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Icbrgr on Atarka's Atacka

2 hours ago

Group burn! I love atrakas command but a group burn deck is quite something lol +1

leovolt884_ on Raze, Rebuild, Reclaim

2 hours ago

I may be stupid, but how are you casting snuff out?

In terms of suggestions you could probably go 20 or 21 lands in a deck where lands matter so much. I don't think Rubblebelt Maverick is actually helping that much to run 4 of it. I think what would be funnier is jam 4 Raze and run 2 or 3 Skyshroud Ranger or something of the same effect. Maybe make a small engine with Groundskeeper to return lands and then put them directly into play from your hand.

Another direction you can take it is just have one REALLY GOOD land and sacrifice the rest. Enchant a land with Wild Growth and Utopia Sprawl and just focus on keeping one or two enchanted lands around and keeping your opponent down to one or two mana while you have 3, 4, or even 5. Stone Rain is also an iconic card. This deck seems to really want to play black. Bone Shards can help you bin an early land to play a turn 2 wurm. Village Rites is excellent card draw and can keep your hand full of lands for afforementioned Skyshroud Ranger type effects. Black loves to sacrifice for cheap and while Improvised Club is a great use for Akki Blizzard-Herder more sacrifice outlets would be more consistent.

I don't really like Werebear in this deck because I think it will just take too long for it to become a 4/4 and it isn't an effective beater if you have to end up using it for mana to cast anything. Maybe consider Bayou Groff or Burning-Tree Emissary. This deck looks kinda funny and it makes me want to make my own version

Archon_Bel on Rakdos, the Muscle Theft/Sacrifice (Help …

3 hours ago

Bread-and-Butter-EDH I agree, since if you try to spread yourself too thin you're not going to be doing much good in either strategy. I want to stick with the theft/sacrifice strategy since this option seems the most interesting and fun. What do you think of the deck as it is now? Any suggestions?

DemonDragonJ on 100 Shades of Gray

4 hours ago

I very dearly would like to put either Insatiable Avarice and/or Grim Servant in this deck, but I do not believe that I can make room for those cards, unfortunately.

DemonDragonJ on 100 Shades of Gray

4 hours ago

I have replaced Legions to Ashes with Verrak, Warped Sengir, because Verrak has amazing synergy with this deck, and this deck already contains more than sufficient removal for the majority of situations.

DemonDragonJ on Life Springs Eternal

4 hours ago

I am considering replacing Spike Breeder with Twilight Drover, since the drover seems to be largely superior to the breeder, so what does everyone else say, about that?

matvone on Kaalia, Mirror Breaker EDH

4 hours ago

I run this deck with a few tweaks. I find that I can usually get infinite ETB triggers faster than infinite angels, so I added recruitment of the guard as an extra tutor for Leonin Relic-Warder and swapped Goblin Bombardment for Impact Tremors. I also rely more on etb triggers than attack damage, so I swapped Ancient Copper for Bogardan Hellkite and Gisela for Ancient Red Dragon when animating WGD.

DemonDragonJ on Light and Shadow

5 hours ago

I have replaced the two copies of Deathbringer Liege in this deck with two copies of Indulging Patrician, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 2.81 to 2.69, since the liege was simply a flying beater, while the patrician actually has a useful ability.

DemonDragonJ on All Creatures Great and Small

5 hours ago

I dearly would like to put Eladamri, Korvecdal into this deck, but I cannot make room, for him, and I already have copies of him in two other decks, so that is not a major issue, for me.

DemonDragonJ on All Creatures Great and Small

5 hours ago

I have replaced Parallel Lives and Thought Vessel with Bloom Tender and Ghired, Mirror of the Wilds, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.60 to 3.58, since I believe that the creatures are a better match for this deck, and two cards that increase the number of tokens that this deck generates are more than sufficient, for its purposes.

DemonDragonJ on Reap what is Sown

5 hours ago

I have replaced Soul Search with Severance Priest, which did increased the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.79 to 3.81, but that is an acceptable increase, because I believe that the priest is an excellent card, for this deck; I also would like to put Felothar, dawn of the Abzan into this deck, but I am not certain if I can remove any cards to make room, for her, unfortunately.

DemonDragonJ on Elemental Storm

5 hours ago

I have replaced Regrowth with Auroral Procession, because the newer card is an instant.

Goldberserkerdragon on How to Lose Friends and …

6 hours ago

Haha I always go to the 'all decks' tab and see what a user's got. Instead of just arbitrarily upvoting an advertised one :P. And i upvoted this deck in particular as I saw the similarities. Not 13 land similar (which, I'd love to hear what's going on there). But yeah back at ya, see anything interesting in my builds, feel free to snag the ideas!

  • Cheers

KongMing on How to Lose Friends and …

7 hours ago

Goldberserkerdragon How did you find this deck? I thought I archived it, lol.

Your current Grand Arbiter build uses a lot of the same synergies as this one, feel free to steal any you want. (I'm also polishing up a WU Control deck that I'm planning on releasing in a couple weeks once I've resettled after the move.)

