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Craeter on Standing Stones | Archelos, Lagoon …

3 weeks ago

Wow great job with the story, the imagery is absolutely stellar. And the characters seem unique and described vividly, very impressive for such a short story. Kudos for that and this deck construction.

It's cool to see you've included Calming Verse, I remember you mentioning that on my Arcades deck.

I see that Landfall / Ramp is the main premise to the deck, curious how does that tie into the Commander? I'm probably just not seeing the interaction, but wouldn't you want to include some cards like Opposition to manipulate Archelos and the battlefield? Does Verity Circle work with this Commander? I'm guessing not since it says "become tapped" and the Commander makes them ETB already tapped, but it would be cool if it worked.

Also do you know about Conduit of Worlds? It's very similar to Crucible of Worlds, but it allows for recursion and redundancy with Crucible. Druid Class is also super good for decks like this. Maybe Lifegift as well

Last_Laugh on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

You Sir were correct... here's the answer I got.

"Yes, you can do that. Targets for a triggered ability are chosen when it's put onto the stack, but after an ability triggers it waits to be put onto the stack until the next time a player receives priority. In your example, Vigil triggers during the resolution of Marchesa's delayed trigger but the next time a player gets priority is after Marchesa's trigger is completely finished resolving, so the returned creature is on the battlefield when it's time to choose a target for the Vigil trigger."

Last_Laugh on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

You can only edit as an upgraded member and even then it's available for 5ish minutes is all. It also lets you cycle your decks 3x a day instead of once and to customize your username. I think it was like a $4 one time fee.

You may be right with Thran, I'll ask and get back to you.

ACapo18 on Isshin Test

3 weeks ago

Mardu go brrrrr

Flarhoon13 on Erebos' Totally Devoted to Death

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 31

Erebos' Totally Devoted to Death loss 8-11 Misplayed, had an out vs. Phenax, God of Deception and a Rogue's Passaged Guiltfeeder but I, honestly against my instincts, tapped out greedily for an Abhorrent Overlord in my pre-combat main phase before attacking my Corpse Augur into its death:  lost 9 life but drew Sudden Spoiling and 8 other cards. If I would have waited to play spells post combat, I could have had another turn and quite possibly recovered enough to win the game, but alas... .421 Then again, maybe if I wasn't tapped out, my opponent wouldn't have blocked and killed my attacking Corpse Augur.

Flarhoon13 on Daxos of Meletis, Soldiers of …

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 31

Daxos of Meletis, Soldiers of Fortune loss 8-10 Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second's cats overwhelmed my beautiful soldiers. .444

Flarhoon13 on Derevi, Empyrial Tactician. No stax!

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 31

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician. No stax! 8-9 Loss, Did get off Pyxis of Pandemonium (I love this card too much to take it out of the deck lol) for 15, possibly could've won but Jon Irenicus, Shattered One foiled my Dismiss into Dream, negating the forced sacrifice. Still, had a couple fetch lands with Retreat to Coralhelm but didn't think to use it--I could have fetched and used the landfall trigger to tap down the potential attacker--this only occurred to me after a Kemba, Kha Regent deck killed me with a massively equipped Archfiend of the Dross, which Jon Irenicus, Shattered One had so kindly donated . .471

Pyxis of Pandemonium won me a couple games. Once, it got me enough attackers to fuel infinite turns via a Magistrate's Scepter. Another game, it undid a Vampiric Tutor. Mike took a couple minutes for his search, too, not realizing that the Pyxis of Pandemonium would exile his card. Hilarious! I held on to win that one!

Flarhoon13 on Kaervek the Merciless, Vampires & …

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 31

Kaervek the Merciless, Vampires & Doomsday Demons loss 8-8 I went for it but vs two blue decks with open mana and I paid the ultimate price. Had Bloodletter of Aclazotz out, cast Rune-Scarred Demon and got Demonic Consultation since I had Mirror of Fate in hand. Consulted for Fraying Omnipotence but that exiled all but three cards of my deck. Cast a five drop demon but the Fraying Omnipotence ate a counter. Blaine's Blue Sun's Zenith finished me off.

Before I had started this play through of my decks, I had gotten a turn 4 win with Bloodletter of Aclazotz and Fraying Omnipotence against these very same opponents in a game last year, tied for fastest victory of any of my decks. Turn one Sol Ring, turn 2 Demonic Tutor, turn 3 played the tutor target, Bloodletter of Aclazotz and turn 4 Fraying Omnipotence ended the game. Kind of. The table just kept playing out the game so Kurtis could show off Ovika, Enigma Goliath's crazy tricks.

