "competitive" play is primarily Pioneer focused. I maintain a few semi-casual Modern decks and also play some limited where time and circumstance permit.

Feel free to reach out if you'd like to chat about anything, Magic related or otherwise.

In Legacy, I was a miracles player, and the deck remains my conceptual favorite. However, I no longer follow Legacy actively due to format developments since WAR.

I originally started Modern by playing Eldrazi D&T. Since then I've transitioned into playing spirits, which currently serves as my primary "competitive" Modern deck.

I've also adapted my old Legacy miracles deck into Modern, and I also loosely maintain a Ponza deck for funsies.

Since Pioneer's inception I've gone through multiple different deck ideas trying to have a change of pace, but have ultimately settled on good old control, which currently serves as my primary "competitive" Pioneer deck.

I also sometimes adapt some old casual decks of mine into Pioneer shape.

  • Colors: ,
  • Planes: Zendikar, Innistrad, Ravnica, Capenna, Ixalan, Eldraine
  • Planeswalkers: Serra, Narset, Elspeth, Sorin, Ugin, Nicol Bolas, Rowan, Jaya
  • Other Characters: Marit Lage, Isperia, Ojutai, Emrakul, Thalia, Lavinia, Liesa, Xander, Niv-Mizzet, Emmara, Jodah, Sigarda, Linvala, Griselbrand, Aurelia
  • Tribes: angel, sphinx, bird, spirit, faerie, Eldrazi, phoenix, pirate, dragon
  • Keywords (combat): flying, first strike, prowess
  • Keywords (noncombat): miracle, storm, flashback
  • Card: Entreat the Angels

MTG Decks

Flight of Eternity

Modern xtechnetia


The Shape of Colour

Pioneer xtechnetia


Finished Decks 6
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Playing since Return to Ravnica
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Pioneer, Modern
Suppressed formats Standard, Alchemy, Standard Brawl, Historic, Commander / EDH, Pauper EDH, Commander: Rule 0, Canadian Highlander, Gladiator, Highlander, Duel Commander, Pauper Duel Commander, Leviathan, 1v1 Commander, Oldschool 93/94, Pre-release, Dandan, Planechase, Archenemy, Vanguard, Penny Dreadful, Heirloom, Hero, Noble, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Jumpstart, Block Constructed, Arena, MTGO, Magic Duels
Joined 9 years