Andramalech on The Princess and the Frog

8 hours ago

It just takes time and practice. don't forget that there is a play-testing function within the site! Good luck.

Mana dorks, ramp, and draw a card.

Explore,Nature's Lore,Farseek,Rampant Growth,Kodama of the West Tree,Sakura-Tribe Elder,Three Visits,Thirsting Roots, etc.

Consider lowering your 6 costs to about 4 total in the deck.

Consider lowering your 5 costs to about 7 total in the deck.

Consider lowering your 4 costs to about 9 total in your deck.

It's all about scaling, and when you effectively use ramp to push your late game, you do those things faster, and more consistently. the newly printed Abzan Monument is a cool example of how to consistently grab what you need if you do in fact want to keep casting those big costing spells. In order to do that, you must consistently ramp.

You mentioned that this was your first build all on your own so that was why I thought to give some feedback, I wish you the best of luck! +1

RandomPoem on take this :)

10 hours ago

1x Swiftwater Cliffs 1x Temple of Enlightenment 1x Temple of Epiphany 1x Temple of Triumph 1x Tranquil Cove 1x Wind-Scarred Crag

Andramalech on Demon Fox, armed for war, …

12 hours ago

Oh now this was quite lovely to see. There's a plentiful mix of cards both old and new here. I get the feeling and emotion evicted from seeing them all put into one pile, there's like.. a really significant charm to this deck. I liked what I saw from the old-school Taigam love with Budget One Punch but I couldn't refrain here- this is F@#$%ing awesome what you've done. I mean cards like Fountain Watch which are lost to the eons are just.. true treasures in my opinion.

Baby_Yoda on The Princess and the Frog

12 hours ago

Thank you for those recommendations! This was actually my first attempt at building a deck all by myself, so I kind of knew it wasn’t great. lol I will try to get those cards you recommended added to it!

0bliviscaris on Nuh Uh

13 hours ago

cry about it

Apoptosis on Smile all the way

13 hours ago

In: Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate (a solid recursion option), Ali from Cairo (this is a ripcord to pull when you're looking at lethal, I've found myself in this position a few times and since this deck is very good at dialing up answers, I've slotted good 'ol Ali into the deck, Callous Bloodmage (this is a needed answer for decks that also rely on graveyard recursion), Carrion Feeder (I needed a creature based sac-oulet, which would be easier to tutor and would allow infinite combos), Dolmen Gate (chose over Legion's Initiative and Reconnaissance -both of which I love and are good alternatives -I'm testing out the gate to see which one I like more), Goblin Bombardment (free sac outlet, can go infinite), Pinnacle Monk  Flip (back into the main and out from the maybe; the one game I didn't have it I found the game stretching with lots of juicy targets accumulating in the graveyard and no way to get them back; I like options), Swamp (up to 5 total, better hitting land drops), Viscera Seer (another more optimal free sac-outlet).

Out: Aether Vial (I love this card and it's done good work mid-game, but I think there is better value), Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit (I decided to remove the infinite combo with Murderous Redcap for more resiliency and interaction potential), Baton of Morale (I really want to showcase the power of banding and think this could be a good way to direct damage to the creatures you want to die/recur, but am testing Dolmen Gate as an alternative way to do it), Cauldron of Souls (good for ETB recursion and wraths but I wanted to bring down the CMC, tough call), Claws of Gix (replaced for better options), Denethor, Ruling Steward (better options), Legion's Initiative (I love this card and it lets me get an extra ETB trigger, but am trying Dolmen Gate as an alternative), Murderous Redcap (took out the infinite damage trigger with Anafeza), Sword of Light and Shadow (I really like swords, but felt there are better options).

Goldberserkerdragon on The Big Black Succ

14 hours ago

Hey SniperFrog (cool name)! Nice insight and recs! I do try my best with keeping up with sets, I'm aware of them all at least. But it's hard doing that when you're building a deck from the last set and a new set drops and who has time for all these sets?... Anyway, I believe I just pulled a polluted cistern last night at my LGS, so that's funny. May have to add upon further review! The hound is legit, need to scoop. Not sure what could be swapped atm.

However, as I have built and rebuilt and tweaked and tuned Konrad more times than I can count over the past 5/6 years, he's always wanted to do what he's doing now I feel. A lot of people use the "good cards" in reference to Pitiless or Gravecrawler combos and Cabal and Bloodchief, but I always found those too "precious" or fragile if you will while ALSO having a gattling gun, Konrad, chillin' abroad. Konrad is generally seen as a threat, not a kill on sight, but near it. So any piece i can put in where it's almost an insurance policy is really good for Konrad. Going to block and kill my creatures? Good. Going to take the damage? Good. Going to board wipe with Konrad on the field? Good. Going to phase him/exile him/shuffle him? Good... respond with milling, respond with sacrifice, respond with a vamp tutor and grab Kozilek and mill everyone and return all ours back, etc., etc.

To answer the Cabal question--eff that card. A land that doesn't tap for mana?!?!? Get out of here. And we need TWO mana to get mana out of it?? AND we have to have more swamps than we already have bc CABAL IS ALWAYS IN HAND EARLY GAME. Not to mention, you have to almost always pair it with Urborg and it's just meh. You want mana in a mono colored deck? Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.