Flarhoon13 on Marton Stromgald, Nigh Unstoppable

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 18

Marton Stromgald attacks Lost, missed land drops, sputtered, still Archenemy, killed by Alan's Rafiq'ed flyer. Rafiq of the Many closed it out via Cyclonic Rift 8-7 .533 Alan said that was his Rafiq of the Many tribal exalted deck's first victory. And, he has played many games with it.

Flarhoon13 on Shalai, Voice of Plenty, Token …

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 18 Rhys the Redeemed helms this deck :-) Token Selesnya deck win, topdecked Hour of Reckoning, (amazing Nontoken boardwipe), I had about 25 token creatures after activating Rhys once. Beat Cam despite his only 1 damage Ajani Steadfast emblem 8-6 .571

Flarhoon13 on Daxos the Returned

3 weeks ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 18, I had just won a game that demoralized my opponents, using Thada Adel, Acquisitor to cast Joseph's mana rocks, ramping into Joseph's Portal to Phyrexia.

Enter this pile. Daxos the Returned. This deck is not good. The table enjoyed their revenge. L 7-6 .538

ermd on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

haven't found the editing function yet. wanted to add that I love this kind of conversations. For me this is what mtg is all about. Thx people :)

ermd on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

MTG arena does it with persist just like DreadKhan thought. Arena lets the player choose targets after persist trigger fully resolved. So it's possible to put +1/+1 counters an the returned creature in arena (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeEL2DdeNbw) 8:15 or 10:10. There also seems to be a common agreement that Persist + Thran Vigil + any Sac outlet would go infinite.

I'm curious. Putrid Goblin's persist ability and Marchesa, the Black Rose's ability looking similar to me. Last_Laugh why do they work that different?


3 weeks ago

I would recommend cutting a copy or two of Everlasting Torment as it is very bad in multiples.

CommanderNeyo on Hazezon, Shaper of Sand - …

3 weeks ago

Because sacking deserts to replay them is so potent - I would recommend adding Need for Speed.

JodyP on The Meat Grinder

3 weeks ago

multimedia Maybe. The hope is to not cast them at all but get them in the yard and then resurrect them, hopefully repeatedly. If it doesn't perform I'll definitely consider your advice. The Tetravus is mainly there for sentimental value, so I might just switch out the Geralf's Mindcrusher for something :)

Last_Laugh on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

It does immediately come back to the battlefield from Marchesa but the Thran trigger goes on the stack when the creature leaves the grave, which is when targets are chosen. Because the creature isn't actually on the battlefield at that exact moment, it's not a valid target. A minor nuance, but if it said "when ~ enters" or "~ enters with" then it'd work as you describe.

Marchesa is unique in the sense that each of her triggers to return a creature are separate. This means you choose what order things come back in and that any etb's/triggers from that creature entering resolve before the next Marchesa trigger brings the next guy back. Also, each creature entering doesn't see the other Marchesa triggers on the stack so if you have Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Clone entering, the clone entering after and copying Gary will drain for 2 more than Gary did.

DungeonMimic1993 on Cards starting with B

3 weeks ago

Ooops! Ment B's as in the letter B twice not the abrevation

DungeonMimic1993 on Cards starting with B

3 weeks ago

You should have made it only Black and blue so it has two more bs

Craeter on SQUIRREL

3 weeks ago

This looks like a proper squirrel deck, well done.

BTW your name, did you ever play Nox? That was a favorite video game of mine growing up.

Noxid05 on Krenko's Mob

3 weeks ago

Have you thought about adding Battlemage's Bracers to copy Krenko's ability?

multimedia on The Meat Grinder

3 weeks ago

Consider cutting Tetravus and Geralf's Mindcrusher? Both are too much mana for what you get. Cutting two 6 drops for two 1 drops to reduce your curve.

DreadKhan on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

Last_Laugh since Thran Vigil requires the card to physically leave the graveyard to trigger I'm wondering where exactly has the creature gone if not the battlefield? This is assuming it's going from the graveyard directly to the battlefield, wouldn't it just be on the field during the resolution of Marchessa's ability? The trigger from Thran Vigil goes on the stack when the creature leaves the graveyard, meaning the creature should already be on the battlefield before you start resolving I think?

aglimme on Gandalf the White - Artifacts …

3 weeks ago

Hey Ingo,

Love the deck but am I missing something, I don't think the arcbound ravenger can target an angel? Isn't it limited to targeting artifact creatures? Thanks!

