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king-saproling on Equipments from the wastelands

2 weeks ago

Cool deck! just a heads up that Cromat's first ability should cost

SHADOW_PHOENIX on Goblin Rush and Burn

2 weeks ago

I'd recommend a Thornbite Staff to get additional untap triggers

Flarhoon13 on Kruphix's Fantastic Elastic Mighty Morphin …

2 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

July 13

Kruphix's Fantastic Elastic Mighty Morphin Machine 14-15-1 Draw, 10 turn game, infinite mana, used Brine Elemental twice, after a mulligan. Turns out that I should've kept the Ugin, the Ineffable instead of scrying it to the bottom as I resolved my mulligans. Francois suggested the draw. Jay's odd commander, Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign would've killed me and probably would have won the game. Comboed off for infinite mana but with no outlet, game ended in a draw

Flarhoon13 on Alesha, Who Smiles at Death. …

2 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

Alesha, Who Smiles at Death Oops, I Did it Again lost again, bringing my record to 14-15. Used search to find removal for Logan's Chatterfang, Squirrel General instead of finding pieces of my own combo win. Plus, Will's The Scarab God shut me down very hard--exiled a lot of cards. Win percentage .483

Flarhoon13 on Saskia keeps hitting

2 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

June 14ish

Saskia keeps hitting lost, bringing my record down to 14-14. Saskia the Unyieldingfoil named Cody but his fuckin hydras and Tyranids killed me hard. Had a very slow rollout due to colour screw. Probably should have mulliganed but had enough lands, just not enough persistent red. Added a mountain.

Flarhoon13 on Gay Kings can win through …

2 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

June 14ish

Gay Kings can win through love lost, record goes to 14 -13. How did I lose even after casting Minds Aglow for six, Mob Rule into Insurrection? Cody's Amalia Benavides Aguirre just handled it all. Too much lifegain and other punisher enchantments. .519 win percentage.

TheVarcster on Chandra, Dressed to Win

3 weeks ago

Hey, best of luck with your matches! Just wanted to share my observations with you.

I kinda see a combined strategy here. I would maybe streamline and closing/shaving on either the weenies or the wizards. Then support that one you choose so no cards are dead, getting you the best bang for their buck.

Weenies need anthems. Reckless Bushwhacker or Embercleave support a weenie strategy, but here they conflict with Wizards and Spectacle stuff. The wizards just feel like too much work for a bolt that may never be drawn.

I really like Prowess, because theoretically shock spells become bolts in the end of the day. Prowess also doesn’t need to play many creatures, better protecting from board whipes. More spells encourage Prowess, enable Spectacle stuff, and get damage in passed blockers. Dreadhorde Arcanist?

My Sideboard also has Scab-Clan Berserker, and I have been impressed against control.

Anyway, hope you have fun!

SufferFromEDHD on Ahh Rats! I Have No …

3 weeks ago

Long Goodbye > Heroes Downfall

Fatal Push > Feed the Cycle

Dauthi Voidwalker value off discard

Inscription of Ruin was surprised this was not in your discard list. Tiny Leaders MVP.

legendofa on First Pauper Try

3 weeks ago

First thing I see is that there aren't any one-mana options. Akoum Hellhound can get some early pressure, or Jaddi Offshoot gives you time to develop. And Lightning Bolt is an option, too.

This is more of a personal preference, but I would use Ash Barrens or Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse over Promising Vein.

Still, this is going in a good direction. I can't call myself a Pauper expert yet, but this looks very solid.

Balaam__ on First Pauper Try

3 weeks ago

Consider Evolution Charm. It’s Pauper legal, can find a land on command and also bring a creature back or grant temporary evasion/ability to push damage through. Aside from that, I’d say this is a great first entry into the format.

Eloniel on Nobody has the intention of …

3 weeks ago

Another suggestion that might worth include in this deck is: Invasion of Ikoria  Flip, a tutor or recursion on the front and a wincon on the back to make all our defender unblockable.

lil_cheez on Boros Puppies

3 weeks ago

I second Battlefield Forge, maybe you could try two of that and two Boros Garrison

Instead of Legion's Judgement I'd go with Valorous Stance!!

