goalieman on 5 Color Red Mana Discover
3 weeks ago
True about Etali's Favor - 1st Discover (for me with my cards) can't happen at all until turn 4.
Some games get tight - been down to 5 or less early on, then the board wipes and Discover value kicks in and saves the day - not every time though.
Some aggro is a challenge, but I haven't seen a consistent deck that it struggles with. Some decks that continually pump up the creatures might be the worst. Might need to add a couple more Karn's Sylex to help remove them.
Deck has been doing pretty well though - currently Platinum tier 2 in Arena Bo1 exclusively playing this deck. New Foundations brews might force me to change the 3 drop cards.
SufferFromEDHD on T A N I W …
3 weeks ago
702.23d The phasing event doesn't actually cause a permanent to change zones or control, even though it's treated as though it's not on the battlefield and not under its controller's control while it's phased out. Zone-change triggers don't trigger when a permanent phases in or out. Counters remain on a permanent while it's phased out. Effects that check a phased-in permanent's history won't treat the phasing event as having caused the permanent to leave or enter the battlefield or its controller's control.
TheoryCrafter on Roll The Dice
3 weeks ago
Have you considered Vexing Puzzlebox? It should be a big help in this deck with in finding artifacts.
Another card you should consider is Revel in Riches due to all the treasure tokens you're looking to make.
I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!
TheForsakenOne on 5 Color Red Mana Discover
3 weeks ago
You can't cast Etali's Favor if you don't control a creature, meaning you can't start discovering until turn 4.
How consistently can you get to that point without falling behind from your experience? Are you hitting enough removal to hold back Agro so they don't just kill you?
TheForsakenOne on Omnath, locus of all
3 weeks ago
Links got deleted for whatever reason in my last comment so here they are:
The Signet cycle (You need more ramp and ways to consistently hit your colors): https://scryfall.com/search?as=gridℴ=name&q=%22Signet+%28game%3Apaper%29
The Ultimatum cycle (Great flashy spells, don't put to many but they're fun) https://scryfall.com/search?as=gridℴ=name&q=%22Ultimatum%22+%28game%3Apaper%29
The Charm Cycle (Great instants that trigger Omnath and are very flexible) https://scryfall.com/search?as=gridℴ=name&q=%22charm%22+%28type%3Ainstant+OR+type%3Asorcery%29+%28game%3Apaper%29+cmc%3D3
The Ascendancy cycle (Great value and trigger Omnath) https://scryfall.com/search?as=gridℴ=name&q=%22Ascendancy%22+%28game%3Apaper%29+cmc%3D3
TheForsakenOne on Omnath, locus of all
3 weeks ago
You need a lot more cards that trigger Omnath, ideally you want to be hitting it every single turn but with lands that's already not going to happen. You barely have 6 cards in the deck that he'll trigger on, and while he will still draw you a card each turn you want to be adding that free mana. If you want a more goodstuff commander I'd recommend switching to Kenrith, the Returned King as a card that has more general value.
You seem to have a lot of just bad cards in here, giving the impression that you built this out of the cards you have lying around. Everyone has to start there, I did the same when I was starting out, but a lot of these go straight to the cutting floor. Aegis Turtle, Campus Guide, Sanguine Syphoner, Gutless Plunderer, Scytheclaw Raptor, Stromkirk Bloodthief, Hoverstone Pilgrim, Misleading Motes, Pilfer, Navigation Orb, Prophetic Prism, Tithing Blade Flip, and Clawing Torment are all on this list.
You also seem to have a weird sacrifice subtheme with Ravenous Amulet, Vampire Gourmand, Dreg Recycler, Ayara, First of Locthwain, Vein Ripper, and Liliana, Dreadhorde General. The problem with this is that you just don't have good token generators or sacrifice fodder to support this outside of Liliana, not to mention its complete disconnect from the Omnath theme. I'd cut them all except for Liliana and Vein ripper since those are just good cards by themselves.
For other miscellaneous cuts: Rest in Peace is probably unnecessary for the power level you're looking to play at, most of the time it's going to sit dead in your hand. You don't really have enough enter the battlefield effects for Blur to pull its weight. And you don't really seem to be putting out creature numbers necessary for Campaign of Vengeance to be worth the 5 mana. Invasion of Ravnica Flip is a decent card but the flip cares about 2 color pairs which seems out of place in this deck.