Balaam__ on Blood Rush Bullies

3 weeks ago

If you have the budget, I’d definitely recommend running something like Stomping Groundfoil or Wooded Foothills over Rugged Highlands or Gruul Turf. It’ll improve speed and consistency and help filter subsequent draws. The faux duals are too slow or have other drawbacks.

EquivocalVision on Cosmic Horror

3 weeks ago

Savaaage yes. Sire of Seven Deaths is going to be showing up soon. It's on order. Just waiting for it to arrive. Probably will take out Ulamog's Crusher because while it's okay, having to attack with it isn't always advantageous. And yes, Breaker of Armies is also on watch. lol. As it is usually just an instant removal target and I don't usually get to swing with it before it gets killed.

legendofa on Yarok + Energy = Fun …

3 weeks ago

That's another nice touch! I've been kind of workshopping Yarok Energy for a while, but this is more complete than anything I got so far. Can I take some ideas from here?

Last_Laugh on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

With Thran Vigil, it triggers when the creature leaves the grave, not when the creature enters the battlefield. Because of that timing, the creature entering isn't in play yet and isn't a valid target for Thran's +1+1 counter. Basically, the Last creature entering will be counterless (unless it enters with counters like Vigean/Spark Double from my previous post).

douglaspotesta on Yarok + Energy = Fun …

3 weeks ago

It can even go partial infinite with Decoction Module just for energy if yarok isn’t out.

douglaspotesta on Yarok + Energy = Fun …

3 weeks ago

legendofa that’s pretty awesome. Priest of gix ain’t too bad as a solo drop with yarok out and the enchantment can always recurse gix later if it ends up in the graveyard before getting the enchantment

Milliam_Shakespeare on Heavy Grinder

3 weeks ago

Thank you for the suggestions! I've been thinking of adding some more card draw as I often run out of gas.

legendofa on Yarok + Energy = Fun …

3 weeks ago

How do you feel about kinda janky infinite combos? I discovered yesterday that Yarok, the Desecrated + Priest of Gix + Chthonian Nightmare + any mana value 1 or 2 creature gets infinite black mana and infinite energy.

ermd on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

soo exciting. it's the very first recommendation i got on one of my decks :3

First things first:I think I should have given my deck description more love than i did. This one is fully on me. There is a little estethic subtheme I held back beside the theft theme. I try to essemble cards with strong and malicious female characters on it. Some of my card choices might seem suboptimal for this reason. So I'm even more thankful for all your great suggestions, Last_Laugh

  • What do I miss on Thran Vigil? I'm pretty sure I'am able to put the +1/+1 counter on the same creature left the graveyard. It's no cast, right?
  • Seize the Spotlight I like in particular for it's overtuned draw ability which I can ez justify not to be good-stuff since it looks thieving.
  • I really like your advice on Gisa, Glorious Resurrector. wondered if she might be to mean for my playgroup but I''ll reevaluate this 'cos she fits so well.
  • Anduril, Narsil Reforged is really interesting too. might consider this.

@wotc: Give Spark Double a female artwork and take all my money from me. and no love for regular-normal-guyish looking cards like Danny Pink.

JodyP on The Meat Grinder

3 weeks ago

multimedia Good call. Trying to think of who I'd drop. Probably Coffin Queen and Pawn of Ulamog.

Noxid05 on Typal Mash-em-up

3 weeks ago

Really interesting idea! +1 for the creativity! Might be worth adding Vanquisher's Banner in addition to Kindred Discovery for some more card draw in the base package

Ender666666 on Magitek Machinations (Feldon Dragons)

3 weeks ago

Hey Optimator, have you considered spamming Keldon Firebombers? I always found it fun :)

Ender666666 on Feldon of the Third Path …

3 weeks ago

Hi, I used to run Keldon Firebombers in my Feldon deck to great effect. Have you considered them?

Last_Laugh on Puppet Mistresses

3 weeks ago

Nice deck but I do have a few suggestions for you.


Gisa, Glorious Resurrector is far and away the best theft option available to Marchesa.

Captivating Crew is a repeatable theft effect.

Seize the Spotlight will rarely steal creatures... but that means you draw 3 cards essentially for free.

Alternate +1+1 Counter Sources:

Thran Vigil only works on your turn but this thing puts in some serious work if you're aggressively sac'ing stuff. Be aware that your final creature re-entering can't target itself so you need 2+ creatures re-entering for this card to do anything.

Vigean Graftmage looks underwhelming but it can come down before and immediately protect Marchesa and/or it's 2 free sacs per turn (itself + 1 other) to abuse etb's or death triggers (High Society Hunter, Grim Haruspex, Sower of Temptation, etc.)

