Bookrook on The Great Bouncing Kolaghan
1 hour ago
The price did go down to thirty dollars recently... Proxies are probably the best option if your playgroup allows them.
Seuchenschutz on Sidisi Brood Commander
2 hours ago
Thx for the suggestions Andramalech! Im really happy to get some feedback on this deck. In an earlier Version i had 2-3 cheap counters in the deck An Offer You Can't Refuse, Swan Song and a Negate but I took them out, because they became a salt factor in my playgroup. Whatever. Victimize is a great card, but after playing it for a while, I often felt like them coming tapped and leaving me with less blockers for a turn is kind of a big downside. I had some situations, where I just couldnt afford to cast it. As for the Diabolic Intent its the same with the counters. Salty players... But I just couldnt get myself to cut the Demonic Tutor. Plumb the Forbidden however might be worth a shot.
TheLazySherlock on best life gain ever (EDH)
3 hours ago
I'm not sure why it's the best life gain ever deck, it seems a little light in some ways. Only a little more then half (13/24) creatures have life link or something similar to life link.
Only one of the three planeswalkers have life giving options.
And only 28 out of the 100 cards, only 28% have a way to give you life.
I feel like those numbers can be improved.
Andramalech on Sidisi Brood Commander
3 hours ago
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant is so slept on in EDH these days, at least in my circles. It's a great pick, and with a new Tarkir set on the horizon in 2025, I think we should see a reprint. But I digress, this deck is great and I love that it seems like you've got something to cast pretty much every turn. There's a really healthy balance of land and creatures, but potentially consider Plumb the Forbidden or something like Diabolic Intent, potentially Victimize. I really like what I see here but you're lacking a considerable amount of instants, things like Swan Song, Strix Serenade, etc. Just some interaction and draw power would be my only suggestions.
Andramalech on Rendmaw's Chaotic Bird Fustercluck
3 hours ago
I like how this list functions! Very creative and flavorful, I'm curious to see how that develops over time with new releases. Seems like a pet deck, and something I would like to face. +1 for sure!
greyninja on Jetmir Hares
5 hours ago
8-16-08-decimus Love it! I hope to pull off a turn one Sol Ring into turn two 2x Hare Apparent once the deck is sleeved!
Any suggestions on cards to remove from the list? Looking to remove a card or three currently
Balaam__ on Gargadon Salvage [Modern, 2024]
6 hours ago
Neat idea, and great breakdown in the description! +1
Profet93 on The Tin Man Special
6 hours ago
Even thought my name is profet, introduction to prophecy is my least favorite colorless card, so thats an easy pick. As for another, here are 2 more options...
Staff of Nin - Costs a lot, draw is slow, deals little damage. I know you need draw, but high costed cards like this aren't ideal. I usually would recommended either Kozilek in colorless but budget limitations restrict that.
Colossus Hammer - Winmore, high cost to equip, no way to bypass cost.
8-16-08-decimus on Jetmir Hares
6 hours ago
here's a better way to do it
opening hand Sacred Foundry+ Sol Ring+ Temple Garden + Stomping Ground + Plains + 2 Hare Apparent Turn 1: Sacred Foundry + Sol Ring draw for turn 1:Hare Apparent Turn 2: Temple Garden + 2 Hare Apparent draw for turn 2:Hare Apparent turn 3: Stomping Ground + 2 Hare Apparent draw for turn 3 Hare Apparent turn 4: Plains + Jetmir, Nexus of Revels swing for 88 Math-> 4 5/2 Hare Apparent with double strike so 40 dam + 6 4/1 Rabbit 1/1 W with double strike so 48 dam
FenIsABasicSwamp on Dune: He Who Can Destroy …
8 hours ago
Foxycide nothing wrong with or unoriginal about Ishiin! I love that card! And your suggestion is great for that deck. This deck is highly complex as you said and very difficult to play. I would say the vast majority of players should not attempt it. It is not going to be a pleasant experience for newer players to try to run it given the complexity.
slvstrChung on The Great Bouncing Kolaghan
8 hours ago
Bookrook, it is, but I have two college educations to pay for in 10 years. Spending it all on four pieces of cardboard seems... unwise.
slvstrChung on Toughness Trilogy, Ep. III: The …
8 hours ago
KongMing, the only concerns I have about those spells are my budget. This deck is about 300% more money than I prefer to spend. Still, there is definitely an upgrade path for this deck, and I'd say those spells are on it!