And are you sure you want to keep the infinite combo? Your deck is very low power, while that wincon is something more akin to something higher up. People are going to see you pull off the infinite out of nowhere and then have the perception of your deck based off of that when it'll probably only do it once every dozen or so games. I heavily suggest cutting Marauding Blight-Priest to avoid this.
For what you should add:
Pick and choose from the and cycles, those are pretty consistent 3 color spells that trigger Omnath.
Other suggestions: Villainous Wealth lets you turn all that mana into free spells of your opponents deck. A wincon in of itself.
Rienne, Angel of Rebirth if you put in more multicolored legends then this is a godsend, letting you play them over and over.
Maelstrom Nexus triggers Omnath and is just a really good card for casting big things like you want to.
Kodama's Reach is a second cultivate, which you definitely want.
Mirror Room / Fractured Realm copies a creature or doubles the triggers of all your stuff, including your commander.
Conflux tutors you three cards which is just great and with all the mana you should have you can have a nasty turn with this.
Annie Joins Up is removal and doubles your commander trigger. Also triggers Omnath's draw.
Wargate lets you tutor out whatever Permanent you need directly onto the battlefield, and is a good X spell for all your mana. Also see Chord of Calling or Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer for creatures specifically.
Yurlok of Scorch Thrash is great for adding a ton of mana over several turns. Also triggers Omnath
Sphinx's Revelation to turn that mana into a ton of lifegain and card draw.
Victory Chimes nets you 4 mana a turn with Omnath.
Koma, World-Eater is just a big guy that creates a bunch of tokens and is hard to get rid of. Also triggers Omnath.
Faeburrow Elder is another bloom tender that's also a 5/5 for 3 if you have a decent board.
Aragorn, the Uniter loves you casting multicolored spells because he'll trigger multiple times for each.
Zacama, Primal Calamity can be devastating with the amount of mana you can store. You can cripple your opponents with a string of her abilities.
Muldrotha, the Gravetide is great for recursion to spend all that mana. You'll basically never run out of things to play.
From your Maybeboard: Kroxa and Kunoros should be fun, and Polukranos Reborn Flip is just a decent creature that also triggers Omnath. Rebuild the City is decent mega ramp that also creates bodies. If you add enough 3 color stuff Meeting of the Five would be great for a massive turn (I would also suggest Threefold Signal if you hit that level). Everything else I don't think is worth adding, you seem to have ambitions for Battle synergy but most of those don't trigger Omnath, I think that would be better saved for another deck.
Tl;Dr: Add more stuff that triggers Omnath and cut out the bulk. Add more ramp and think long and hard about if you do really want that infinite in a deck that cannot match it's power level and the hate it will bring on you.
Bookrook on Jon Irenicus, Shattered One - …
3 weeks ago
Cloudkin Seer is strictly better than Tome Raider. A fun trick you can do is give an opponent something with islandhome. This causes the game to end in a draw if your opponent doesn’t have an island.
EchoSpice on Group hug but snake, so …
3 weeks ago
KongMing excellent suggestions!! Now i gotta make some cuts, thank you!
Scarletbrave on Replay's Ban List
3 weeks ago
Unbanned: Captain Sisay Teferi, Temporal Archmage Yisan, the Wandering Bard Zur the Enchanter Thrasios, Triton Hero Hermit Druid Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Necrotic Ooze Palinchron Peregrine Drake
Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg
3 weeks ago
Cutting Cyclonic Rift or Pact of Negation are bold suggestions that i'd find myself very much against. Sure Cyclonic Rift is expensive being a 7 CMC spell - but it's a one sided untargeted mass removal spell at instant speed - 7 CMC for that kind of effect feels like a bargain. Pact of Negation is great because I can bait out my opponent into casting a big spell once I am all...tapped out. Losing the game is almost irrelevant if I am popping off on my turn and am able to counter an opponent's attempt at interacting with one of my combo pieces. I will however revisit these thoughts and opinions if my meta changes or shifts toward cEDH.