I guess Spark Double goes here. This card seriously feels custom made for Marchesa. It either copies Marchesa for double Dethrone or it abuses your best etb/death triggers every turn thanks to that automatic +1+1 counter.

Anduril, Narsil Reforged is a bit pricier, but it lets you attack away from the Throne while still getting counters on attack. Drana, Liberator of Malakir is an acceptable alternative thanks to first strike getting those counters before regular combat damage but you do have to get through to an opponent.

Card Draw: Danny Pink is an absolute powerhouse here.

Anyways, let me know if you're picking up what I'm putting down or if you need help suggesting cuts. Feel free to check out my Marchesa list. It's etb/death trigger abuse and I've had the deck built for roughly 10 years now so I'm pretty familiar with all Marchesa's archetypes. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

DrinkableSeawater on Reclaim the Throne

3 weeks ago

Merfolk FTW! Thank You so much DragonShield I've never forgot your generosity!

Doombeard1984 on The Queen's Egg

3 weeks ago

so a cut for Flusterstormfoil... Eladamri's Call or Nature's Claim would be my choices. You either have better tutors, or these effects on a Sliver.

Id also likely chuck an Aura Shards in if you want some more interaction which isnt mandatory. You can play creatures at instant speed, or poop out a sliver baby with Sliver Queen that voids your need for Nature's Claim.

Have recently removed Carpet of Flowers as well given large numbers of non typed lands producing what people need, and so the benefit is becoming less and less. Every set there seems to be a new cycle of lands which dilute this cards power.

Anyway, just my little input from my side of the hive. Hope you are all well. May the Queens blessing be upon you

mrebbet on Daxos' Oppression

3 weeks ago

3 sac lands. Dus 33 playable lands. Dat is aan de lage kant? restoration specialist: geen artifacts in het deck. Vervangen met mortuary mire? Heeft synergie met Orzhov Bsillica

12 plains 12 swamps 1 barren moor 1 mortuary mire 0 restoration specialist

Indestructibility niet erg duur om te casten met erg weinig features? Vergeleken met Shielded by Faith bijvoorbeeld. Of Timely ward. Hebben we niet een optimalere kaart dan deze?

multimedia on The Meat Grinder

3 weeks ago

Consider Gravecrawler and Forsaken Miner? These are one drops for Grimgrin sac who cost one mana each to reanimate. Grimgrin is a Zombie for Crawler and when he attacks/destroys a creature that's a crime to trigger Miner. You have Phyrexian Altar, Altar + Crawler + Grimgrin + one of Cutthroat/Meathook/Funeral/Remembrance/Vindictive makes all opponents lose infinite life.

Numbers2048 on GAS POWERED STICK

3 weeks ago

Oops, I made my Birthing Pod deck again...

Crow_Umbra on isshin

3 weeks ago

Hi there, I saw your comment on the front page feed and figured I'd leave some suggestions. Before I get more specific, I was wondering if you have a general budget or budget per card in mind, and if you have had a chance to play-test the deck irl yet?

I've been playing Isshin for almost 3 years now, and have had a lot of fun with him. The suggestions I'll initially make will be pretty broad & general to start off:

  • I think some of your Artifact, Creature, and Land slots can probably be repurposed for some Instant speed removal and protection effects. Stuff like Swords to Plowshares, Generous Gift, & Anguished Unmaking will be super helpful. Depending on your budget, stuff like Clever Concealment & Flawless Maneuver can all help as well.

  • In terms of creature cuts, I typically suggest cutting from the top end of the curve first. Everyone's play group and preferred play styles are different, but I've personally found that Isshin is at his best when most of his creatures are in the 2-4 mana range, with very few creatures at 5-6 mana or beyond.

  • Since you are already running all of the Talismans and equipment with attack trigger ramp, I think you can probably cut all of the Signets for other more helpful spells.

  • Lastly, I'd recommend asking yourself which attack triggers or play style are most fun or interesting to you, and really focusing on those types of triggers and supporting that theme. I see you have a lot of the creatures for a Tokens and Go Wide Group Slug theme, and other stuff like both Aleshas might not be as helpful here. I love both Aleshas, but I think Isshin thrives more from proactive board protection like some of the instant speed options I mentioned in my 1st bullet.

I know these suggestions are fairly broad, but I'd be happy to offer more specific feedback or suggestions if you have some in mind that you are looking for.

Jaggen on isshin

3 weeks ago

any comments or suggestions?