MadPilot on Modern Simic Infect 2024
9 hours ago
Andramalech thank you for your comment of culture
I dont like any of GeminiSpartanX suggested hexproofs because I find that playing 4 Inkmoth Nexus makes me often not have access to colored mana, that's why I find Apostle's Blessing totally superior to them as it also gives evasion and its only downside is the Eldrazi matchup.
On the other side I do want to get Force of Negation soon for this deck
The Mirrex might be good too thanks
E2R4 on The Tin Man Special
10 hours ago
Excellent. Any recommendations on cards to remove to slot those in? I'd prefer to keep all my creatures if possible. Maybe I could remove Unstable Obelisk and Introduction to Prophecy?
EnbyGolem on An Old-School Nightmare
15 hours ago
SufferFromEDHD Great suggestion! Morinfen would like his buddy back - the only problem is finding what creature to take out for them.
Foxycide on Dune: He Who Can Destroy …
15 hours ago
I have the card in a pretty casual Ishiin, Two Heavens as One deck (unoriginal, I know). Anyway, how does this deck run? I have never made a deck nearly as complex, although I am a relatively new player.
Avacyn1986 on Volrath: No School, like Old …
18 hours ago
I love your deck! I too have built an old school black deck, roughly same rules, with Visara the Dreadful (ONS) and Tainted Field (TOR) being the most recent amongst the cards in my deck. It's not EDH though.
I love the fact that you built a commander deck using only Pre-Mirrodin cards!
Here's a link to my deck! I've got it all, only waiting to play with my friends now.
Hellaluyeah on Stop Hitting Yourself
22 hours ago
Thanks! I appreciate any card suggestions. EDHRec helped me on a lot of decks, but it wasn't much help with this one, since this theme doesn't really come up with this commander.
JeskaiMaster01 on Sisay’s Crew
1 day ago
I suggest Maskwood Nexus and Arcane Adaptation to better utilize Morophon
Profet93 on The Tin Man Special
1 day ago
Basalt Monolith is an okay mana rock that goes infinite with forsaken monument. Basalt can also act as ramp with voltaic or manifold key.
Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt = Infinite colorless. Rings can double ur PW's abilities, 2 of your creatures and some of your artifacts.
Blinkmoth Well, while not needed, can work well with it's brother, blinkmoth urn. It's also nice to stop opposing artifact (Ex: Forcing them to tap their mana rock during upkeep and spend mana during that phase or lose it).
Andramalech on Modern Simic Infect 2024
1 day ago
Ah yes, the time-honored tradition of building infect in modern; i've tried many times and it always looks very similar to what you have here. GeminiSpartanX makes a fantastic point about wanting some access to protection for super cheap. If price is an issue, then I understand why you wouldn't use something like Flare of Denial or Force of Negation. Good luck at your FNM and I recommend that you invest in some non-zero copies of Mirrex for the mainboard.
Profet93 on The Tin Man Special
1 day ago
E2R4 +1
Remove Environmental sciences as a land can take it spot given the life gain is negligent and you aren't running emrakrul for socerries.
Cloud Key and Semblance Anvil are good replacements.
8-16-08-decimus on Pioneer Jund
1 day ago
you could consider Untimely Malfunction it's very versatile
DrummerGarrett on READY RED/GREEN - Creatures and …
1 day ago
Replace both Grapeshots with a Twisted Landscape and an Ignoble Hierarch.
Replace Xira Arien with an additional Draconic Disciple.
Replace Thunderscape Master with Boartusk Liege.
Consider replacing Mana Geode with an additional Draconic Disciple.
Unlicensed Disintegration can most likely be replaced with a Return to Nature or Darigaaz's Charm.
legendofa on Eldrazi incursion precon
1 day ago
If your creatures are colorless, then they don't have a color, so they can't share a color with anything. Spreading Plague won't affect them.
Kcin on Eldrazi incursion precon
1 day ago
How does Spreading Plague work if my creatures are colorless?
StarRushford on life link
1 day ago
chainsaber I agree. There aren't any of those mdfc lands either. (BTW i got here from if you were wondering.)
Breakaway on Mono Green Deathtouch
1 day ago
Nice deck! I would recommend Pathway Arrows and/or Chariot of Victory to provide some inevitability. I find that they make it so that you can't get beat later in the game if your opponent draws more cards than you.
Aggroking80 on Wheels Wheels Wheels
1 day ago
Actually I was wrong all the lands that you are using only deal with the colors you need for the deck
Deathwizard778 on Wheels Wheels Wheels
1 day ago
Aggroking80 I don't understand what you mean the list has more than lands I just updated the list.