Path of Ancestry has a solid effect - but the cost of entering tapped is far too high a price to even be considered. Sliver Hive was once in this deck many iterations ago. I chose to cut it however as the colored mana it provided was exclusive to creatures - which is a pretty big drawback. It's last ability is pretty much irrelevant, as I'm never going to spend 5 mana - and tapping a land to create a 1/1 creature token. If Sliver Hive didn't need to be tapped to activate it's second ability then it'd be auto include for sure, and probably way more expensive than roughly 20 USD. Bring to Light was also in this deck many iterations ago, and I see what you mean when it comes to paying WUBRG, tutoring and casting one of the legendary Slivers. I'll need to think more on this spell before giving it another run. Patriarch's Bidding was also in this deck many iterations ago, but more often than not I would find this spell backfiring on me massively as it also assists all of my opponents as well. It's a cool spell - but it can also enable my opponents to combo out before I do - or at the very least enable them to thwart my plans.
KongMing on Group hug but snake, so …
3 weeks ago
I'd like to recommend more wincons; I have a Xyris deck that functions similarly, benefit from all the extra draw out there (and create your own) and then win with an overwhelming combat.
Shared Animosity, Gruul Charm, and Teleportal are great for getting a bunch of damage through. You can use Might of the Masses and Strength in Numbers to boost Xyris' combat damage and either kill someone or just draw a bunch of cards.
Cultural Exchange can be used hilariously in this deck; give someone a bunch of snakes for all of their creatures? Good deal.
Since you already have Keen Sense and Curiosity, you can add either (or both) Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and Niv-Mizzet, Parun for a draw-damage combo. In a four-player game, you might deck yourself before you can damage out the whole table, but you can use the combo in bursts as necessary to control the board until you get a winning card or generate enough combat damage to win.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on the flood
3 weeks ago
Balaam__: Sometimes good ideas just come to me. Yorion can be a possible finisher simply due to being a massive flyer. I'd usually also go the route of going down to 60, but at 74, the six missing cards wouldn't even change all that much.
UncleGubsy on Demons, Dragons, and Angels, Oh …
3 weeks ago
Should I assume that the manabase will be expanded with dual lands later on? Having so many basics feels like trouble, such as getting an opening hand with just 2 swamps, for example.
Balaam__ on the flood
3 weeks ago
@seshiro_of_the_orochi Great insights. I never even thought of adding Yorion as a companion. I’m a die hard advocate of 60 cards max whenever appropriate, but I have to admit I’d like to see what Yorion can do here.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on the flood
3 weeks ago
I see what you're doing here. Might I suggest some changes?
74 is a weird number of cards to be at. If you were to go to 80, you could include Yorion, Sky Nomad as a companion, which would even work somewhat as a threat in here. If you're not planning on doing that, better go down to 60 cards.
On what to maybe change, I'll go into detail a bit. A problem I see is that you are following some parallel strategies that don't intertwine that well:
I do see your madness synergy in Just the Wind and Broken Concentration. But you only have two card to trigger madness, and Aeromoeba isn't exactly the best card for that matter.
Next, there is a playset of a singular energy card in Aethersquall Ancient. It's a powerhouse finisher card in a deck where you can deploy it and then immediately fire off its wipe. As itself is your only way to gain energy, it will mostly be an overcosted flyer that won't even help you win.
Aerial Guide seems just off in here. Your only creature without flying is Baral, and he's not exactly a card you want to attack with.
Finally, 33 lands is just too many. Maybe go down to 26 including the playset Sanctuary.
Especially the madness plan and the synergy plan seem to compete for your mainfocus. To actually suggest further changes, I'd need your thoughts on if want to focus on either of these or if you want to go the route of a Mystic Sanctuary control deck. All three paths seem doable, but combining them seems hard.
What're your thoughts?
Vivctius on Cats In Claws Out
3 weeks ago
What an amazing performance for the first time with the deck, 2-1-0 on the first local tornament putting it on 3rd from a poll of 8 players. Here is a more indepth analysis of the matches:
1st match (Gates): 2-1 by far the easiest match to go up against even when they sideboarded in Authority of the Consuls and dropped two of them, we still made quick work with our early swarm of cats.
2nd match (Golgari Aggro): 0-2 where to start, I didn't have all the sideboard finished for the deck but holly hell the Banishing Light is a swiss pocket knife for these match ups if you don't have the board wipes or the reanimates. My recomendation for these type of decks is for you to take a more defensive roll on the second and third match, your cats can wait and slowly grow larger, you need to control Unholy Annex / Ritual Chamber and the Archfiend of the Dross which are the biggest threats by far. Really learned a lot with this match up.