Dogpile and Release the Dogs are not very powerful but fun

There are two basics with dogs on the art, if you'd care for that

Also, pretty cool deck, this has a feeling a haven't felt in years :)

4050884 on Boros Puppies

3 weeks ago

Also instead of Legion's Judgment use Destroy Evil it is strictly better

Stodge17 on G/B graveyard/reanimator deck

3 weeks ago

Thanks I appreciate your input and yes I agree I need to modify my creatures add more heavy hitters that will better align with the recursion aspect of my deck!

I’ll look work on removing squishy creatures that aren’t as powerful or ones that don’t align with the theme of my deck!

You are also correct with Meren, it takes time to ramp the counters so it would be a much different deck if I tailored it to Meren.

My only fear of having fewer creatures is if I play against players that have cards that exile my graveyard which will prevent the recursion and ultimately clean me out of creatures since I’ll have used them all and I’ll be left helpless with nothing to block.

Craeter on There Can Be Only “One”

3 weeks ago

Nice theme, and good job it looks like you've added most all of the staple 1 drop / cards.

Here's a few more to consider: Heritage Druid, Copperhorn Scout, Llanowar Mentor, Scute Mob

Craeter on Standing Stones | Archelos, Lagoon …

3 weeks ago

Sweet thanks for the explanation, yes all those trigger granting abilities make sense.

Good work, glad to see a new deck from you!

Tonight I believe will be playing at a friend's place who has not seen my new decks, so it should be interesting.

Argy on Revenant Recon

3 weeks ago

Thank you for your contribution to humanity, by uploading this deck. ♥️

Squaresoft on Budget Beginner Teaching Decks (#5 …

3 weeks ago

Did you kept on using these to teach people? I printed them all and I love them! I'm still not sure if Blue feels weak or not, specially against Green or White, I must keep on testing, but so fat

hootsnag on T A N I W …

3 weeks ago

Ward of Bones is perfect here.

Cloudy2024 on Boros Passive Control

3 weeks ago

I will never concede!!!

Cloudy2024 on Lair of the Hydra

3 weeks ago

get a force of vigor for the sideboard. good against hammer time and other fast decks. also some guide of souls would be a great replacement for the soul wardens.

Flarhoon13 on Unleashing the Maelstrom: Yidris' Controlled …

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

June 14

Yidris: Controlled Chaos, budget power lost, bringing my record to 14-12 and a .538 win percentage. Cats killed me while I was setting up on turn 5. Will!! Really, Will's done a great job building Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second.

Flarhoon13 on Breya's House of Mirrors

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

June 14

Breya's House of Mirrors won. 14-11. Won a long game via Scrap Mastery. Really, though, it was Shorikai, Genesis Engine's card advantage and graveyard stocking. Sharuum the Hegemon reanimated Filigree Angel. Used Fabricatefoil to find Ashnod's Altar, Oswald Fiddlebender got Nim Deathmantle. and Sphinx Summoner had gotten a Myr Battlesphere all the way back on turn four .560 Combo kill 5

Hexapod on Standing Stones | Archelos, Lagoon …

3 weeks ago

Thank you Craeter for your comment!

I wish Verity Circle was worded differently, but unfortunately as you guessed it would do nothing here.

One of my goals is to make this deck casual and fun, so I ruled out Opposition as a heinous card. Archelos can be salty enough by himself; I will tap him for mana through cards like Citanul Hierophants or Cryptolith Rite at the end of my turn.

I aim to get value out of my lands coming into play untapped, and exploiting things like Thawing Glaciers to get triggers and ramp. I have various possible wincons, one of them being to turn lands into creatures and attack, although I think I need to make room for Earth Surge for this to be a viable option.

I can also win with mill using Phenax, God of Deception. This works fast with Murkfiend Liege on the board.

Then there are the obvious ones, Rampaging Baloths and Avenger of Zendikar

Conduit of Worlds is a good idea, I am not sure I was aware of that card, thank you. I don't think Druid Class and Lifegift make the cut.

Glad you liked the story!

multimedia on G/B graveyard/reanimator deck

3 weeks ago

Hey welcome to TappedOut :) Nice budget Golgari brew you have here.