SniperFrog on The Big Black Succ

15 hours ago

This deck is sick. I love, love, love to see decks that have been tuned/played over several years and this one does not disappoint.

I feel like you've been keeping up with the newer sets, but I figure there's a chance you may have missed some of these, so I will make suggestions regardless.

Polluted Cistern / Dim Oubliette seems pretty good here, and I like Snarling Gorehound as well. Not sure you have enough synergy with the dog, though. It can be hard to tell with that sort of thing, sometimes. I noticed you're off Cabal Coffers and I was curious to hear why. Personally, I think it's a bit overrated in multicolored decks, but it's always been strong in my mono black builds.

Huge Mono Black enjoyer. +2 if I could. lol

HydraOoze on Hail Hydra V.4

15 hours ago

Goldvein Hydra and Hydroid Krasis are some good hydras to consider.

DrummerGarrett on Black/Green Green Triskelion Deck - …

16 hours ago

Swap out Steel Overseer, Didn't realize it was artifact creatures only so not effective enough.

Tsukimi on Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher

17 hours ago

I'd definitely recommend including some treasure synergy! Each treasure you use is a permanent sac'd that will boost Carmen. Grim Hireling is usually better is decks that go a bit wide, but even if you hit two players I'd say it's already returned your investment. Smothering Tithe, Treasure Vault, and Pitiless Plunderer, and Warren Soultrader come to mind. There are also cards that give everyone at the table treasures, clues, food, etc. which synergize really well with Carmen.

SefTheReject on Bloody Frenzy

22 hours ago

Have you seen Qarsi Revenant? I think this will replace a lot nighthawks & scavengers.

NoNeedToBragoBoutIt on Zada - Goblin Grinder

23 hours ago

Thanks for your input, KongMing!

I am very hesitant, when it comes to excess damage tech, since its payoff would have to be greater than losing my existing board. Goblin Negotiation would require me to have a buff already to trade up and keep Zada, Hedron Grinder, because otherwise at X=2 i would trade in my 1/1s for fresh 1/1s of the same amount. Hell to Pay is a little akward. Trading in a board for tons of tapped treasures at sorcery speed means i would need to survive until my next turn without blockers, but will likely win then. Bottle-Cap Blast is less risky, since i can blast it off EOT before my turn. But 5 mana is a lot for a deck that's built around curving out aggressively.

I might have to test run the package, but i'm not too optimistic.

When it comes to Krark, the Thumbless, i did run him for a few months, but once you go off, i found him to be too tedious to resolve in Paper. He's likely a lot better, if you have a less storm-ish approach that resolves more around single spells like Audacious Swap, Fiery Gambit or as in my build Daring Discovery.

Bread-and-Butter-EDH on Rakdos, the Muscle Theft/Sacrifice (Help …

1 day ago

Just some words of advice. I’ve made a lot of decks like these where the possibility for doing multiple archetypes exist and you get spread into too many directions. FOCUS ON ONE. Do only steal opponents creatures and sac them. Or do standard Rakdos aristocrats type deck. Choose one and focus on that. The deck will feel MUCH smoother if you do it that way. I promise!

DcRiggins on Nuh Uh

1 day ago

I hate it

hellokitty6666666666666 on Giving Good People Bad Permanents

1 day ago

Radiolarian please do! I've neglected it, and it's really due for some updates. It would be cool to see what you cook up.

Icbrgr on Izzet Phoenix, looting update

1 day ago

This looks fun! how has this deck been doing since looting came back?

Trem13roz on My Gift - Pauper

1 day ago

Nice to see some other brewers trying to break rofellos gift

zachz on The Crustacean Frustration

1 day ago

Possibly a Coat of Arms?

Always a big fan of thematic decks. Extra points for getting variations on 'crabs'.

HuitreFatale on harbinn

1 day ago

Type Nombre approx. Créatures 28 – 32 Ramps 8 – 10 Interactions 10 – 12 Value/draw 5 – 8 Lords/effects globaux 5 – 7 Terrains 36 – 38

SefTheReject on Vampire "take life give life"

1 day ago

Definitely need a playset of Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord. Can cheat out your higher cost creatures very early and apply big pressure. Vein Ripper is a nasty beater and works great with Vito & conqueror.

NoNeedToBragoBoutIt on Eladamri - Come one, come …

1 day ago

You're completely right, KongMing! As all my lists are actual paper lists, getting cards and updating comes with some delays at times. Will likely pick up Dionus, Elvish Archdruid around easter :)

DadHumanPraetor on Visions of Niv-Mizzet

1 day ago

Oh yeah sorry for the double comment but Neheb, the Eternal is also completely bonkers here

SufferFromEDHD on Angry Birds

1 day ago

Nah man don't do it. Stick to the foil theme. No doubt Righteous War is unique. I see Mother of Runes in a lot of builds but I think the enchantment goes wider even if the colors are narrow.

All-Out Assault and Neriv, Heart of the Storm will also find a spot in my list when I trade into them.