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Icbrgr on Madcap Experiment

2 weeks ago

Hello there community! I am on a Madcap Experiment kick lately and was wondering what the "Best" targets were for this card.

I'm currently running the deck with the gameplan of cheating Gearhulks from Kaladesh for a big beefy body with removal/burn/draw possibilities.

Other options I saw were the brothers war prototype machines that I think are pretty similar to the Gearhulks but I'm not sure I'm convinced they are better.

That is pretty much the extent of my looking into to Pioneer cardpool and was wondering if I missed anything.

Icbrgr on Using Disrupting Shoal

4 weeks ago

I wanted to consult the community about their thoughts on Disrupting Shoal in Modern. I have been brewing in specifically Mono-Blue control recently and this is a card that I've come across and I'm convinced is powerful if used/built around correctly.

Is this card meant to be or best used as a modal Spell Snare/Force of Will... like stack up the deck with lots of 2MV blue spells to pitch for a "free" Spell Snare and then just pay or pitch when possible/needed?