Sol Ring is a staple card for ramp in Commander. You might not be playing it because your playgroup has banned it? If that's not the case, consider adding it? You're trying to play Stickfingers like Meren when they're very different Commanders. Consider a different approach with Stickfingers?

Meren can reanimate, but only after you get some or many experience counters by sacing your own creatures thus you want to play a lot of creatures with Meren. Meren is a lot of setup though for reanimation and you want to play little creatures who can sac themselves such as Sakura-Tribe Elder and Viscera Seer. What Meren lacks is getting creatures into your graveyard to reanimate, that's usually what makes Meren slow.

Stickfingers is different, it's the enabler to get creatures you want to reanimate into your graveyard right away. All you need with Stickfingers to reanimate is to trigger him, reveal a big creature and have a reanimation spell in your hand. Playing less creatures with Stickfingers there's much less setup for reanimation.

Playing less creatures with Stickfingers gives you more chances to reveal your big creatures who you want to reanimate without needing a ton of mana to cast Stickfingers. If you reduce your creature count down to the best creatures you want to reanimate and creatures who can recur any card from your graveyard then you have a much better chance of reanimating a big creature as well as recasting reanimation spells.

Less creatures does conflict with how big Stickfingers is, but if you're playing for reanimation that shouldn't matter and Stickfingers would be better as a sac fodder for value reanimation or draw. Consider reducing the creature count to your best big creatures and creatures who can recur any card from your graveyard? All other spells in your deck could then be noncreature ramp, other reanimation and removal.

Here's an example of a reduced creature base using the best creatures you already have and some others after within your budget to consider adding:

If you like these ideas and choose to go this direction than I offer more advice.

SufferFromEDHD on T A N I W …

3 weeks ago

Fatespinner is grossly underutilized! I get it, your opponent always chooses best option but it's still a hard NO to game fundamentals.

My angle with Ward of Bones is I might not have lands, neither should you. Decks low on creatures so I might get value out of that. Artifacts and enchantments is just a bonus if it works out.

This was just what I spitballed laying cards out on the table. I'm trying to utilize old jank to its full potential. I have never seen this legendary creature played before. Ever. With all the cards in the EDH card pool it turned into something interesting.

Profet93 on T A N I W …

3 weeks ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

I love seeing fatespinner in a deck. I do wonder how Ward of Bones plays in this build, have you had

Balaam__ on It’s Official: If You Can’t …

3 weeks ago

Ha, thanks Bookrook! I haven’t examined many of the more recent sets, I didn’t even know this existed. I’ll maybeboard it until I can add it later.

Flarhoon13 on For all Intet's Purposes, Dreaming …

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

June 14

For all Intet's Purposes, Dreaming Dragons won. 13-11. Great game, actually. Jesse exiled all creatures the turn before I was planning to kick a Rite of Replication on Scourge of Valkas. That would have been over 200 damage. Some few turns later facing Jesse's constant Oblivion Ring removal effects, I still won via Temur Ascendancy and Utvara Hellkite. Earthquake Dragon--I cast for 1 lol. Emrakul, the Promised End came out with haste via Selvala's Stampede. It was a relentless Thunder of dragons!!!

TheBl0b on Mirri, Cat Warrior Voltron EDH

3 weeks ago

SufferFromEDHD thank you :D I really like your name hahaha

I really like you suggestions but I think Vitality Charm and Sprout (as well as Vine Dryad) are necessary against Fleshbag Marauder-like effects.

Concerning Avoid Fate, I have been considering it for a long time, but I believe giving my creature hexproof might be better because it beats "can't be countered" spells, but it might still be a good idea against cards that remove or prevent hexproof (like Shadowspear). Mirri's Guile is also a really good idea and on point for flavor!

The one change that would be easiest to implement would be the Birds of Paradise. I have no idea how I didn't think of that!

Thanks again for your comments!

