MTG List: Infinite Creature, Infinite Burn Combo



Create infinite creatures with the Burning Anger, Midnight Guard, Ephemeral Shields, Hornet Nest combo: Play Midnight Guard Play Burning Anger; enchant Midnight Guard with it. Play Hornet Nest Play Ephemeral Shields; make Hornet Nest indestructible. Tap Midnight Guard to do damage equal to his power to the Hornet Nest; Hornet Nest creates 2 (or more) 1/1 flying insect creature tokens with deathtouch from this damage and is not destroyed due to Ephemeral Shields. Midnight Guard is untapped due to the 1/1 flying insect creature tokens entering the battlefield. Repeatedly use Midnight Guard's Burning Anger on Hornet Nest until the desired number of creature tokens are created. Bestow Eidolon of Countless Battles on Midnight Guard at any point in this process so that his power and toughness are increased by each of the creature tokens he has been creating. Burn any desired non-hexproof target with your arbitrarily powerful Midnight Guard's Burning Anger.