Nice mix of dragon tribal, toolbox, reanimator and a few combos to let you otk with prossh.
There are plenty of options with this deck. As a reanimator deck, its very susceptible to graveyard hate, but there are plenty of different "combos" to use. With prossh and boltwing marauder or atarka, world render you can essential get an otk if the field is open for you. Using Endrek, you can get pretty close to your 21 damage with just your first cast.
Besides that, you can use a couple of other options. Using buried alive you can throw anger, which is the main source of haste, utvara, and bladewing. Reanimate bladewing and grab utvara and swing and get more dragons. If you're lucky, you can get this to go off on turn 4.
Midgame you can also go for hellkite charger and savage ventmaw. Attack with both, and with at least a couple mana open you can swing for a lot. Even better with utvara. It gets a little more riskier adding more of these to the graveyard as people will most likely start exiling your graveyard.
There's plenty of boardwipes and removal if it is slow going the first couple turns if your mana ramp doesnt show up. Furnace dragon could be replaced with hellkite tyrant if you're more into stealing peoples things, but I put it in my feldon deck so furnace dragon has replaced him.
There's a decent amount of mana ramp and fixing. My mana base could use some improving, but id rather spend money on other cards and work on lands last.
There are a lot of good options to get your dragons into the graveyard so you can reanimate them as well.
I like to mostly play the deck as I draw and not to tutor for much besides answers to the boardstate. But it can be played with a more aggressive nature if you want. There are a couple cards that I dont have that I would love to put into this deck such as karthus,Dragonlord Kolaghan. death by dragons and descent of the dragons for a more dragon flavorful deck, but I can't get my hands on them at the moment.
Let me know what you think. My card pool isnt that great and I'd like to not spend typically more than a few bucks on a card.