Flarhoon13 on Nagao, the Uncommon Commander of …

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

Nagao, the Uncommon Commander of Seven Samurai win* Not a legitimate win. Got shut down from Jon Irenicus, Shattered One's gifted Evil Eye of Urborg, then killed Jesse via milling out Dave. Jesse used Modify Memory to gift me Will's commander, Phenax, God of Deception, while Dave had been given Will's Syr Konrad, the Grim. I milled out Dave and the Konrad damage killed Jesse. Will, tired, just said he didn't know his life total on his fishing rod life counter and conceded 12-11. .522

Flarhoon13 on Not a B-deck. It's my …

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

Not a B-deck. It's my A-Sidisi deck! Turn 5 Win 10-11. Turn 2 Satyr Wayfinder; t3 Birthing Pod; t4 Stinkweed Imp podded for Necrotic Ooze, the lynchpin of the deck. Turn 5 dredged back Stinkweed Imp and binned Fauna Shaman (The Fittest Elf). Ooze used Fauna Shaman's activated ability to discard Skittering Skirge to search for Asmodeus the Archfiend. Well, discarding Asmodeus the Archfiend to Ooze's new Skittering Skirge activated ability generated one black mana. Ooze with Skirge and Asmodeus both in the yard allowed me to draw and play my entire deck turn 5, since Ooze gets both of their activated abilities but not Asmodeus the Archfiend's pesky downside. Going 10-11 puts the win percentage at .476

Magicus on Cecily & Othelm / Wheel, …

3 weeks ago

It‘s a good deck, what else can I say?

Flarhoon13 on Budget board-wipes: Child of Alara

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

Budget board-wipes: Child of Alara Maze's End got thru Jesse's Gay Kings' Gideon of the Trials' can't lose emblem. 9 wins - 11 losses after playing 20 games.

Necramus on The Wizard of Death and …

3 weeks ago

Goldberserkerdragon lmao. Nah, it's not. It would just be what I said every time I slammed down my Nevinyrral deck, if I had one XD

Goldberserkerdragon on The Wizard of Death and …

3 weeks ago

Also Necramus if that was a popular phrase or joke, I missed it entirely lol.

Goldberserkerdragon on The Wizard of Death and …

3 weeks ago

Necramus Right? Better watch out! ... It's splodin' time!

Necramus on The Wizard of Death and …

3 weeks ago

"What you gonna do when the Disk Dude disses you?"

Fresssack on Acid Fishing

3 weeks ago

i liked your decklist and made a custom pauper proxy whit deepai and cardconjourer, if you want i can send you the pdf and you can print it out. we have a little pauper community here in leipzig/germany

legendofa on That Crooked Vulture

3 weeks ago

Kellan, the Kid can give Falco some extra board advantage, and depending on how you feel about Doctor Who, The Thirteenth Doctorfoil and Sisterhood of Karn make topcasting with Falco a lot easier. See the Truth is another draw option. Any of these sound interesting?

mpepler on Dragonauts United: Izzet Blitz

3 weeks ago

I decided to make some changes and cut out the black cards

TheForsakenOne on Hare Apparent

3 weeks ago

Probably outside your budget but if you want to upgrade you should totally get Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip or Mondrak, Glory Dominus as they are both practically custom made for this kind of deck. Moonshaker Cavalry would also be a fantastic wincon and it's much cheaper at only $10.

Since you're probably only ever reanimating hares Dewdrop Cure is great because it can get you 3 for 3 mana.

CrimsonKing on Necron Artifact Mog Sesh

3 weeks ago

If you are Running Trazyn lines, Necrotic Ooze is pretty good.

Razorlash Transmogrant is another creature that can trigger our Commander.

Nim Deathmantle goes infinite with our commander.

Been playing Imotekh the Stormlord since the precon came out. Just rebuilt him after the dockside ban. Been loving it.

Some really good cards that have impressed me are:

Cyberman Patrol when I can’t combo, this guy has been really good for draining ppl through combat.

Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter and Shimmer Myr have been amazing. Giving us acces to instant speed and their cost is reduced by are cost reduction on artifacts.

The Mycosynth Gardens is really good at copying whatever you need at the time. Cost reduction artifacts, mana rocks, etc.

Just tried out Fomori Vault. Card is really good here allowing us to dig deep and discard a key card.