3rd match (Golgari Aggro): 2-1 I know it might come as a suprise but you really learn a lot just by one match up. When I was faced again with the same deck I knew what hands to keep, what to sideboard in, the deck really shined from both sides (aggro the first game/control on the other two). I cannot stress this enough Banishing Light is something you want sideboarded to deal with any threat that appears it's supper versatile.
I've done some changes to the sideboard and I'll keep you posted.
CrimsonKing on Necron Artifact Mog Sesh
3 weeks ago
I’ll definitely take a deep dive in tomorrow and check this out. Long day at the job lol.
Noxid05 on Elves of the Swarm (Budget)
3 weeks ago
This is one of the coolest deck pages on this site! Love how the text changes when you hover the tabs! Really cool to see all the variations over time!
TheKGB69 on Gardening with Necrobloom!
3 weeks ago
Try subbing in one snow basic of each kind theyre still searchable by ramp spells but they help hit that 7 lands of different names a little faster
StarRushford on Myrel, Shield of Argive
3 weeks ago
I made a Myrel deck, I took him more control than soldiers, though. Still, neat! You probably want Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation Flip, Anointed Procession, or, as NV_1980 said above, Mondrak, Glory Dominus.
StarRushford on Baird, Steward of Control
3 weeks ago
legendofa We use a decent amount of enchantments. This deck and Kykar use the most, though. I already have Thalia in the deck list. Thanks for the ideas!
legendofa on Baird, Steward of Control
3 weeks ago
Next thought is mass removal. You do have some key creatures, so I wouldn't add too much, but you can recover quickly from any "Destroy all creatures" effect. Instead of Pacifying one creature at a time, you can ultra-Pacify all of them. Creatures in the graveyard can't attack.
How much does your meta rely on enchantments? The combo and control decks might be tempered with some enchantment removal, depending on the specific strategy
legendofa on Baird, Steward of Control
3 weeks ago
My first thought here is to slow down your opponents' mana production. Imi Statue and Kataki, War's Wage shut down mana rocks. Kismet, Thalia, Heretic Cathar, Loxodon Gatekeeper, and Archon of Emeria shut down lands for a turn. Winter Moon shuts down nonbasic lands.
You can also get your opponents' creatures to work for you with Martial Impetus, Bloodthirsty Blade, and Redemption Arc. If they're forced to attack each other, they can't attack you.
Hmatzy on Necron Artifact Mog Sesh
3 weeks ago
CrimsonKing What's good gamer, I was hoping you'd take a look at this deck list and let me know what you think! It looks like you also have some Trazyn or Imotekh based edh decks, so your feedback is valuable to me :)
WizenedGrym on Arabella's Little Heroes
3 weeks ago
He was all I had, if I get the other Krenko its getting switched lol
Noxid05 on Arabella's Little Heroes
3 weeks ago
Cool decklist! Curious about why did you go with Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin and not Krenko, Mob Boss?
WyvernSlayer on The Greatest Fisherman in the …
3 weeks ago
Oh man, Fishing Pole is such a flavor home run. Card itself is pretty weak, though...
darkmus on Serra's Descendants, competitive Angel Tribal
3 weeks ago
albanshqiptar so long without entering that I forgot how to tag people, xD. S
darkmus on Serra's Descendants, competitive Angel Tribal
3 weeks ago
[albanshqiptar] Sorry I haven't answered before, I haven't really been entering this site, thou I have kept playing and upgrading the deck. I in fact lowered the mana curve a bit and I have actually have tried and have some opinions and insights on some of the stuff you are trying in your deck. I will happily share it with you if you still want to.
DemonDragonJ on Nature's Fury
3 weeks ago
I have replaced the two copies of Spidersilk Armor in this deck with two copies of Radha, Heart of Keld, since she is overall a much more useful card, for this deck.
DemonDragonJ on Diabolical Machinations
3 weeks ago
I have replaced Slave of Bolas with Perforating Artist, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 4.29 to 4.26, since the former card was simply too expensive for its effect and/or did not do enough for its cost.
Icbrgr on Surveil
3 weeks ago
Not really an issue just a popular deck to face off against... I died to Dimir Spybug many many times.