Aggroking80 on Wheels Wheels Wheels
1 day ago
All you have to have is basic lands and non-basics in that color that's it
FenIsABasicSwamp on Dune: He Who Can Destroy …
1 day ago
Foxycide thanks for the kind words and mentioning Pianna. You’re right that it’s a great card for the feel of Dune based on the art. Unfortunately it’s nowhere near the power level for EDH relevance, but you know that. They definitely appear to be wearing still suits and loose desert cloaks!
EquivocalVision on Eldrazi incursion precon
1 day ago
I'm intrigued by this deck. I built one and then split Azlask and Ulalek into two separate decks since they're otherwise mechanically unique. First, definitely get a copy of Zhulodok, Void Gorger and Echoes of Eternity. You could go for a Roaming Throne since it'll help double triggers too. Anything with Annihilator is awesome, because it's technically a triggered ability that can therefore be doubled (which is disgusting. Lol) Otherwise, I'd keep the mana base relatively unchanged unless you have the premium lands. It's the most pseudo-five color deck ever. You can honestly put in as much or as little colored permanents/spells as you want. But if you decide to go all devoid with creatures (as most eldrazi are) then toss in the enchantment Spreading Plague if you want to become Archenemy. I'll keep my suggestions to a minimum though. That's the basic stuff. Everything else, just have fun with it. Add mana ramp. Lol
Skyclad on Alania's Blitzball Storm
1 day ago
Possible additions: Case of the Ransacked Lab River Song's Diary Niv-Mizzet, Visionary
meismine on Shroomfers and their SPECTACULAR Saprolings
2 days ago
electromancer thanks for the tip, that would make a mighty fine finisher to throw into the mix !
8-16-08-decimus on pioneer oculus test
2 days ago
i like the interaction between Helping Hand and Abhorrent Oculus
Icaruskid on The Friendmaker | Talrand, Sky …
2 days ago
Thank you 0rc! I can see the need and space for more removal and tuck effects. I'll work on it!
I've got to keep the infinites out for the pods I'm in but it's a key sideboard item for when I want to keep up with the more competitive tables.
0rc on The Friendmaker | Talrand, Sky …
2 days ago
From one Talrand builder to another: always pleased to see someone keeping the Talrand torch burning!
Methinks you would be wise to add quite a bit of spot removal: Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Reality Shift, Chain of Vapor. Boomerang, Capsize and the like are good to get rid of Reliquary Tower, etc., in response to moving to end step so your opponents feels full Gitaxias pain :)
You could add a wheel or two for maximal effect regarding that…
If you’re going to polymorph, you should consider cantrips and slowtrips to tuck Gitaxias back into your library. (See my list, as I know you are familiar with it already: Talrand Budget cEDH
You should consider adding Dramatic Reversal for a n infinite-drake scepter combo. It’s also obviously good in itself, and for infinite Capsize of opponent permanents :)
Slang on! ✨✨✨
<3 Orc
0rc on The Friendmaker | Talrand, Sky …
2 days ago
From one Talrand builder to another: always pleased to see someone keeping the Talrand torch burning!
Methinks you would be wise to add quite a bit of spot removal: Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Reality Shift, Chain of Vapor. Boomerang, Capsize and the like are good to get rid of Reliquary Tower, etc., in response to moving to end step so your opponents feels full Gitaxias pain :)
You could add a wheel or two for maximal effect regarding that…
If you’re going to polymorph, you should consider cantrips and slowtrips to tuck Gitaxias back into your library. (See my list, as I know you are familiar with it already: Talrand Budget cEDH
You should consider adding Dramatic Reversal for a n infinite-drake scepter combo. It’s also obviously good in itself, and for infinite Capsize of opponent permanents :)
Slang on! ✨✨✨
<3 Orc
arcturuscactus on Trees and Spirits :3
2 days ago
Wow so tree... Very forest and grass.. just like wife after accident on mountain climb. Interesting sway of the creature. Remind me of simple time when religion wasn't real... very nice
Craeter on Sewer Rats
2 days ago
I was also wondering about Urbog, Cabal Coffers and Cabal Stronghold are some staple mono black ramp cards. Crypt Ghast as well but he's not a rat
SolaceEntity on Boros Heroic
2 days ago
I'd add Fabled Hero to this deck. Yes he's a 3 cast but you can get him out turn 3 and buff him enough to have a turn 4 win.